漢德百科全書 | 汉德百科全书

*Listen to bel canto*Listen to ethnic singing*Listen to music*Listen to popular singingListen to country musicListen to the german-language hit paradeListen to english-language folk musicEurovision Song ContestListen to the french-language hit paradeFootball songsListen to the italian-language hit paradeSongs of the Times | Red SongsThanksgiving SongsOlympic HymnListen to the russian hit paradeListen to the spanish-language hit paradeListen to christmas songs
Der erste Schnee des Jahres 2002/The first snow of 2002
《Mojito》是周杰伦演唱的歌曲,由黄俊郎作词,周杰伦作曲,黄雨勋编曲,于2020年6月12日以单曲形式发行,后收录在周杰伦发行的专辑《最伟大的作品》中 。