漢德百科全書 | 汉德百科全书
Republic of Korea
Ginkobaum/Ginkgo biloba
League of Legends Champions Korea,LCK
League of Legends World Championship
Kraftwerk Yeongheung/영흥화력발전소
Typ Wärmekraftwerk Primärenergie Fossile Energie Brennstoff Kohle Leistung 5,08 GW Eigentümer KEPCO Betreiber KOEN Betriebsaufnahme 2003
Woori Financial Group
Energy resource
Energy resource
*Electrical power
Energy resource
Nuclear power plants
Republic of Korea
Economy and trade
Kernkraftwerk Wolsong/Wolseong Nuclear Power Plant
Betreiber Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Company Projektbeginn 1975 Kommerzieller Betrieb 22. April 1983 Aktive Reaktoren (Brutto) 5 (4037 MW) Stillgelegte Reaktoren (Brutto) 1 (683 MW) Eingespeiste Energie im Jahr 2010 13.354,69 GWh Eingespeiste Energie seit Inbetriebnahme 545.490 GWh
Guangdong Sheng-GD
Late Classical, Romantic (Early, Middle, Late)
Republic of Korea
Shanghai Shi-SH
Taiwan Sheng-TW
United States
CUCN Submarine Cable System
带宽:2.2Tbps 长度:30000km 经过地区:中国大陆,中国台湾,日本,韩国,美国。
Cable System:
- China-US Cable Network, China-US CN or CUCN
Cable Length:
- 30,800 Km
Design Capacity:
- 80 Gbps (four optical fiber pairs, each of 8x2.488 Gbps SDH over DWDM)
- Constructed as a self-healing ring cable
Lit Capacity:
- 80 Gbps
Chung-Ang University