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Milonga dance incorporates the same basic elements as Argentine tango but permits a greater relaxation of legs and body. Movement is normally faster, and pauses are less common. It is usually a kind of rhythmic walking without complicated figures, with a more humorous and rustic style in contrast with the serious and dramatic Tango.
Peruanische Volkstänze/Danzas folklóricas peruanas
Marinera Norteña Cuadro criollo (Vals criollo, Marinera Limeña, La Resbalosa) Marinera Ayacuchana Tondero Huaylash Valicha Carnaval de Tinta Carnaval de Arapa Carnaval de Quota Sicuris Danza de tijeras Negrillos Pacasito Landó Festejo Zamacueca Alcatráz Movido típico Shapis Son de los diablos Caporales Selvatica/Anaconda Marinera Limeña
Nepalesischer Volkstanz/Nepalese Folk Dance
Tamang Selo dance Chhokara Khyali Maruni Deuda Chaulo Dhan Nach Madikhole Phagu (dance) Sorathi Sakela (Chandi) Singaru Tarbare Bajrayogini dance Charitra Jat-jatin Charya Hanuman dance