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Catalog Indonesia



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丹戎不碌港/Port of Tanjung Priok
Port of Tanjung Priok (Indonesian: Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok) is the busiest and most advanced Indonesian seaport, handling more than 50% of Indonesia's trans-shipment cargo traffic. The port is located at Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, which is operated by Indonesian state owned PT Pelindo.

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Halmahera (veraltet Gilolo) ist eine indonesische Insel. Sie ist mit einer Fläche von 18.040 km² die größte Insel der Inselgruppe der Molukken und Teil der Provinz Maluku Utara. Die Stadt Sofifi an der Westküste ist der Hauptort der Provinz.

哈马黑拉岛(Halmahera Island),又名济罗罗岛(Jilolo或Gilolo),是印度尼西亚摩鹿加群岛主岛,属北马鲁古省管辖。

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Persatuan Bulutangkis Seluruh Indonesia,PBSI

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The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (Indonesian: Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, or LIPI) was the governmental authority for science and research in Indonesia. It consists of 47 research centers in the fields ranging from social to natural sciences.

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Pagaruyung Palace, West Sumatra

Address: Jl. Sutan Alam Bagagarsyah, Pagaruyung, Tj. Emas, Kabupaten Tanah Datar, Sumatera Barat 27281

Opening hours: 8am - 6pm (daily)

Price: 25,000 IDR (1.8 USD)

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