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2025世界男子手球錦標賽 2025世界男子手球锦标赛
2025國際排聯世界男子排球錦標賽 2025国际排联世界男子排球锦标赛
2026年亞洲運動會 2026年亚洲运动会
法國網球公開賽 法国网球公开赛
2025世界舉重錦標賽 2025世界举重锦标赛
2025年日本職業足球聯賽 2025日本职业足球联赛
2025年冬季世界大學生運動會 2025年冬季世界大学生运动会
2025年世界運動會 2025年世界运动会
2026年歐洲田徑錦標賽 2026年欧洲田径锦标赛
2026英聯邦運動會 2026英联邦运动会
2025年世界室內田徑錦標賽 2025年世界室内田径锦标赛
2025世界田徑錦標賽 2025世界田径锦标赛
澳大利亞網球公開賽 澳大利亚网球公开赛
2025年世界游泳錦標賽 2025年世界游泳锦标赛
溫布爾登網球錦標賽 温布尔登网球锦标赛
2025世界體操錦標賽 2025世界体操锦标赛
2025年非洲國家盃 2025非洲国家杯
2025年夏季世界大學生運動會 2025年夏季世界大学生运动会
環法自行車賽 环法自行车赛
2025國際足聯世界俱樂部盃 2025国际足联世界俱乐部杯
2025世界乒乓球錦標賽 2025世界乒乓球锦标赛
2025世界女子手球錦標賽 2025世界女子手球锦标赛
2025韓國職業足球聯賽 2025韩国职业足球联赛
2025年中國足球超級聯賽 2025年中国足球超级联赛
開羅 开罗
尼亞加拉瀑布 尼亚加拉瀑布
蘇黎世 苏黎世
斯卡拉歌劇院 斯卡拉歌剧院

Founder : Alex Neumann
The Encyclopedia of Yizuo College is a non-profit project that is dedicated to creating a multilingual knowledge base platform for readers to learn languages, sciences, cultures and history of various countries. It advocates the spirit of learning, service, dedication, open source, and enterprising, and promotes the content created or excerpted by everyone to exchange and share with people from all over the world on our platform. At present, the content of the encyclopedia is far from reaching the breadth and depth expected by readers. This is what we expect. Everyone can join hands and work hard for our bright future. As the founder of Yizuo Academy, I would like to sincerely thank the leaders, sponsors and readers who support and support our work in front of and behind the scenes, and sincerely welcome your valuable comments. The Encyclopedia project is a set of application software independently designed and developed by us, with completely independent intellectual property rights. Its improvement and development adhere to the principles of autonomy, voluntariness, and freedom. The development, entry, and proofreading work are all done outside of work. Some of the inappropriate or even incorrect content has not been deleted or corrected in time. We sincerely apologize for this. If you find anything inappropriate in the content during use, please write to us for criticism and correction. In order to make the Yizuo Academy's project better serve the people all over the world, we are interested in looking for investors, collaborators, editors and sponsors in various forms. Welcome to contact us at any time. The Encyclopedia of Yizuo Academy has prepared a multilingual platform for everyone in software development, and it has not yet been fully open to the public.At the current testing stage, we temporarily open German-Chinese, Chinese-German, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, English, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese database for everyone.