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Catalog Indonesia

Garuda Indonesia
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Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan
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Indonesia Stock Exchange
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Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia,RCTI
Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia (RCTI) ist ein indonesischer Fernsehsender, der zur Media Nusantara Citra gehört.

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ASEAN-China-Freihandelsabkommen/ASEAN–China Free Trade Area (ACFTA)
中国—东盟自由贸易区(英語:China–ASEAN Free Trade Area,縮寫:CAFTA),或称东盟10+1 ,是指由中华人民共和国以及东南亚国家联盟的10个成员国:泰国、马来西亚、新加坡、菲律宾、印尼、文莱、越南、老挝、缅甸和柬埔寨组成的自由贸易区,于2010年1月1日起全面启动。
Das ASEAN-China-Freihandelsabkommen, auch China-ASEAN-Freihandelsabkommen (internationale Bezeichnung: ASEAN China Free Trade Agreement bzw. China ASEAN Free Trade Agreement, kurz auch ASEAN China FTA bzw. China ASEAN FTA), ist ein Übereinkommen zwischen der Volksrepublik China und den Mitgliedern des ostasiatischen Staatenbündnisses ASEAN zur Schaffung einer Freihandelszone. Das Abkommen trat am 1. Januar 2010 in Kraft. Nach der Bevölkerungszahl entstand die größte Freihandelszone der Welt mit über 1,8 Milliarden Bewohnern und nach der Wirtschaftskraft die drittgrößte Freihandelszone nach der Europäischen Union und der NAFTA.
中国—东盟自由贸易区(英語:China–ASEAN Free Trade Area縮寫CAFTA),或称东盟10+1 ,是指由中华人民共和国以及东南亚国家联盟的10个成员国:泰国马来西亚新加坡菲律宾印尼文莱越南老挝缅甸柬埔寨组成的自由贸易区,于2010年1月1日起全面启动。
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Große Moschee von Zentraljava/Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah/Great Mosque of Central Java
Die Große Moschee von Zentraljava (indonesisch Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah) ist die Freitagsmoschee der Stadt Semarang in Zentraljava.
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Javanischer Tanz/Javanese dance
Javanese dance is the dances and art forms that were created and influenced by Javanese culture in Indonesia.

Javanese dance is the dances and art forms that were created and influenced by Javanese culture in Indonesia. Javanese dance movement is controlled, deliberate and refined. Javanese art often displays a finesse, and at the same time a serene composure which is elevated far above everything mundane.[1] Javanese dance is usually associated with courtly, refined and sophisticated culture of the Javanese kratons, such as the bedhaya and srimpi dance. However, in a wider sense, Javanese dance also includes the dances of Javanese commoners and villagers such as ronggeng, tayub, reog, and jaran kepang.

Javanese dance and its discipline has different styles and philosophy compared to other Indonesian dance traditions. Unlike vigorous and expressive Balinese dance or cheerful and slightly sensual Sundanese dance, Javanese dance are commonly involving slow movements and graceful poses. Javanese dance have somewhat a meditative quality and tends to be more self-reflective, introspective and more oriented toward self-understanding.[2] Javanese dance is usually associated with Wayang wong, and the palaces of Yogyakarta and Surakarta due to the nature of dance being a pusaka or sacred heirloom from ancestors of the palace rulers. These expressive dances are more than just dances, they are also used for moral education, emotional expression, and spreading of the Javanese culture.

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Partai Golongan Karya
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Suara Karya
Suara Karya (lit. Voice of Work) was a daily newspaper published in Indonesia. Established in 1971 to assist Golkar in winning that year's legislative election, it became required reading for all civil servants and the voice of Golkar.

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Palmöl-produzierende Länder


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