Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科

阿希尔-克洛德·德彪西(法语:Achille-Claude Debussy,法语发音:[aʃil klod dəbysi][1];1862年8月22日-1918年3月25日),法国作曲家。德彪西是19世纪末20世纪初最有影响力的作曲家之一,代表作品有管弦乐《大海》和《牧神午后前奏曲》,钢琴组曲《贝加马斯克组曲》、《意象集》、《版画集》等;而创作最高峰则是歌剧《佩利亚斯与梅丽桑德》[2]。
德彪西自幼年起即受到印象派艺术的熏陶。他在马斯奈等前辈作曲家开创的法国音乐传统的影响下,结合了东方音乐,西班牙舞曲和爵士乐的一些特点,将法国印象派艺术手法运用到音乐上,创造出了其别具一格的和声[3],其音乐对自他以降的作曲家产生了深远的影响[4]。德彪西被总括为印象派音乐的代表,虽然他本人并不同意,甚至设法远离这一称谓。一些作家如罗伯·施密兹(E. Robert Schmitz),塞西·格雷(Cecil Gray)亦认为德彪西是一位“象征主义者”而非“印象主义者” [5]。 《新格罗夫音乐辞典》内文也写到,将德彪西的音乐美学称为“印象主义”是不尽准确的。
Achille-Claude Debussy (* 22. August 1862 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye; † 25. März 1918 in Paris) war ein französischer Komponist des Impressionismus. Seine Musik gilt als Bindeglied zwischen Romantik und Moderne.
クロード・アシル・ドビュッシー(Claude Achille Debussy フランス語: [klod aʃil dəbysi], 1862年8月22日 - 1918年3月25日)は、フランスの作曲家。長音階・短音階以外の旋法と、機能和声にとらわれることのない自由な和声法などを用いて独自の作曲を実行し、その伝統から外れた音階と和声の用い方から19世紀後半から20世紀初頭にかけて最も影響力を持った作曲家である[1]。
(Achille) Claude Debussy[n 1] (French: [aʃil klod dəbysi]; 22 August 1862 – 25 March 1918) was a French composer. He is sometimes seen as the first Impressionist composer, although he vigorously rejected the term. He was among the most influential composers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Born to a family of modest means and little cultural involvement, Debussy showed enough musical talent to be admitted at the age of ten to France's leading music college, the Conservatoire de Paris. He originally studied the piano, but found his vocation in innovative composition, despite the disapproval of the Conservatoire's conservative professors. He took many years to develop his mature style, and was nearly 40 when he achieved international fame in 1902 with the only opera he completed, Pelléas et Mélisande.
Debussy's orchestral works include Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune (1894), Nocturnes (1897–1899) and Images (1905–1912). His music was to a considerable extent a reaction against Wagner and the German musical tradition. He regarded the classical symphony as obsolete and sought an alternative in his "symphonic sketches", La mer (1903–1905). His piano works include two books of Préludes and one of Études. Throughout his career he wrote mélodies based on a wide variety of poetry, including his own. He was greatly influenced by the Symbolist poetic movement of the later 19th century. A small number of works, including the early La Damoiselle élue and the late Le Martyre de saint Sébastien have important parts for chorus. In his final years, he focused on chamber music, completing three of six planned sonatas for different combinations of instruments.
With early influences including Russian and Far Eastern music, Debussy developed his own style of harmony and orchestral colouring, derided – and unsuccessfully resisted – by much of the musical establishment of the day. His works have strongly influenced a wide range of composers including Béla Bartók, Olivier Messiaen, George Benjamin, and the jazz pianist and composer Bill Evans. Debussy died from cancer at his home in Paris at the age of 55 after a composing career of a little more than 30 years.
Claude Debussy est un compositeur français né le 22 août 1862 à Saint-Germain-en-Laye et mort le 25 mars 1918 à Paris.
En posant en 1894 avec Prélude à l'Après-midi d'un faune le premier jalon de la musique moderne, Debussy place d’emblée son œuvre sous le sceau de l’avant-garde musicale. Il est brièvement wagnérien en 1889, puis anticonformiste le reste de sa vie, en rejetant tous les académismes esthétiques. Avec La Mer, il renouvelle la forme symphonique ; avec Jeux, il inscrit la musique pour ballet dans un modernisme prophétique ; avec Pelléas et Mélisande, l’opéra français sort des ornières de la tradition du drame lyrique, tandis qu’il confère à la musique de chambre, avec son quatuor à cordes, des accents impressionnistes inspirés.
Une part importante de son œuvre est pour le piano (la plus vaste de la musique française avec celle de Gabriel Fauré1) et utilise une palette sonore particulièrement riche et évocatrice.
Claude Debussy laisse l’image d’un créateur original et profond d’une musique où souffle le vent de la liberté. Son impact sera décisif dans l’histoire de la musique. Pour André Boucourechliev, il incarnerait la véritable révolution musicale du vingtième siècle2.
Achille-Claude Debussy, noto semplicemente come Claude Debussy (Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 22 agosto 1862 – Parigi, 25 marzo 1918), è stato un compositore e pianista francese. È considerato in patria e nel mondo uno dei più importanti compositori francesi di sempre, nonché uno dei massimi protagonisti del simbolismo musicale.
Secondo l'opinione di numerosi musicologi, fra cui Massimo Mila,[1] Debussy viene considerato uno dei principali esponenti del cosiddetto "impressionismo musicale", anche se lo stesso compositore ne negò l'appartenenza,[2] nonostante le chiare influenze simboliste di Verlaine e Mallarmé. Rudolph Réti ha dichiarato che l'impresa di Debussy fu la sintesi della "tonalità melodica" a base monofonica con le armonie, sebbene diverse da quelle della "tonalità armonica".[3]
Achille Claude Debussya (Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 22 de agosto de 1862-París, 25 de marzo de 1918) fue un compositor francés, uno de los más influyentes de finales del siglo xix y principios del xx. Algunos autores lo consideran el primer compositor impresionista, aunque él rechazó categóricamente el término.
Nacido en el seno de una familia de recursos modestos y escasa participación cultural, mostró suficiente talento musical para ser admitido en el mejor centro de estudios musicales de Francia, el Conservatorio de París, a la edad de diez años. Inicialmente estudió piano, pero encontró su vocación en la composición de vanguardia, a pesar de la desaprobación de los conservadores profesores del Conservatorio. Le llevó muchos años desarrollar su estilo musical y tenía casi 40 años cuando alcanzó fama internacional en 1902 con la única ópera que concluyó, Peleas y Melisande (Pelléas et Mélisande).
Entre sus composiciones orquestales se encuentran Preludio a la siesta de un fauno (Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune, 1894), Nocturnos (Nocturnes, 1897-1899) e Images (1905-1912). Su música fue en gran medida una forma de reacción frente a Wagner y a la tradición musical alemana. Consideró obsoleta la sinfonía clásica y buscó una alternativa en sus «bocetos sinfónicos» La mer (1903-1905). Entre sus obras para piano se encuentran dos libros de preludios (Préludes) y dos de estudios (Études). A lo largo de su carrera escribió mélodies basadas en una gran variedad de poesía, incluida la suya propia. Estaba muy influenciado por el movimiento poético simbolista de finales del siglo xix. Un pequeño número de sus obras, como la temprana La Damoiselle élue (1887-1889) y la tardía El martirio de San Sebastián (Le Martyre de saint Sébastien, 1911), incluyen una parte importante para los coros. En sus últimos años se centró en la música de cámara y completó tres de las seis sonatas que tenía previsto componer para diferentes combinaciones de instrumentos.
A partir de las influencias de sus primeros años, como la música rusa y la del lejano oriente, desarrolló su propio estilo de armonía y colorido orquestal, siendo ridiculizado —e infructuosamente combatido— por gran parte del establishment musical de la época. Sus obras han influido notablemente en un gran número de compositores, como Béla Bartók, Olivier Messiaen, George Benjamin o el compositor y pianista de jazz Bill Evans. Falleció de cáncer colorrectal en su casa de París a la edad de 55 años, tras una carrera de poco más de 30 años como compositor.
Ашиль-Клод Дебюсси́ (фр. Achille-Claude Debussy [aʃil klod dəbysi]) (22 августа 1862 года, Сен-Жермен-ан-Ле, департамент Ивелин, — 25 марта 1918 года, Париж) — французский композитор. Ведущий представитель музыкального импрессионизма.

阿尔班·马利亚·约翰尼斯·贝尔格(德语:Alban Maria Johannes Berg,1885年2月9日-1935年12月24日),出生于奥地利维也纳,也逝于该地,是与勋伯格、韦伯恩齐名的第二维也纳乐派代表人物。
Alban Berg (* 9. Februar 1885 in Wien, Österreich-Ungarn; † 24. Dezember 1935 ebenda) war ein österreichischer Komponist der Zweiten Wiener Schule. Er wurde am 1. März 1885 in der Pfarrkirche St. Peter auf den Namen Albano Maria Johannes Berg getauft. Das „o“ in Albano stand nur auf dem Taufschein und tauchte danach nie wieder auf.
彼得罗·亚历山德罗·加斯帕雷·斯卡拉蒂(義大利語:Pietro Alessandro Gaspare Scarlatti;1660年5月2日-1725年10月24日),意大利巴洛克风格作曲家,以歌剧和室内康塔塔而闻名。
Pietro Alessandro Gaspare Scarlatti (* 2. Mai 1660 auf Sizilien (entweder in Trapani oder Palermo); † 24. Oktober 1725 in Neapel) war ein italienischer Komponist des Barock und der neapolitanischen Schule, der besonders für seine Vokalmusik wie Opern, Oratorien, Kantaten u. a. berühmt ist, und als großer Erneuerer der Barockmusik gilt. Zu seinen Innovationen gehören die von ihm umgestaltete, typisch italienische Opern-Sinfonia (Ouvertüre), ein Vorläufer der klassischen Sinfonie, und die vierstimmige Sonate, eine Vorform des Streichquartetts.[1] Er war der Vater von neun Söhnen, darunter die ebenfalls als Komponisten bekannt gewordenen Domenico Scarlatti und Pietro Filippo Scarlatti.

安东·布鲁克纳(德语:Anton Bruckner,德语发音:[ˈantɔn ˈbʀʊknɐ];1824年9月4日-1896年10月11日),奥地利作曲家、管风琴演奏家、音乐教育家。他以创作交响曲、弥撒曲与经文歌而著称,亦有创作出优秀的室内乐作品如弦乐四重奏和弦乐五重奏。其交响曲因其丰富的音响结构、多重的复调特性和宏大的结构[1]而被认为是德奥派浪漫主义最后阶段的代表人物。布鲁克纳的作品以其对不和谐音的使用、突然的转调以及延绵不断的和声而对当代音乐激进主义产生了广博的影响。
Joseph Anton Bruckner (* 4. September 1824 in Ansfelden, Oberösterreich; † 11. Oktober 1896 in Wien) war ein österreichischer Komponist der Romantik sowie Organist und Musikpädagoge. Erst spät im Leben von den Zeitgenossen als Komponist gewürdigt, gehörte er doch zu den wichtigsten und innovativsten Tonschöpfern seiner Zeit und hat durch seine Werke bis weit ins 20. Jahrhundert hinein großen Einfluss auf die Musikgeschichte ausgeübt. Seine bedeutendsten und wohl auch bekanntesten Kompositionen sind seine groß angelegten Sinfonien. Auch die Kirchenmusik hat er um wichtige Werke bereichert − unter anderem drei große Messen und das Te Deum. Als Organist wurde er vor allem für seine Improvisationen bewundert.
安东·弗雷德里克·威廉·冯·韦伯恩(德语:Anton Friedrich Wilhelm von Webern,1883年12月3日-1945年9月15日),又译韦伯恩,奥地利作曲家,第二维也纳乐派代表人物之一。
- 第一阶段,晚期浪漫主义音乐:创作风格受古斯塔夫·马勒等晚期浪漫主义作曲家的影响,主要作品Op.1帕萨卡里亚舞曲。
- 第二阶段,自由无调性音乐:在其老师勋伯格的影响下创作了大量无调式音乐,作品的规模越来越小,在配器上简洁的不能再简洁,同时韦伯恩的创作开始使用音色序列法,即音色组合在不停地变换中,一个音色组合一般只持续1、2秒。主要作品Op.21交响曲。
- 第三阶段,十二音音乐:这一时期韦伯恩除使用十二音作曲技法创作外,还进行了点描主义音乐的尝试,Op.27钢琴变奏曲就是这一时期的代表作。
安东宁·利奥波德·德沃夏克(捷克语:Antonín Leopold Dvořák,1841年9月8日-1904年5月1日)生于布拉格(当时属于奥匈帝国,现属于捷克)附近的内拉霍奇夫斯镇伏尔塔瓦河旁的磨房内,卒于布拉格,是捷克民族乐派作曲家。
追随着民族主义者斯美塔那,德沃夏克经常在他的作品中使用摩拉维亚和他的故乡波希米亚(当时属于奥匈帝国,现属捷克)的民谣音乐的风格。德沃夏克自己的风格经常被描述为“吸收了民歌的影响并找到有效的方式利用它们,用交响乐的传统最完满的再现了一个民族的特色”。[1]其代表作有第九交响曲《新世界交响曲》、《B小调大提琴协奏曲 (德沃夏克)》、《斯拉夫舞曲》、歌剧《露莎卡》。他被认为“可能是他那个时代最多面手的作曲家”。
Antonín Leopold Dvořák anhören?/i [ˈantɔɲiːn ˈlɛɔpɔlt ˈdvɔr̝aːk], (* 8. September 1841 in Nelahozeves; † 1. Mai 1904 in Prag) war ein böhmischer Komponist der Romantik. Sein vielseitiges Werk umfasst neun Sinfonien und zahlreiche weitere Orchesterwerke, Opern, Vokalmusik, Kammermusik sowie Klavier- und Orgelstücke. Dvořák ist der weltweit meistgespielte tschechische Komponist.
アントニーン・レオポルト・ドヴォルザーク(チェコ語:Antonín Leopold Dvořák [ˈantɔɲiːn ˈlɛɔpɔlt ˈdvɔr̝aːk] 発音[ヘルプ/ファイル]、1841年9月8日 - 1904年5月1日)は後期ロマン派におけるチェコの作曲家。チェコ国民楽派を代表する作曲家である。チェコ語の発音により近い「ドヴォルジャーク」[1]「ドヴォジャーク」[2]という表記も用いられている(表記についてはドヴォジャークを参照)。
Antonín Leopold Dvořák (/d(ə)ˈvɔːrʒɑːk, -ʒæk/ d(ə-)VOR-zha(h)k; Czech: [ˈantoɲiːn ˈlɛopold ˈdvor̝aːk] (listen); 8 September 1841 – 1 May 1904) was a Czech composer, one of the first to achieve worldwide recognition. Following the Romantic-era nationalist example of his predecessor Bedřich Smetana, Dvořák frequently employed rhythms and other aspects of the folk music of Moravia and his native Bohemia. Dvořák's own style has been described as "the fullest recreation of a national idiom with that of the symphonic tradition, absorbing folk influences and finding effective ways of using them".[1]
Dvořák displayed his musical gifts at an early age, being an apt violin student from age six. The first public performances of his works were in Prague in 1872 and, with special success, in 1873, when he was 31 years old. Seeking recognition beyond the Prague area, he submitted a score of his First Symphony to a prize competition in Germany, but did not win, and the unreturned manuscript was lost until rediscovered many decades later. In 1874 he made a submission to the Austrian State Prize for Composition, including scores of two further symphonies and other works. Although Dvořák was not aware of it, Johannes Brahms was the leading member of the jury and was highly impressed. The prize was awarded to Dvořák in 1874[a] and again in 1876 and in 1877, when Brahms and the prominent critic Eduard Hanslick, also a member of the jury, made themselves known to him. Brahms recommended Dvořák to his publisher, Simrock, who soon afterward commissioned what became the Slavonic Dances, Op. 46. These were highly praised by the Berlin music critic Louis Ehlert in 1878, the sheet music (of the original piano 4-hands version) had excellent sales, and Dvořák's international reputation was launched at last.
Dvořák's first piece of a religious nature, his setting of Stabat Mater, was premiered in Prague in 1880. It was very successfully performed in London in 1883, leading to many other performances in the United Kingdom and United States.[2] In his career, Dvořák made nine invited visits to England, often conducting performances of his own works. His Seventh Symphony was written for London. Visiting Russia in March 1890, he conducted concerts of his own music in Moscow and Saint Petersburg.[3] In 1891 Dvořák was appointed as a professor at the Prague Conservatory. In 1890–91, he wrote his Dumky Trio, one of his most successful chamber music pieces.
In 1892, Dvořák moved to the United States and became the director of the National Conservatory of Music of America in New York City. The President of the National Conservatory of Music in America, Jeannette Thurber, offered Dvořák an annual salary of $15,000– twenty-five times what he was paid at the Prague Conservatory.[4] While in the United States, Dvořák wrote his two most successful orchestral works: the Symphony From the New World, which spread his reputation worldwide,[5] and his Cello Concerto, one of the most highly regarded of all cello concerti. In the summer of 1893, Dvořák moved from New York City to Spillville, Iowa, following the advice of his secretary, J.J. Kovarík. Dvořák had originally planned to come back to Bohemia, but Spillville was made up of mostly Czech immigrants, and thus felt less homesick; Dvořák referred to it as his "summer Vysoka."[6] This is where he wrote his most famous piece of chamber music, his String Quartet in F major, Op. 96, which was later nicknamed the American Quartet. Shortly after his time in Iowa, Dvorák extended his contract at the National Conservatory for another two years. However, the economic crisis of April 1893 resulted in Thurber's husband's loss of income, and directly influenced the National Conservatory's funding. But shortfalls in payment of his salary, along with increasing recognition in Europe and an onset of homesickness, led him to leave the United States and return to Bohemia in 1895.
All of Dvořák's nine operas, except his first, have librettos in Czech and were intended to convey the Czech national spirit, as were some of his choral works. By far the most successful of the operas is Rusalka. Among his smaller works, the seventh Humoresque and the song "Songs My Mother Taught Me" are also widely performed and recorded. He has been described as "arguably the most versatile... composer of his time".[7]
The Dvořák Prague International Music Festival is a major series of concerts held annually to celebrate Dvořák's life and works.[8]
Antonín Dvořák (prononcé en tchèque : /ˈantɔɲiːn ˈdvɔr̝aːk/ Écouter), né le 8 septembre 1841 à Nelahozeves (royaume de Bohême) et mort le 1er mai 1904 à Prague, est un compositeur bohémien. Il est notamment l'auteur de la Symphonie du Nouveau Monde.
Antonín Leopold Dvořák (ascolta[?·info]; Nelahozeves, 8 settembre 1841 – Praga, 1º maggio 1904) è stato un compositore ceco.
Antonín Leopold Dvořák (/d(ə)ˈvɔːrʒɑːk, -ʒæk/ [ˈantoɲiːn ˈlɛopolt ˈdvor̝aːk] Nelahozeves, 8 de septiembre de 1841-Praga, 1 de mayo de 1904) fue un compositor posromántico natural de Bohemia —territorio entonces perteneciente al Imperio austríaco—. Es considerado el principal representante del nacionalismo checo en la música. Está considerado como uno de los grandes compositores de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Sin perder una amplia proyección internacional, supo extraer las esencias de la música de su tierra natal. Su obra más célebre es la Sinfonía del Nuevo Mundo.
Антони́н Двόржак (чеш. Antonín Leopold Dvořák (инф.); 8 сентября 1841 года — 1 мая 1904 года) — чешский композитор, представитель романтизма. В его произведениях широко используются мотивы и элементы народной музыки Моравии и Богемии. Вместе с Б. Сметаной является создателем чешской национальной музыкальной школы. К числу наиболее известных работ Дворжака относятся Симфония № 9 «Из Нового света» (написанная в США), опера «Русалка», Концерт для виолончели с оркестром, «Американский» струнный квартет, Реквием, Stabat Mater и «Славянские танцы».
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (* 4. März 1678 in Venedig; † 28. Juli 1741 in Wien) war ein venezianischer und italienischer Komponist, bedeutender Violinist des Barocks und römisch-katholischer Priester. Sein wohl bekanntestes Werk sind Die vier Jahreszeiten.
安东尼奥·卢乔·维瓦尔第(意大利语:Antonio Lucio Vivaldi,意大利语发音:[anˈtɔːnjo ˈluːtʃo viˈvaldi] (ⓘ);1678年3月4日—1741年7月28日),意大利作曲家、小提琴家、罗马天主教司铎,有“红发祭司”(il prete rosso)之昵称,擅长创作协奏曲(Concerto),因其创作的小提琴协奏曲《四季》而闻名于世[2],成为古典音乐史上其中一首最具知名度的音乐作品。[3] 维瓦尔第被认为是巴洛克音乐最具影响力的音乐家之一,生前便已名传当代欧洲。