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APEC Vietnam 2006
APEC Vietnam 2006 was a series of political meetings held around Vietnam between the 21 member economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation during 2006. Various meetings were held across Vietnam in 2006. Leaders from all the member countries met from 18 to 19 November 2006 in Hanoi. Motto Towards a Dynamic Community for Sustainable Development and Prosperity
APEC Vietnam 2017
2017 年亚太经合组织越南会议(越南语:APEC Việt Nam 2017)是亚太经合组织(APEC)在越南举办的为期一年的会议,最终在岘港太阳半岛洲际度假酒店(InterContinental Danang Sun Peninsula Resort)举办了亚太经合组织经济领导人会议(APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in Đàẵng)。主题:创造新活力,促进共同未来
SABECO (Saigon Beer – Alcohol – Beverage Corporation, vietnamesisch Tổng Công ty Cổ phần Bia – Rượu – Nước giải khát Sài Gòn, „Aktiengesellschaft für Bier, Alkohol und Erfrischungsgetränke Saigon“) mit Sitz in Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt ist der größte Getränkehersteller und die größte Brauerei Vietnams sowie nach Vinamilk und der Masan Group der drittgrößte Lebensmittelkonzern des Landes.