Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科


1902, Die Target Corporation gehört zu den größten Einzelhändlern der USA und ist nach Walmart der zweitgrößte Discounter des Landes. Das Unternehmen hat seinen Firmensitz in Minneapolis, Minnesota und ist im Aktienindex S&P 500 gelistet.
美國合眾銀行 美国合众银行
U.S. Bancorp ist ein Finanzunternehmen aus den Vereinigten Staaten mit Firmensitz in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Das Unternehmen ist im Aktienindex S&P 500 gelistet und ist die fünftgrößte Bank in den Vereinigten Staaten. Die Gesamtsumme der Einlagen liegt bei $341 Milliarden.

美国合众银行(U.S. Bancorp),商业名全美银行[4](U.S. Bank),或直译为合众银行,是一家美国银行控股公司,总部位于明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯,并在特拉华州注册成立[5]。它是合众银行全国协会(U.S. Bank National Association)的母公司、美国第五大银行[6],有三千多家分行,主要分布于美国西部和中西部。被金融稳定委员会评定为系统重要性金融机构。
U.S. Bancorp ist ein Finanzunternehmen aus den Vereinigten Staaten mit Firmensitz in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Das Unternehmen ist im Aktienindex S&P 500 gelistet und ist die fünftgrößte Bank in den Vereinigten Staaten. Die Gesamtsumme der Einlagen liegt bei $341 Milliarden.
美國合眾銀行體育場 美国合众银行体育场
Ort 900 South 5th Street Vereinigte Staaten Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 Eigentümer Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority Betreiber Spectacor Management Group (SMG) Baubeginn 3. Dezember 2013 Eröffnung 22. Juli 2016 Oberfläche Kunstrasen (FieldTurf) Parkett Kosten 1,1 Mrd. US-Dollar Architekt HKS, Inc. Kapazität 66.665 Plätze 70.000 Plätze
Heimspielbetrieb Minnesota Vikings (NFL, seit 2016) Minnesota Golden Gophers (NCAA-Baseball, Ausweichstadion, 2017–2023) Veranstaltungen International Champions Cup 2016 X-Games 2017, 2018 Super Bowl LII (2018) Final Four der NCAA Division I Basketball Championship 2019

明尼蘇達大學 明尼苏达大学
聖托馬斯大學 圣托马斯大学




美国生物质发电厂/U.S. Biomass Power Plants
Last Modified on November 21, 2022 *Capacity noted in (MW) |
Plant | Location | Feedstock | Capacity |
Agrilectric Power Partners Ltd. | LA | Rice hulls | 12.00 |
Albany Green Energy | GA | Forest residue, urban wood waste, pecan shells, peanut hulls | 50.00 |
Allendale Biomass | SC | Mill/forestry residue | 20.00 |
Altavista Power Station | VA | Woody biomass | 51.00 |
Arnold O. Chantland Incineration Plant | IA | MSW/Refused-derived fuel (RDF) | 4.00 |
Barron County Waste-to-Energy & Recycling Facility | WI | MSW | 2.00 |
Bay Front Power Plant | WI | Wood waste | 56.00 |
Biomass One | OR | Logging/wood debris | 30.00 |
Bridgewater Power LP | NH | Woody biomass | 20.00 |
Buckeye Florida Biomass | FL | Wood waste, black liquor | 69.40 |
Burgess BioPower | NH | Wood waste | 75.00 |
Burney Forest Power | CA | Wood waste | 31.00 |
Cadillac Renewable Energy | MI | Forest residue | 40.00 |
City of Spokane Waste to Energy Facility | WA | MSW | 22.00 |
Collins Pine Co. Power Plant | CA | Forest thinnings/residue | 12.00 |
Covanta Alexandria | VA | MSW | 22.00 |
Covanta Babylon | NY | MSW | 17.00 |
Covanta Bristol | CT | MSW | 16.00 |
Covanta Camden | NJ | MSW | 21.00 |
Covanta Dade | FL | MSW, wood waste | 77.00 |
Covanta Delaware Valley | PA | MSW | 87.00 |
Covanta Essex | NJ | MSW | 66.00 |
Covanta Fairfax | VA | MSW | 93.00 |
Covanta Harrisburg | PA | MSW | 21.00 |
Covanta Haverhill | MA | MSW | 45.00 |
Covanta Hempstead | NY | MSW | 72.00 |
Covanta Hillsborough | FL | MSW | 47.00 |
Covanta Honolulu | HI | MSW | 90.00 |
Covanta Huntington | NY | MSW | 24.00 |
Covanta Indianapolis | IN | MSW | 6.50 |
Covanta Kent | MI | MSW | 17.00 |
Covanta Lake | FL | MSW | 15.00 |
Covanta Lancaster | PA | MSW | 33.00 |
Covanta Lee | FL | MSW | 57.00 |
Covanta Long Beach | CA | MSW | 36.00 |
Covanta MacArthur | NY | MSW | 12.00 |
Covanta Marion | OR | MSW | 13.00 |
Covanta Montgomery | MD | MSW | 63.00 |
Covanta Niagara | NY | MSW | 50.00 |
Covanta Onondaga | NY | MSW | 39.00 |
Covanta Palm Beach Renewable Energy #1 | FL | MSW | 62.00 |
Covanta Palm Beach Renewable Energy #2 | FL | MSW | 95.00 |
Covanta Pasco | FL | MSW | 30.00 |
Covanta Pinellas | FL | MSW | 75.00 |
Covanta Plymouth | PA | MSW | 32.00 |
Covanta SECONN | CT | MSW | 17.00 |
Covanta SEMASS | MA | MSW | 78.00 |
Covanta Stanislaus | CA | MSW | 22.00 |
Covanta Tulsa | OK | MSW | 17.00 |
Covanta Union | NJ | MSW | 42.00 |
Covanta York | PA | MSW | 42.00 |
Cox Waste-to-Energy | KY | Wood waste | 5.00 |
Craven County Wood Energy | NC | Wood chips, forestry residue, mill waste, bark, sawdust, poultry litter | 50.00 |
Deerhaven Renewable Generating Station | FL | Wood waste | 102.50 |
Desert View Power | CA | Woody biomass | 45.00 |
DG Fairhaven Power | CA | Wood waste | 18.00 |
Dillard Complex Cogeneration Plant | OR | Mill residue | 51.50 |
Dorchester Biomass | SC | Mill/forestry residue | 20.00 |
Douglas County Forest Products | OR | Wood residue | 6.00 |
DTE Stockton Biomass Power | CA | Woody biomass, ag residue | 45.00 |
Eagle Valley Clean Energy | CO | Forest restoration thinnings/residue | 12.00 |
Ecomaine Waste-to-Energy Plant | ME | MSW | 14.00 |
Evergreen Biopower LLC | OR | Mill residue | 10.00 |
Fernandina Biomass Plant | FL | Mill residuals | 22.50 |
French Island Generating Station | WI | MSW/RDF, wood waste, railroad ties | 28.00 |
Genesee Power Station | MI | Landscaping/storm debris, waste wood | 40.00 |
Grayling Generating Station | MI | Forestry residue, mill waste, bark | 38.00 |
Green Energy Team LLC | HI | Eucalyptus, albizia | 7.50 |
GRP-Franklin LLC | GA | C&D waste | 65.00 |
GRP-Madison LLC | GA | C&D waste | 65.00 |
Halifax County Biomass Plant | VA | Logging waste, forest slash | 49.90 |
Hennepin Energy Recovery Center | MN | MSW | 40.00 |
Hillman Power LLC | MI | Wood waste | 20.00 |
Honey Lake Power | CA | High-hazard forest material/thinnings | 30.00 |
Hopewell Power Station | VA | Woody biomass | 51.00 |
Joseph C McNeil Generating Station | VT | Logging residue, bark, shavings, clean urban wood waste | 50.00 |
Kapstone Kraft Paper Corp.-Longview | WA | Mill residue, wood waste | 25.00 |
Kettle Falls Generating Station | WA | Logging/mill residue | 53.00 |
Koda Energy LLC | MN | Oat/rice hulls, corn, barley and malt screening, urban tree waste | 23.40 |
L'Anse Warden Electric Company | MI | Wood waste, railroad ties | 20.00 |
M.L. Hibbard Energy Center | MN | Wood waste | 72.80 |
Macon Mill | GA | Logging waste | 38.00 |
McKay Bay Refuse-to-Energy Plant | FL | MSW | 22.00 |
McKinley Paper Cogeneration Facility | WA | Logging/mill residue | 9.50 |
Merced Power | CA | Ag waste | 12.50 |
MMWAC Resource Recovery Facility | ME | MSW | 5.00 |
Mt. Poso Cogeneration Co. LLC | CA | Wood waste | 44.00 |
Multitrade Rabun Gap | GA | Woody biomass | 18.00 |
National Energy-Lincoln | MI | Wood waste | 18.00 |
National Energy-McBain | MI | Wood waste | 18.00 |
North Carolina Renewable Power | NC | C&D waste, wood waste, poultry litter | 22.00 |
North Fork Community Power | CA | High-hazard forest material | 2.00 |
Novo BioPower LLC | AZ | Wood waste | 27.00 |
Okeelanta Biomass Cogeneration | FL | Baggasse, natural gas | 74.90 |
Olmsted Waste-To-Energy Facility | MN | MSW | 9.60 |
Oswego Energy Recovery Facility | NY | MSW | 4.00 |
Pacific Ultrapower Chinese Station | CA | Woody biomass | 25.00 |
Penobscot Energy Recovery | ME | MSW | 25.00 |
Piedmont Green Power | GA | Urban wood waste, mill and logging residue | 55.00 |
Plainfield Renewable Energy | CT | C&D/forestry waste | 37.50 |
Plummer Cogen | ID | Wood waste | 6.20 |
Potlatch Land & Lumber Power Plant | AR | Bark, sawdust, shavings | 10.00 |
Rapids Energy Center | MN | Logging/mill residue | 28.60 |
Red Wing Generating Station | MN | MSW/RDF | 22.00 |
ReEnergy Black River | NY | Woody biomass | 60.00 |
ReEnergy Livermore Falls | ME | Forest residue, C&D waste | 39.00 |
ReEnergy Stratton | ME | Forest/mill residue | 48.00 |
Resolute Forest Products Coosa Pines | AL | Wood-processing waste | 30.00 |
Rio Bravo Fresno | CA | Ag/urban wood waste | 24.30 |
Rio Bravo Rocklin | CA | High-hazard forest material, ag/urban waste | 24.40 |
RockTenn-Tacoma Mill | WA | Mill residue | 55.00 |
Roseburg Forest Products Biomass | CA | Wood waste | 13.00 |
Rothschild Biomass Cogeneration Plant | WI | Urban wood waste, mill residue | 50.00 |
Savannah River Site Biomass Cogeneration Facility | SC | Forest residue | 20.00 |
Scotia Cogen | CA | Wood waste | 28.00 |
SDS Lumber Gorge Energy Division | WA | Logging/mill residue | 10.00 |
Shasta-Sustainable Resource Management | CA | Wood waste, forest residue | 56.00 |
Southampton Power Station | VA | Woody biomass | 51.00 |
Southern Co. Nacogdoches Generating Facility | TX | Forest/wood processing residue | 115.00 |
SPI-Aberdeen Biomass Power | WA | Logging/mill residue | 18.00 |
SPI-Anderson Biomass Power | CA | Logging/mill residue | 30.00 |
SPI-Burlington Biomass Power | WA | Logging/mill residue | 28.00 |
SPI-Burney | CA | Logging/mill residue | 20.00 |
SPI-Eugene | OR | Mill, forest residue | 19.80 |
SPI-Lincoln Biomass Power | CA | Logging/mill residue | 18.00 |
SPI-Quincy Biomass Power | CA | Mill residue | 35.20 |
SPI-Sonora Biomass Power | CA | Logging/mill residue | 10.90 |
St. Paul Cogeneration LLC | MN | Urban wood residue | 33.00 |
Stoltze Cogeneration Power Plant | MT | Mill residue | 3.00 |
Stored Solar Bethlehem | NH | Logging residue, forest thinnings | 20.00 |
Stored Solar Fitchburg | MA | Woody biomass | 17.00 |
Stored Solar Jonesboro | ME | Woody biomass | 25.00 |
Stored Solar Ryegate | VT | Woody biomass | 20.00 |
Stored Solar Springfield | NH | Woody biomass | 19.00 |
Stored Solar Tamworth | NH | Woody biomass | 20.00 |
Stored Solar West Enfield | ME | Woody biomass | 25.00 |
Stored Solar Whitefield | NH | Woody biomass | 15.00 |
Telogia Power | FL | Logging/mill residue, hog fuel, peanut hulls | 14.00 |
U.S. Sugar Corp. Cogeneration Plant | FL | Bagasse | 50.00 |
Virginia City Hybrid Energy Center | VA | *Woody biomass | 120.00 |
Wadham Energy LP | CA | Rice hulls | 30.00 |
Westervelt Renewable Energy Moundville | AL | Wood waste | 13.00 |
WestRock Covington | VA | Logging, papermaking residue | 75.00 |
Wheelabrator Baltimore | MD | MSW | 64.50 |
Wheelabrator Bridgeport | CT | MSW | 67.00 |
Wheelabrator Concord | NH | MSW | 14.00 |
Wheelabrator Dutchess County | NY | MSW | 9.00 |
Wheelabrator Falls | PA | MSW | 53.00 |
Wheelabrator Gloucester | NJ | MSW | 14.00 |
Wheelabrator Hudson Falls | NY | MSW | 14.00 |
Wheelabrator Lisbon | CT | MSW | 15.00 |
Wheelabrator Millbury | MA | MSW | 48.00 |
Wheelabrator North Andover | MA | MSW | 40.00 |
Wheelabrator Portsmouth | VA | MSW | 60.00 |
Wheelabrator Saugus | MA | MSW | 54.00 |
Wheelabrator South Broward | FL | MSW | 66.00 |
Wheelabrator Westchester LP | NY | MSW | 60.00 |
Wilmarth Generating Station | MN | MSW/RDF, woody biomass | 18.00 |
Woodland Biomass Power | CA | Wood chips, urban wood waste, ag waste | 25.00 |
Total Plants: 159 | Total capacity(MW): | 5,583.90 |