Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科
*Ancient Egyptian Art*Tapestry*Brocade art*China's ceramics and porcelain*Chinese bronze art*Chinese cloisonne art*Chinese jade art*Chinese lacquer art*European bronze art*Europe's ceramics and porcelain*Photo art*Stained glass*Greco-Roman Art*Greek epoch*Industrial design*Japanese Calligraphy - Shodō*Japanese lacquer art*Japan's ceramics and porcelain*Chinese calligraphy*Engraving art*Furniture Arts*Mosaic*Oriental-Ancient Greek Art*Turkish ceramics and porcelain*Watchmaking art*Mural paintingCA - Chinese Art PrehistoryCB - Chinese Art 21st BC - 16th Century BCCC - Chinese art 16th century BC - 11th century BCCD - Chinese Art 11th Century BC - 771 BCCE - Chinese Art 771 BC - 221 BCCF - Chinese Art 221 BC - 220 ADCG - Chinese Art 220 - 581 ADCH - Chinese Art 581 - 907 ADCI - Chinese Art 907 - 1279 ADCJ - Chinese Art 1280 - 1368 ADCK - Chinese Art 1368 - 1644 ADCL - Chinese Art 1644 - 1911 ADCM - Chinese Art 1911 - Now ADWA - Western Art PrehistoryWB - Western art 15th century BC - 5th century ADWC - Western art 5th century AD - 15th century ADWD - Western art 15th century AD - 18th century ADWE - Western art 19th century ADWF - Western art 20th century ADWG - Western art 21th century AD
寶吉駿圖 宝吉骝图
艾启蒙绘,依纳爵·西歇尔巴特(Ignatius Sichelbart,1708年—1780年),汉名艾启蒙,字醒庵,波西米亚(今属捷克)人,天主教耶稣会传教士。他乾隆十年(1745年)来到中国,师从郎世宁学画,很快受到清廷重视,奉召入内廷供奉。 他擅长人物、走兽、翎毛类绘画。
巴斯勒莫斯·范·德·赫斯特 (* um 1613 in Haarlem; † vor 16. Dezember 1670 in Amsterdam)
巴托洛梅·埃斯特万·牟利罗 (* 1. Januar 1618 in Sevilla, Andalusien; † 3. April 1682)