Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科

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Catalog Military, defense and equipment

§Anti-submarine missile§Anti-tank missile§Anti Radar Missile/Anti Radiation Missile§Anti satellite missile§Anti-aircraft missile§Glide bomb§Intercontinental ballistic missile§Short-range missile§Air-to-Surface Missile§Air-to-Air Missile§Cruise missile§Medium range missile§Gun-launched missiles§Anti-ship missile§Long-range ballistic missile***Military intelligence***Military journal*Steam frigate*Historical aircraft carriers*Historical cruisers*Historical military aircraft*Historical tanks*Historical battleships*Historical trainer aircraft*Historical sea reconnaissance aircraft*Historical Destroyers*Wars and battles*Ship of the line*Military academy*Strategy|EventsAmphibious command shipAmphibious Transport DockAmphibious aircraftNuclear submarineNuclear WeaponBallistic Missile Defense SystemFamous aerobatic teamEMALS|AAGDirected-energy weaponFirearmAircraft propulsionAircraft carrierFrigate/CorvetteSpeed of the shipGlass CockpitHospital shipIdentification Friend or Foe,IFFInfrared targeting systemIT troopCombat helicopterCombat systemCavalryCruiserLittoral Combat ShipLogistic transportAerial refuelingHovercraft DropshipMan Portable Air Defense SystemMilitary vehicleMilitary aircraftMilitary maneuvers and military competitionAmmunitionNight combat equipmentNavigation Satellite SystemTankRadarRocket launcherShip propulsionShip artilleryMaritime Reconnaissance AircraftSea mineSelf-propelled artillerySonarSporting weaponsStrategic bomberTacticsDecoy systemTorpedoTransport planeSubmarine Unmanned aircraftOffshore supply vesselVertical Launching SystemWater bombDestroyer
美国志愿大队 /中华民国空军美籍志愿大队/飞虎队


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Die Amerigo Vespucci ist das bekannteste Segelschulschiff der italienischen Marine. Sie wurde nach dem Entdecker Amerigo Vespucci benannt. Heimathafen La Spezia Eigner Marina Militare Bauwerft Castellammare di Stabia, Neapel Kiellegung 12. Mai 1930 Länge 101 m (Lüa) Breite 15,56 m Tiefgang max. 7,4 m Verdrängung 4146 t Besatzung 264 Maschine 2 Hilfsdieselmotoren Maschinen- leistung 1.900 PS (1.397 kW) Höchst- geschwindigkeit 12 kn(22 km/h)
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美国革命是指在后半18世纪导致了北美洲十三个州的殖民地脱离大英帝国并且创建了美利坚合众国的一连串事件与思想。美国独立战争(1775年-1783 年)是革命的其中一部分,然而革命在莱辛顿(Lexington)与康考德(Concord)打响的第一发子弹之前就已经开始了,并且在英国于约克镇投降之后还持续下去。

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 /assets/contentimages/Amerikanischer_Unabhaengigkeitskrieg.jpg /assets/contentimages/yorktown.jpg /assets/contentimages/Amerikanischer_Unabhaengigkeitskrieg%7E1.jpg /assets/contentimages/Amerikanischer_Unabhaengigkeitskrieg%7E0.jpg




1763年的皇家宣言(Royal Proclamation)限制屯懇區新土地的開發。1764年蔗糖法案(Sugar Act)對奢華物品課稅,包括咖啡、絲、牛奶與酒,並且規定進口酒為非法行為。1764年貨幣法案(Currency Act)禁止在殖民地印刷紙鈔。1765年駐營法案(Quartering Act)強迫殖民地居民為皇家軍隊提供食物與住宿。1765年印花稅法(Stamp Act)規定為所有法律文件、報紙、執照與合約而購買印花稅票。(Quelle: 

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M3浮门桥/M3 Amphibious Rig
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阿穆爾造船廠 阿穆尔造船厂/Амурский судостроительный завод

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AMX-30 AuF1装甲自行榴弹炮

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AN/SLQ-25 Nixie鱼雷反制系统
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AN/SPS-49 远程对空搜索雷达
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AN/SPY-1 3D相位阵列雷达

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