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Guanyun Qiantang City
观雲钱塘傲立于杭州时代“头排”,钱塘之岸奥体鎏金一英里,坐拥不可复刻的一线江景资源,揽胜270°江景巨幕;5座约100-120米帆船地标建筑,屹立于杭州“宇宙中心”C位,与奥体博览城主体育场“莲花碗”、“奥体七星”、“日月同辉”璀璨呼应,成为杭州2022 奥体地标主要构成建筑!观雲钱塘由Aedas、SWA、BPI三大国际设计天团联袂操刀,以全球经验挥就奥体力作。值得一提的是,观雲钱塘建筑设计特邀Aedas全球设计董事温子先博士亲自操刀,以“扬帆起航”为理念,在文脉的延续中进化城市,以大师级作品礼献杭州。 项目占地面积约4.4万方,建筑面积约33.4万方,5幢建筑涵盖甲级写字楼和大平层公馆两大业态,造就钱塘又一座封面地标。

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State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials
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Nationales Hauptquartier für Hochwasserschutz und Dürrehilfe/National Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters
国家防汛抗旱总指挥部(简称“国家防总”),是中华人民共和国国务院成立的国务院议事协调机构,负责领导组织全国的防汛抗旱工作。职责: 根据《中华人民共和国防洪法》、《中华人民共和国防汛条例》、《中华人民共和国抗旱条例》和国务院“三定方案”规定,国家防汛抗旱总指挥部在国务院领导下,负责领导组织全国的防汛抗旱工作。
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Second Institute of Oceanography,State Oceanic Administration
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国清寺现存建筑为建于清早期的建筑为官式建筑,[2] 弥勒殿和雨华殿为单檐歇山顶,大雄宝殿为重檐歇山顶,三圣殿、罗汉堂和禅堂是典型的南方厅堂建筑,妙法堂、方丈楼和迎塔楼为中西合璧。寺依山就势,层层递高,按四条南北轴线布列六百多间古建筑,分为五条纵轴线,正中轴由南而北依次为弥勒殿、雨花殿、大雄宝殿、药师殿、观音殿;还有放生池、钟鼓楼、聚贤堂、方丈楼、三圣殿、妙法堂(上为藏经楼)伽蓝殿、罗汉堂、文物室等,大雄宝殿正中设明代铜铸释迦牟尼坐像[2]。西轴线为安养堂、三圣殿、罗汉堂(文物室)、妙法堂(楼上为藏经阁)。东一轴线为聚贤堂(僧众餐厅)、方丈楼、迎塔楼。东二轴线为里客堂、大彻堂和修竹轩。像背壁后,有以观音像为 中心的慈航普渡群塑,殿两侧列元代楠木雕刻的18罗汉坐像[2]。山门外各建筑物——隋塔、寒拾亭、“教观总持”照壁,丰干桥、“隋代古刹”照壁和国清寺山门, 它们顺地势安排,没有一个相互平行,也没有互相垂直,自自然然地散落各处,却显得和谐协调。[2]一进朝东的山门转入正中甬道,甬道两旁是仅高1.7米的黄色矮 墙,矮墙后面是茂密的竹林。构成一个拥有2.8万平方米建筑面积、达7.3万平方米、8000余间房屋的古建筑群。

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International Silk Union,ISU
Die International Silk Union (ISU) ist eine internationale und spezialisierte gemeinnützige Organisation, an der sich Unternehmen und verwandte Organisationen aus den Seide produzierenden und verbrauchenden Ländern freiwillig beteiligen.

International Silk Union (ISU) is an international and specialized non-profit social organization in which enterprises and related organizations from the silk producing and consuming countries participate voluntarily. The secretariat is located in Hangzhou, China. Since its foundation in October 2015, there have been more than 140 enterprises and organizations from 27 countries and regions joining ISU, including China, Italy, France, Switzerland, Brazil, Poland, Japan, Turkiye, Thailand, India, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Singapore, the United States, Australia, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, Laos, Iran, Pakistan, Romania, Spain, the Philippines, Uganda and Hong Kong(China), among which there are 46 executive member units and 11 vice chairman units. Especially China Textile Engineering Society, Ufficio Italiano Seta, INTERSOIE France, Brazilian Silk Association, Vietnam Sericulture Association, Cambodia Silk Sector Promotion and Development Commission, and Iran Silk Research Center have joined as countries or regions, and their influence radiates to the world's major silk enterprises and research institutions. In 2020, ISU was included in the “Yearbook of International Organizations”, Union of International Associations(UIA), becoming the first silk international organization in the UIA with the secretariat being located in China. In 2021, ISU signed a strategic cooperation agreement to establish a dialogue partnership with International Sericulture Commission (ISC), an intergovernmental international organization.

Adhering to the purpose of “Communication & Cooperation, Development with Concerted Efforts”, ISU actively docks international exchanges and cooperation, holds international conferences, organizes international inspections, and establishes the professional committees in silk field including History Culture, Education Research, Technical Innovation, Fashion Design, etc. In order to smooth information exchanges, ISU establishes the official website of “World Silk Website” and Self-Media Matrix, hosts the proceeding of ISU News, co-hosts the professional journal of Journal of Silk, which integrates the journals, official bilingual websites, WeChat, Toutiao, Sohu, Baijia and Tencent, etc., promoting the international integration and development of silk culture and industry. The chairman of ISU is Zhang Guoqiang, chairman of the board of Cathaya group. The secretary-general of ISU is Li Qizheng, director of Hangzhou Oriental Silk Culture and Brand Research Center, and president of Periodicals Agency of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University. 

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Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. /杭州海康威视数字技术股份有限公司
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Hailiang Group
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Haining China Leather City
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海宁市,别称潮城,浙江省辖县级市,由嘉兴市代管,地处浙江省北部,杭嘉湖平原,毗邻杭州市。海宁名称寓“海洪宁静,海涛宁谧”之意。三国吴黄武二年(223年),析海盐、由拳,置盐官县,属吴郡,为海宁建县之始。隋文帝开皇九年(589年),盐官县(今海宁)始属杭州。城市名片:观潮胜地、皮革之都、轮滑星城 旅游特色:海宁潮、海宁中国皮革城、盐官古城

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