漢德百科全書 | 汉德百科全书

***Corruption Perceptions Index***Citizenship and Immigration Services*Think Tank*Political parties with more than a hundred years of history*President or Chairman*Regulatory AuthorityOffices under the ministries and commissionsWorking bodies of the State CouncilAsia-Pacific Economic Cooperation,APECAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations,ASEANBRICSFederal authorities GermanyFederal authorities AustriaFederal Ministry of AustriaOffice of the State CouncilChinese political partiesGerman political partiesEuropean Political Community SummitGroup of Seven,G7Group of the twenty most important industrial and emerging countriesInstitutions directly under the State CouncilInstitutions directly under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of ChinaInternational friendly partiesState government of GermanyMinistries and officesNational anthemUpper Federal Authorities GermanySupreme Federal Authorities GermanyAustrian political partiesSwiss political partiesSpecial body of the Council of StateInstitutions directly under the State CouncilCentral Military Commission
Zhi-Gong-Partei/China Zhi Gong Party/Die Partei des Strebens nach Gerechtigkeit
Einwanderungsbehörde des Innenministeriums der Republik China/Immigration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of China
Einwanderungsbehörde von Taiwan/Taiwan Immigration Department
Oberster Gerichtshof der Republik China/Supreme Court of the Republic of China
All China Lawyers Association,ACLA
Permanent Mission of the People´s Republic of China to the United Nations
70. Jahrestag der Gründung der Volksrepublik China/The 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People´s Republic of China
Der 14. Fünfjahresplan für die Entwicklung der Volkswirtschaft und Gesellschaft der Volksrepublik China und die langfristigen Ziele bis zum Jahr 2035/Outline of the People’s Republic of China 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and Long-Range Objectives for 2035
Büro des Ministerpräsidenten der Volksrepublik China