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APEC Peru 2016
APEC Peru 2016 (Spanish: APEC Perú 2016) was the XXVIII year-long hosting of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meetings in Peru, which was culminate with the XXIV APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in 19–20 November 2016 in Lima. Motto "Quality Growth and Human Development" (Spanish: Crecimiento de Calidad y Desarrollo Humano)
Hwang Kyo-ahn
黄教安(朝鲜语:황교안/黃敎安 Hwang Gyo-an,1957年4月15日—),大韩民国保守派政治人物。2016年在总统朴槿惠被国会弹劾后,曾以国务总理身份暂代总统职务,曾任未来统合党党代表、韩国法务部部长等职位。