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Catalog *United States Political System

Arbeitsministerium der Vereinigten Staaten/United States Department of Labor
Bundesregierung der Vereinigten Staaten/ Federal government of the United States
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Demokratische Partei/Democratic Party
民主党(英语:Democratic Party)是美国的主要政党,与共和党并列为美国两大主要政党。拥有美国国会众议院多数党地位,而该党的州长多在东海岸的新英格兰和西海岸主政。
Kabinett der Vereinigten Staaten/United States Cabinet
Innenministerium der Vereinigten Staaten/United States Department of the Interior
Visapolitik der Vereinigten Staaten/Visa policy of the United States
The visa policy of the United States consists of the requirements for foreign nationals to travel to, enter, and remain in the United States. Visitors to the United States must obtain a visa from one of the U.S. diplomatic missions unless they come from one of the visa-exempt or Visa Waiver Program countries.