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Fenghua Xikou
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In den Fuchun-Bergen verweilend Im Jahr 1347-1350 n. Chr.

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“哥窑”名列宋代五大名窑,在陶瓷史上有举足轻重的地位。哥窑胎多紫黑色、铁黑色、也有黄褐色。釉为失透的乳浊釉,釉面泛一层酥光,釉色以炒米黄、灰青多见,釉面大小纹片结合。 经染色后大纹片呈深褐色,小纹片为黄褐色,也称‘金丝铁线’“墨纹梅花片”“叶脉纹”‘文武片’等。这是传世哥窑的主要特征之一。器形有各式瓶、炉、尊、洗及碗、盆、碟等。多见仿古造型,底足制作不十分规整,釉面常见缩釉和棕眼。

Ge ware or Ko ware (Chinese: 哥窯; pinyin: Gē yáo; Wade–Giles: Ko-yao) is a type of celadon or greenware in Chinese pottery. It was one of the Five Great Kilns of the Song dynasty recognised by later Chinese writers,[1] but has remained rather mysterious to modern scholars, with much debate as to which surviving pieces, if any, actually are Ge ware,[2] whether they actually come from the Song, and where they were made.[3] In recognition of this, many sources call all actual pieces Ge-type ware.[4]

It is clear that their distinguishing feature is deliberate crackle, or a network of cracks in the glaze; but this is not restricted to them, and in particular the related Guan ware uses very similar effects. Ge ware often shows "double crackle" or crackle of two types, and one view is that this is the defining characteristic of the type.[5] A three-day conference at the Shanghai Museum in 1992 attempted to reach a clear definition of Ge ware, but could not reconcile all views.[6]




明代文震亨在《长物志》中说:哥窑瓷“以粉青色为上,淡白次之,油灰最下。 纹取冰裂、鳝血、铁足为上,梅花片、墨纹次之,细碎纹最下”。


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State Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology
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拱宸桥位于中国浙江省杭州市拱墅区北端,东连台州路,西接桥弄街,是杭州城区现存最大的石拱桥,京杭大运河到杭州的终点标志。 该桥始建于明崇祯四年(1631),清光绪十一年(1885)重建,为三孔薄墩联拱桥,拱券为纵联分节并列式,总长92.1米,宽5.9米,中孔高9.2米。桥身用条石错缝砌筑,上贯穿长锁石,桥面呈柔和弧形,两端设踏跺,两侧以素面石栏板及望柱围护,望柱头多雕以仰莲。拱宸桥中的“宸”意为帝王宫殿,高大的拱形石桥,象征对帝王的相迎和敬意,桥由此而得名。

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顾渚紫笋,因其鲜茶芽叶微紫,嫩叶背卷似笋壳,故而得名。是上品贡茶中的“老前辈”,该茶产于浙江省湖州市长兴县水口乡顾渚山一带。顾渚紫笋早在唐代便被茶圣陆羽论为“茶中第一”。在唐朝广德年间开始进贡,正式成为贡茶。那时因紫笋茶的品质优良,还被朝廷选为祭祀宗庙用茶。因陆羽的推荐,成为了唐代皇家贡茶,一直到明朝末期,持续进贡了876年,也是历史上进贡时间最长的茶。 长兴顾渚山旁的大唐贡茶院,就是当时为唐代皇室加工顾诸紫笋的场所,它是历史上第一座贡茶加工工场。

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Hängender Kalmus
挂菖蒲是中国端午节风俗,流行于全国许多地区。清代已有此俗。这天,人们将菖蒲(或艾叶扎在一起)挂于门户,也有将菖蒲与艾叶倚在或插在门帝的。民间有用它来驱邪。 挂菖蒲、艾蒿这已是南北城乡的习俗,可在江西、安徽的部分地方端午节这天家家门前悬挂蒜头,有的挂石榴花。蒜的气味辛烈,石榴花五月盛开,是"天中五端"之一,以期"赶鬼除菌"。

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