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Lusail Iconic Stadium/ملعب لوسيل الدولي
Ort Lusail, Katar Eigentümer al-Ladschna al-ulimbiyya al-qatariyya Baubeginn April 2017 Eröffnung 11. August 2022 Oberfläche Naturrasen Kosten 662 Mio. US-Dollar Spielfläche 105 m × 68 m Architekt Foster + Partners Kapazität 88.000 Plätze General contractor HBK Contracting China Railway Construction Corporation Veranstaltungen Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2022
Welthandelsorganisation/World Trade Organization,WTO/Organisation mondiale du commerce, OMC/Organización Mundial de Comercio, OMC
世界贸易组织(简称世贸组织或世贸;英语:World Trade Organization,缩写为 WTO;法语:Organisation Mondiale du Commerce,缩写为 OMC;西班牙语:Organización Mundial del Comercio,缩写为 OMC)是负责监督成员经济体之间各种贸易协议得到执行的一个国际组织,前身是1948年起实施的关税及贸易总协定的秘书处。世贸总部位于瑞士日内瓦。
al-Thumama-Stadion/ملعب الثمامة
Architekt Ibrahim M. Jaidah (Arab Engineering Bureau) Fenwick Iribarren Architects Heerim Architects Kapazität 44.000 Plätze General contractor Al Jaber Engineering Tekfen Construction
Souq Waqif
Souq Waqif (Arabic: سوق واقف Sūq Wāqif, "the standing market") is a marketplace (souq) in Doha, in the state of Qatar. The souq sells traditional garments, spices, handicrafts, and souvenirs. It is also home to restaurants and shisha lounges. The original building dates back at least from the 20th Century in a traditional Qatari architectural style.