Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科

珠穆朗玛峰山体呈巨型金字塔状,威武雄壮昂首天外,地形极端险峻,环境异常复杂。雪线高度:北坡为5800—6200米,南坡为5500—6100米。东北山脊、 东南山脊和西山山脊中间夹着三大陡壁(北壁、东壁和西南壁),在这些山脊 和峭壁之间又分布着548条大陆型冰川,总面积达1457.07平方公里,平均厚度达7260米。冰川的补给主要靠印度洋季风带两大降水带积雪变质形成。冰川上 有千姿百态、瑰丽罕见的冰塔林,又有高达数十米的冰陡崖和步步陷井的明暗 冰裂隙,还有险象环生的冰崩雪崩区。(Quelle:http://news.xinhuanet.com)
珠穆朗玛峰(藏文:ཇོ་མོ་གླང་མ;藏语拼音:qomolangma;威利:jo mo glang ma,香港称珠穆朗玛峰,台湾称圣母峰),中文简称珠峰,尼泊尔名萨加玛塔峰(尼泊尔语:सगरमाथा),英国名埃佛勒斯峰(英语:Mount Everest),为地球第一高峰,属于喜马拉雅山脉,位于中国西藏自治区与尼泊尔萨加玛塔专区边界上。2005年中国国家测绘局测量的岩面高为8,844.43米(29,017.2英尺),尼泊尔则使用传统的雪盖高8,848米(29,029英尺),BBC报道称2010年起两国官方互相承认对方的测量数据[5],中国国家测绘地理信息局则在2018年2月声明否认此说法,仍采用8,844.43米数据至今[6]。它除了是海拔最高的山峰之外,也是距离地心第五远的高峰。[7]它附近的高峰包括8,516米(27,940英尺)的洛子峰、7,855米(25,771英尺)的努子峰和7,580米(24,870英尺)的章子峰。
Der Mount Everest ist ein Berg im Himalaya und mit einer Höhe von 8848 m der höchste Berg der Erde. Er gehört zu den 14 Achttausendern und zu den Seven Summits. Der Mount Everest ist seit 1856 nach dem britischen Landvermesser George Everest benannt. Auf Nepali heißt der Berg Sagarmatha, auf Tibetisch Qomolangma (deutsche Aussprache „Tschomolangma“; englische Umschrift Chomolungma).
Der Mount Everest befindet sich im Mahalangur Himal in der Region Khumbu in Nepal an der Grenze zu China (Autonomes Gebiet Tibet); der westliche und südöstliche seiner drei Gipfelgrate bilden die Grenze. Auf nepalesischer Seite ist er Teil des Sagarmatha-Nationalparks, der zum UNESCO-Welterbe gehört. Auf der Nordseite gehört er zum Qomolangma National Nature Reserve, das mit dem von der UNESCO ausgewiesenen Qomolangma-Biosphärenreservat korrespondiert.[1]
Edmund Hillary und Tenzing Norgay gelang am 29. Mai 1953 die Erstbesteigung des „dritten Pols“. Am 8. Mai 1978 bestiegen Reinhold Messner und Peter Habeler den Gipfel erstmals ohne zusätzlichen Sauerstoff.
エベレスト、エヴェレスト(英: Everest)、またはチョモランマ(チベット語: ཇོ་མོ་གླང་མ[1] Chomolungma, Qomolangma)、サガルマータ(ネパール語: सगरमाथा Sagarmāthā)は、ヒマラヤ山脈にある世界最高峰である。
エベレストはインド測量局(Survey of India)で長官を務めたジョージ・エベレストにちなんで命名された。
エベレストの標高については諸説あり、1954年にインド測量局が周辺12ヶ所で測定しその結果を平均して得られた8,848 mという数値が長年一般に認められてきた。1999年、全米地理学協会はGPSによる測定値が8,850mだったと発表した[2]。厳密には地殻変動などの影響によって標高は年々変動していると考えられている。
Mount Everest, known in Nepali as Sagarmatha (सगरमाथा) and in Tibetan as Chomolungma (ཇོ་མོ་གླང་མ), is Earth's highest mountain above sea level, located in the Mahalangur Himal sub-range of the Himalayas. The international border between Nepal (Province No. 1) and China (Tibet Autonomous Region) runs across its summit point.
The current official elevation of 8,848 m (29,029 ft), recognized by China and Nepal, was established by a 1955 Indian survey and subsequently confirmed by a Chinese survey in 1975.[1] In 2005, China remeasured the rock height of the mountain, with a result of 8844.43 m. There followed an argument between China and Nepal as to whether the official height should be the rock height (8,844 m., China) or the snow height (8,848 m., Nepal). In 2010, an agreement was reached by both sides that the height of Everest is 8,848 m, and Nepal recognizes China's claim that the rock height of Everest is 8,844 m.[5]
In 1865, Everest was given its official English name by the Royal Geographical Society, upon a recommendation by Andrew Waugh, the British Surveyor General of India. As there appeared to be several different local names, Waugh chose to name the mountain after his predecessor in the post, Sir George Everest, despite George Everest's objections.[6]
Mount Everest attracts many climbers, some of them highly experienced mountaineers. There are two main climbing routes, one approaching the summit from the southeast in Nepal (known as the "standard route") and the other from the north in Tibet. While not posing substantial technical climbing challenges on the standard route, Everest presents dangers such as altitude sickness, weather, and wind, as well as significant hazards from avalanches and the Khumbu Icefall. As of 2017, nearly 300 people have died on Everest, many of whose bodies remain on the mountain.[7]
The first recorded efforts to reach Everest's summit were made by British mountaineers. As Nepal did not allow foreigners into the country at the time, the British made several attempts on the north ridge route from the Tibetan side. After the first reconnaissance expedition by the British in 1921 reached 7,000 m (22,970 ft) on the North Col, the 1922 expedition pushed the north ridge route up to 8,320 m (27,300 ft), marking the first time a human had climbed above 8,000 m (26,247 ft). Seven porters were killed in an avalanche on the descent from the North Col. The 1924 expedition resulted in one of the greatest mysteries on Everest to this day: George Mallory and Andrew Irvine made a final summit attempt on 8 June but never returned, sparking debate as to whether or not they were the first to reach the top. They had been spotted high on the mountain that day but disappeared in the clouds, never to be seen again, until Mallory's body was found in 1999 at 8,155 m (26,755 ft) on the north face. Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary made the first official ascent of Everest in 1953, using the southeast ridge route. Norgay had reached 8,595 m (28,199 ft) the previous year as a member of the 1952 Swiss expedition. The Chinese mountaineering team of Wang Fuzhou, Gonpo, and Qu Yinhua made the first reported ascent of the peak from the north ridge on 25 May 1960.[8][9]
L’Everest, en tibétain ཇོ་མོ་གླང་མ, Qomolangma ou encore Chomolungma, en népalais सगरमाथा, Sagarmāthā, aussi appelé mont Everest, est une montagne située dans la chaîne de l'Himalaya, à la frontière entre le Népal (province no 1 (en)) et la Chine (Tibet).
Il est aperçu par des Européens pour la première fois en 1847 puis, après quelques années d'observations et de calculs, son altitude est établie à 8 848 mètres et il est identifié comme le plus haut sommet du monde. Cette caractéristique lui vaut d'être baptisé de son nom actuel par les Occidentaux en 1865 et, dès les années 1920, de lui attirer l'intérêt des alpinistes qui se lancent à l'assaut de ses pentes. Plusieurs expéditions, en particulier britanniques, se succèdent depuis le versant nord au Tibet. Toutefois, les conditions climatiques extrêmes font leurs premières victimes, parmi lesquelles George Mallory et Andrew Irvine, en 1924, dont on ne saura probablement jamais avec certitude s'ils ont atteint le sommet. En 1950, le Népal autorise l'accès à la montagne depuis le sud offrant des possibilités d'ascension par l'arête Sud-Est, moins périlleuse. Finalement, trois ans plus tard, Edmund Hillary et Tensing Norgay réussissent à vaincre l'Everest. Dès lors, les exploits en tous genres s'enchaînent, alimentant les fantasmes populaires ; mais, en 1996, une série d'accidents mortels vient rappeler les dangers liés à la montagne, portant de nos jours à plus de 200 le nombre de victimes. Pourtant, le tourisme de masse se popularise, fragilisant le milieu naturel malgré les créations du parc national de Sagarmatha en 1976 et de la réserve naturelle du Qomolangma en 1988. Ainsi, plus de 14 000 alpinistes ont tenté l'ascension depuis 1922 et plus de 4 000 l'ont réussie, bien aidés, pour la majorité d'entre eux, par les porteurs sherpas.
Il monte Everest (pron. /ˈɛverest/[1]) è la vetta più alta del continente asiatico e della Terra con i suoi 8 848 m di altitudine s.l.m., situato nella catena dell'Himalaya assieme ad altri ottomila, al confine fra Cina e Nepal. Rientra dunque nelle cosiddette Sette Vette del Pianeta.
El monte Everest es la montaña más alta del planeta Tierra, con una altitud de 8.848 metros (29 029 pies) sobre el nivel del mar.1 Está localizada en el continente asiático, en la cordillera del Himalaya, concretamente en la subcordillera de Mahalangur Himal; marca la frontera entre China y Nepal, considerada como la frontera más alta del mundo.[cita requerida] El macizo incluye los picos vecinos Lhotse, 8516 m (27 940 pies); Nuptse, 7855 m (25 771 pies) y Changtse, 7580 m (24 870 pies).

ボアオ・アジア・フォーラム(博鰲アジアフォーラム、Boao Forum for Asia、略称BFA、中国語:博鳌亚洲论坛、ピンイン:Bóáo Yàzhōu Lùntán)は、中華人民共和国に本拠を置く国際非営利組織。
ボアオ・アジア・フォーラム主催の最初の国際会議は2002年4月12日・4月13日に開催され、日本からは小泉純一郎内閣総理大臣が出席して演説を行った[1]。国際会議の会場は、2001年の発足会議以来、中国・海南省の海浜リゾート地・ボアオ(博鰲、海南島東海岸の瓊海市)に固定されている。会議は毎年行われ、各国首脳や大企業経営者、学者、NGO代表など政府・民間のハイレベルの人材が集い、アジアや世界の経済動向、金融政策、経済統合、経済投資、国際協力、社会問題、環境問題などに関する討議が行われる。また多くの経済人や政治家、社会運動家らが直接話し合い、国家間協力や企業提携などのトップ会談が持たれる。 過去の議題には中国の世界貿易機関(WTO)への加入問題、90年代後半のアジア金融危機問題などが取り上げられ、2004年には中国の地政学的な「和平崛起」(平和的台頭)戦略の可否が議題となった。
The Boao Forum for Asia (BFA; Chinese: 博鳌亚洲论坛; pinyin: Bó'áo Yàzhōu Lùntán) is a non-profit organisation that hosts high-level forums for leaders from government, business and academia in Asia and other continents to share their vision on the most pressing issues in this dynamic region and the world at large. BFA is modelled on the World Economic Forum held annually in Davos, Switzerland. Its fixed address is in Bo'ao, Hainan province, China, although the Secretariat is based in Beijing. The forum, sometimes known as the “Asian Davos”, takes its name from the town of Boao, located in China’s southern Hainan province, which has been the permanent venue for its annual conference since 2002.[1]
The Forum is committed to promoting regional economic integration and bringing Asian countries even closer to their development goals. Initiated in 1998 by Fidel V. Ramos, former President of the Philippines, Bob Hawke, former Prime Minister of Australia, and Morihiro Hosokawa, former Prime Minister of Japan, the Boao Forum for Asia was formally inaugurated in February 2001. The founding of the BFA was driven by the People's Republic of China and founded by 26 Asian and Australasian states on 27 February 2001. The organisation held its first meeting from 12–13 April 2002.
Discussions at the BFA focus on economics, integration, cooperation, society and the environment. In the past the forum also addressed China's entry into the World Trade Organization, as well as Southeast Asia's economic crisis during the 1990s. The geopolitical strategy 'China's peaceful rise' was a topic of discussion for the forum in 2004. In addition to its annual meeting, the BFA also sponsors other forums and meetings related to Asian issues.
El Foro de Boao para Asia (en chino: 博鳌亚洲论坛, pinyin: Bó'áo Yàzhōu Lùntán), conocida también por sus siglas en inglés BFA, es una organización no lucrativa que organiza foros de alto nivel para líderes del gobierno, los negocios y la academia en Asia y otros continentes para compartir su visión sobre los asuntos más apremiantes en esta región y en el mundo entero. El Foro Boao es el modelo del Foro Económico Mundial que se celebra anualmente en Davos, Suiza. Tiene su sede en Bo'ao, Hainan, China, aunque la Secretaría se encuentra en Pekín.
El Foro tiene como objetivos promover la integración económica regional y acercar a los países asiáticos hacia sus metas de desarrollo.1 Fue creado en 1998 por Fidel V. Ramos, expresidente de Filipinas, Bob Hawke, ex primer ministro de Autralia y Morihiro Hosokawa, ex primer ministro de Japón.2 El Foro de Boao para Asia fue formalmente inaugurado en febrero de 2001. La creación del foro fue liderado por la República Popular de China y fundada por 26 países de Asia y Australasia el 27 de febrero de 2001. La organización tuvo su primera reunión el 12 y 13 de abril de 2002.
Las discusiones del Foro Boao se centran en economía, cooperación, sociedad y medio ambiente. En e pasado el foro también abordaba el ingreso de China en la Organización Mundial del Comercio, así como la crisis financiera asiática de los años noventa. Además de su reunión anual, el foro también patrocina otros foros y reuniones relacionados con temas asiáticos.
Боаоский Азиатский Форум, БАФ (кит: 博鳌亚洲论坛; пиньинь: Bó'áo Yàzhōu Lùntán, англ: Boao Forum for Asia, аббр: BFA), также известен как «Восточный Давос» — неправительственная и некоммерческая международная организация, имеющая своей целью поддержку и развитие экономического обмена, взаимодействия и сотрудничества как в Азии, так и за её пределами путём проведения ежегодных встреч высокого уровня с участием представителей правительственных, деловых, промышленных и научных кругов и обсуждения актуальных экономических, социальных, экологических и др. проблем.
Учреждён в 2001 году. Ежегодные конференции в Боао проводятся с 2002 года.
Главный офис организации находится в г. Боао, пров. Хайнань, КНР.
В 2018 году Боаоский азиатский форум /БАФ/ пройдет 8-11 апреля. Главными темами мероприятия станут реформы, открытость, инновации и "Пояс и путь"[1].

Source: Building Societies Association updated for subsequent mergers
Name | Group assets [11] | Other building society trading names | Number of branches & agencies | No. of full time staff | No. of part time staff | Provides current account | |
1 | Nationwide Building Society | £208,939m | 650 branches | c.14,400 | c.4000 | Yes | |
2 | Yorkshire Building Society | £39,600m | Uses the former Norwich & Peterborough and Chelsea building societies as trading names. | 230 branches & 96 agencies | 3599 | 96 | No |
3 | Coventry Building Society[* 1] | £38,300m | 70 branches & 19 agencies | 1592 | 642 | No (Basic bank account with cash card available instead) | |
4 | Skipton Building Society[12][13] | £19,000m | 95 branches & 3 agencies (87 by 30/09/17) | 1398 | 374 | No | |
5 | Leeds Building Society | £15,900m | Formerly Leeds and Holbeck Building Society. Adopted current name after the un-connected Leeds Permanent Building Society merged with the Halifax Building Society in 1995 | 57 branches | 1027 | 214 | No |
6 | Principality Building Society | £8,202m | 53 branches & 18 agencies | 887 | 232 | No | |
7 | West Bromwich Building Society | £5,737m | 37 branches | 615 | 138 | No | |
8 | Newcastle Building Society | £3,622m | 27 branches (25 by Dec 17) & 1 agency | 672 | 279 | No | |
9 | Nottingham Building Society | £3,600m | 56 branches | 477 | 201 | No | |
10 | Cumberland Building Society | £2,130m | 34 branches | 311 | 191 | Yes (If customer resides within their branch operating area) | |
11 | Progressive Building Society[* 1] | £1,794m | 12 branches & 39 agencies | 120 | 58 | No | |
12 | National Counties Building Society | £1,569m | Uses the Family Building Society as a trading name. | 1 branch | 130 | 13 | No |
13 | Cambridge Building Society | £1,194m | 13 branches | 143 | 49 | No | |
14 | Saffron Building Society | £1,115m | 11 branches & 7 agencies | 146 | 35 | No | |
15 | Monmouthshire Building Society | £1,073m | 11 branches & 18 agencies | 85 | 60 | No | |
16 | Leek United Building Society | £891m | 12 branches & 2 agencies | 120 | 44 | No | |
17 | Furness Building Society | £883m | 9 branches & 14 agencies | 96 | 81 | No | |
18 | Newbury Building Society | £869m | 11 branches | 107 | 40 | No | |
19 | Hinckley & Rugby Building Society | £636m | 8 branches & 4 agencies | 87 | 29 | No | |
20 | Ipswich Building Society[* 1] | £584m | 9 branches & 4 agencies | 71 | 52 | No | |
21 | Darlington Building Society | £532m | 10 branches | 86 | 27 | No | |
22 | Market Harborough Building Society | £427m | 6 branches & 1 agency | 68 | 50 | No | |
23 | Melton Mowbray Building Society[* 1] | £419m | 3 branches | 58 | 30 | No | |
24 | Marsden Building Society | £416m | 8 branches | 63 | 16 | No | |
25 | Scottish Building Society | £389m | 6 branches & 62 agencies | 52 | 19 | No | |
26 | Manchester Building Society | £382m | 1 branch & 4 agencies | 43 | 7 | No | |
27 | Hanley Economic Building Society | £378m | 6 branches & 1 agency | 51 | 22 | No | |
28 | Tipton & Coseley Building Society[* 1] | £372m | 4 branches | 53 | 30 | No | |
29 | Dudley Building Society | £354m | 6 branches | 52 | 39 | No | |
30 | Mansfield Building Society[* 1] | £329m | 4 branches | 53 | 20 | No | |
31 | Harpenden Building Society[* 1] | £317m | 6 branches | 41 | 23 | No | |
32 | Loughborough Building Society[* 1] | £303m | 3 branches & 2 agencies | 42 | 13 | No | |
33 | Vernon Building Society | £300m | 6 branches | 43 | 25 | No | |
34 | Bath Building Society | £299m | 2 branches & 6 agencies | 53 | 14 | No | |
35 | Stafford Railway Building Society[* 1] | £271m | 1 branch | 12 | 19 | No | |
36 | Swansea Building Society | £268m | 3 branches | 22 | 14 | No | |
37 | Teachers Building Society | £253m | 1 branch | 29 | 10 | No | |
38 | Buckinghamshire Building Society[* 1] | £225m | 1 branch | 25 | 14 | No | |
39 | Chorley & District Building Society[* 1] | £220m | 3 branches | 36 | 14 | No | |
40 | Beverley Building Society[* 1] | £191m | 1 branch | 15 | 7 | No | |
41 | Holmesdale Building Society[* 1] | £190m | 1 branch | 21 | 3 | No | |
42 | Ecology Building Society[* 1] | £146m | 1 branch | 23 | 2 | No | |
43 | Earl Shilton Building Society[* 1] | £124m | 2 branches | 17 | 10 | No | |
44 | Penrith Building Society[* 1] | £106m | 1 branch | 14 | 7 | No |