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Catalog Chile

FIFA Fussball-Weltmeisterschaft 1962/FIFA World Cup 1962
APEC Chile 2004
APEC Chile 2004 was a series of political meetings held around Chile between the 21 member economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation during 2004. Various meetings were held across Chile in 2004. Leaders from all the member countries met from 20 to 21 November 2004 in Santiago. The topic that Chile established was "A Community, Our Future".
Copa América 2015
Termine 11. Juni - 4. Juli Mannschaften 12 (aus 2 Konföderationen) Austragungsort(e) 9 (in 8 Austragungsstädten) Endgültige Platzierungen Meister Chile (1. Titel) Vizemeister Argentinien Drittplatzierter Peru Vierter Platz Paraguay Torschützenkönig(e) Chile Eduardo Vargas Peru Paolo Guerrero (je 4 Tore) Beste(r) Spieler Argentinien Lionel Messi Bester Nachwuchsspieler Kolumbien Jeison Murillo Bester Torhüter Chile Claudio Bravo Fairplay-Auszeichnung Peru
APEC Chile 2019
APEC Chile 2019 would have been an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) series of meetings in Chile. The meetings were supposed to take place in Santiago and focus on the digital economy, regional connectivity, and women's role in economic growth.
Panamerikanische Spiele 2023/Pan American Games 2023