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Bunker Hill Monument
Das Bunker Hill Monument ist ein 211 ft (64,3 m) hoher Granit-Obelisk mit 294 Stufen, der zwischen 1827 und 1843 in Charlestown zu Ehren der Schlacht von Bunker Hill errichtet wurde. Er gehört zum Boston National Historical Park, einer Gedenkstätte vom Typ eines National Historical Parks und wird vom National Park Service verwaltet.
Gletschertopf/Glacial Potholes
The "Glacial Potholes" began to form after the last glacier age when the Deerfield River first started to flow over these rocks, about 14,000 years ago. The formation of these river-eroded features thanks to the great glacial lake, Lake Hitchcock, that filled the Connecticut Valley and also extended into the lower Deerfield Valley. While Shelburne Falls was not under Lake Hitchcock, it was under the sediments of the Deerfield River that built a delta into the lake.