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Fußball-Asienmeisterschaft 1956/AFC Asian Cup
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Wushu Weltmeisterschaft 1999/World Wushu Championships



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鼓聲起 大戰上 勁揪總有你
叫喊裡 為勝利 氣焰打不死
懷著致勝 信念和力氣
披著熱血 進襲綠茵草陂
來吧唱 來吧跳 來吧勇氣運氣
比數扭轉 歡呼要躍起

Come on the game on!
We Are Hong Kong!
Victory and Glory!
Fighting for Hong Kong!

鼓聲起 大戰上 勁揪總有你
叫喊裡 為勝利 氣焰打不死
披著熱血 進襲綠茵草陂

來吧唱 來吧跳 來吧勇氣運氣
比數扭轉 歡呼要躍起

Come on the game on!
We Are Hong Kong!
Victory and Glory!
Fighting for Hong Kong!

Come on the game on!
We Are Hong Kong!
Victory and Glory!
Fighting for Hong Kong!

Come on the game on!
We Are Hong Kong!
Victory and Glory!
Fighting for Hong Kong!



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带宽:10.24Tbps 长度:36800km 经过地区:亚太地区
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League of Legends Master Series,LMS
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Twelve Peaks Clubhouse
位于香港山顶加列山道12号的Twelve Peaks,由香港新鸿基地产集团开发,共12幢洋房组成。占地面积7.91万平米,容积率约0.593,低于山顶大部分地区,属于顶级地段,该楼盘绝大部分洋房均可看到港岛南区的海景。TWELVE PEAKS全为独立屋结构,附有独立花园和游泳池等设施。步行前往Market Place约5分钟,前往旅游热点山顶广场及凌霄阁只须8-10分钟。该楼盘开价创山顶之巅,其中售价最贵的1号屋属示范单位,实用面积433平米,附有416平米大花园,总价8.191亿元,地势上在12幢洋房中最高,视野最开阔,加上花园面积最大,所以价钱最贵。合每平米售价达188万港元(约合150万元人民币),除打破香港开价最贵纪录外,同时也是亚洲最贵的豪宅。

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Audemars Piguet Queen Elizabeth II Cup//英国女皇伊丽莎白二世杯
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Acht vertikale und Acht horizontale Linien
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宝莲禅寺Po Lin Monastery),或称宝莲寺,为香港一座佛教寺庙,亦为香港旅游景点之一,位于新界大屿山昂坪,介乎弥勒山凤凰山之间。寺庙前身为大茅蓬,由中国江苏镇江金山寺顿修大悦悦明三位禅师建于1906年(即光绪三十二年)。直到1924年,第一代住持纪修和尚正式命名为宝莲禅寺。


Po Lin Monastery is a Buddhist monastery, located on Ngong Ping Plateau, on Lantau Island, Hong Kong.

The monastery was founded in 1906 by three monks visiting from Jiangsu Province on the Chinese mainland and was initially known simply as "The Big Hut" (大茅蓬 Tai Mao Pung). It was renamed to its present name in 1924. The main temple houses three bronze statues of the Buddha – representing his past, present and future lives – as well as many Buddhist scriptures.

Tian Tan Buddha, a giant Buddha statue completed in 1993, is an extension of the monastery.

The Ngong Ping 360, consisting of the Ngong Ping village and a gondola lift running between Tung Chung and Ngong Ping, was built near to the Po Lin Monastery. The monastery boasts many prominent architectural structures, such as the Main Shrine Hall of Buddha, the Hall of Bodhisattva Skanda.[1]

This monastery is also noted for making wooden bracelets that are only sold near the Tian Tan Buddha statue.

In 1918, three nuns ordained at this monastery established a private nunnery called Chi Chuk Lam (紫竹林) on Lantau's Lower Keung Hill (下羌山). The nunnery is dedicated to Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy. There were about 20 jushi and nuns residing there in the 1950s, but now only an elderly abbess remains.[2]

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Cheung Kong Centre
Ort: Hongkong, Volksrepublik China Eröffnung: 1999 Status: Erbaut Baustil: Moderne Höhe: 283 m Etagen: 62 Aufzüge: 28 Baustoff: Glas Stahl Beton Architekt(en) Leo A. Daly, Cesar Pelli Tragwerksplaner Arup

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Cheung Kong Holdings Limited
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