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Catalog Sport

(*)Football songs(*)Olympic Anthems(*)World Games(F)AFC Champions League(F)CAF Champions League(F)Campeonato Brasileiro Série A(F)Chinese Super League(F)CONCACAF Champions League(F)CONCACAF Gold Cup(F)Copa América(F)Copa Libertadores(F)Copa Sudamericana(F)FIFA U-20 World Cup(F)FIFA Confederations Cup(F)Soccer at the Olympic Games(F)African Cup of Nations(F)Soccer Asia Cup(F)Bundesliga(F)European football championship(F)Football World Cup(F)Football Women's World Cup(F)International soccer leagues(F)J1 League(F)K League 1(F)La Serie A(F)Ligue 1(F)OFC Nations Cup(F)Premier League(F)Primera División(F)UEFA Champions League (F)UEFA Europa League(F)UEFA Futsal Cup(F)UEFA Nations League(F)UEFA European Under-21 Football Championship(F)UEFA Women's Champions League(F)UEFA Youth League(K)Aikidō(K)Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu(K)Ju-Jutsu(K)Judo(K)K-1 Fight(K)Karate(K)Kickboxing(K)Mixed Martial Arts,MMA (K)Muay Thai(K)Sanda(K)Taekwondo(K)World Combat Games(K)Wushu(W)Biathlete(W)Ice Hockey(W)Figure skating(W)National Hockey League NHL(W)Winter Olympics(W)Alpine skiing(W)Ski jumping(W)Snowboarding*Famous sports brands*Hot Air BalloonAmerica´s Cup American FootballAsian GamesBadmintonBaseballBasketball BodybuildingArcheryBoules gameBowling BoxingBull ridingChinese chessConseil International du Sport MilitaireContract BridgeCricketDartsDavis Cup Dragon boatExtreme sportsSkydivingFencingFinswimmingAviationFrisbeeWeightliftingGlideGo gamesGolfHandballHockeyInternational ChessKite surfingClimbKorfballPowerliftingAthletics InternationalMarathonModern pentathlonNetballOlympic Summer GamesOrienteeringPan American GamesPan Arab GamesEquestrianProfessional Bull RidersCyclingRegattaRhythmic sports gymnasticsWrestlingRowingRugbyShooting sportsSwimming InternationalSevens RugbySkateboardSnookerSoutheast Asian GamesSquash SumōSurf lifesavingSurfing Dance sportTug of warTennisThe Commonwealth GamesThe Ocean RaceTable tennisTrampoliningTriathlonGymnasticsUniversiade VolleyballWater skiing
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3000 m 障碍
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400 米
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400 m 栏
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4x100米接力/4×100 m relay
World records & Olympic records Jamaica (Nesta Carter, Michael Frater, Yohan Blake, Usain Bolt) 36.84 (2012) World Championship records Jamaica (Nesta Carter, Michael Frater, Yohan Blake, Usain Bolt) 37.04 (2011)
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4x100米接力/4×100 m relay
World records United States (Tianna Bartoletta, Allyson Felix, Bianca Knight, Carmelita Jeter) 40.82 (2012) Olympic records United States (Tianna Bartoletta, Allyson Felix, Bianca Knight, Carmelita Jeter) 40.82 (2012) World Championship records Jamaica (Veronica Campbell-Brown, Natasha Morrison, Elaine Thompson, Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce) 41.07 (2015)

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4x400米接力/4×400 m relay
World records United States (Andrew Valmon, Quincy Watts, Butch Reynolds, Michael Johnson) 2:54.29 (1993) Olympic records United States (LaShawn Merritt, Angelo Taylor, David Neville, Jeremy Wariner) 2:55.39 (2008) World Championship records United States (Andrew Valmon, Quincy Watts, Butch Reynolds, Michael Johnson) 2:54.29 (1993)
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4x400米接力/4×400 m relay
World records Soviet Union (Tatyana Ledovskaya, Olga Nazarova, Mariya Pinigina, Olga Bryzgina) 3:15.17 (1988) Olympic records Soviet Union (Tatyana Ledovskaya, Olga Nazarova, Mariya Pinigina, Olga Bryzgina) 3:15.17 (1988) World Championship records United States (Gwen Torrence, Maicel Malone-Wallace, Natasha Kaiser-Brown, Jearl Miles) 3:16.71 (1993)

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800 米

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Allan James „A. J.“ Burnett (* 3. Januar 1977 in North Little Rock, Arkansas) ist ein ehemaliger US-amerikanischer Baseballspieler. Geboren am: 3. Januar 1977 North Little Rock, Vereinigte Staaten Schlägt: Rechts Wirft: Rechts

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