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Eishockey-Weltmeisterschaft 2006/Ice Hockey World Championships 2006
Dates 5–21 May Officially opened by Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga Teams 16 Venue(s) 2 (in 1 host city) Final positions Champions Sweden (8th title) Runner-up Czech Republic Third place Finland Fourth place Canada Tournament statistics Games played 56 Goals scored 329 (5.88 per game) Attendance 324,794 (5,800 per match) Scoring leader(s) Canada Sidney Crosby (16 points) MVP Sweden Niklas Kronwall
Eishockey-Weltmeisterschaft 2021/Ice Hockey World Championships 2021
Dates 21 May – 6 June Officially opened by Egils Levits Teams 16 Venue(s) 2 (in 1 host city) Final positions Champions Canada (27th title) Runner-up Finland Third place United States Fourth place Germany Tournament statistics Games played 64 Goals scored 324 (5.06 per game) Attendance 934 (15 per match) Scoring leader(s) Canada Connor Brown (16 points) MVP Canada Andrew Mangiapane
Eishockey-Weltmeisterschaft 2023/Ice Hockey World Championships 2023
Dates 12–28 May Officially opened by Sauli Niinistö Teams 16 Venue(s) 2 (in 2 host cities) Final positions Champions Canada (28th title) Runner-up Germany Third place Latvia Fourth place United States Tournament statistics Games played 64 Goals scored 354 (5.53 per game) Attendance 442,160 (6,909 per match) Scoring leader(s) United States Rocco Grimaldi (14 points) MVP Latvia Artūrs Šilovs
Gipfel der Europäischen Politischen Gemeinschaft 2024/European Political Community Summit 2024
第四次欧洲政治共同体首脑会议是欧洲政治共同体于 2024 年 7 月 18 日在英国伍德斯托克的布兰尼姆宫举行的一次会议。
North Atlantic Treaty Organization,NATO/Organisation du traité de l’Atlantique nord
北大西洋公约组织(英语:North Atlantic Treaty Organization,缩写为NATO;法语:Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord,缩写为OTAN),简称北约组织或北约,是欧洲及北美洲国家为实现防卫合作而建立的国际组织。
Nordic Investment Bank, NIB
北欧投资银行 (英语:Nordic Investment Bank, NIB)是北欧五国成立的一家国际金融机构,总部位于芬兰赫尔辛基。波罗的海三国于2005年加入北欧投资银行。
Ostseerat/Council of the Baltic Sea States,CBSS
波罗的海国家理事会(英语:Council of the Baltic Sea States,缩写:CBSS)是由北欧波罗的海国家政府所组成的合作组织,于苏联解体后成立。理事会特别针对经济发展、能源、教育与文化、公共安全与人类发展,包括人口贩运的五个优先范畴的进行全面的协商。 理事会的秘书处设于瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩,并在各会员国设有分支机构。
Kontinentale Hockey-Liga/Континентальная хоккейная лига/Kontinentalnaja Chokkejnaja Liga
波罗的海(英语:Baltic Sea,来自拉丁语:Mare Balticum;德语:Ostsee,直译:东海)是中欧和北欧之间的陆间海,也是大西洋的一片陆缘海,海域横贯北纬53度至北纬66度,东经10度至东经30度,介于斯堪的纳维亚半岛的瑞典部分、欧洲大陆和芬兰诸岛之间。波罗的海的沿岸地区是波罗的地区。 波罗的海由厄勒海峡、大贝尔特海峡和小贝尔特海峡注入卡特加特海峡,而后者则通过斯卡格拉克海峡注入北海,最后进入大西洋;此外它还通过白海运河同白海相连,通过基尔运河同北海相连。
Osteuropäische Ebene
哥特式烤砖建筑(英语Brick Gothic,波兰语Gotyk ceglany)包括用可见的烤砖建造的哥特式建筑。它在德国北部、波罗的海地区和荷兰特别广泛。其分布区域西部延伸至多佛尔海峡,东南部延伸至加利西亚。