Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科

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1920 Ein Zeppelin über einer Großbaustelle zwischen Walddörferstraße und Wandse: Das Haus Neuerburg aus Köln hatte 1924, wie zuvor Reemtsma in Bahrenfeld, damit begonnen, vor den Toren Hamburgs, Deutschlands größtem Umschlagplatz für Rohtabak, eine Riesenfabrik für die Herstellung von Zigaretten zu errichten. © Staatsarchiv Hamburg

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A tailcoat is a knee-length coat characterised by a rear section of the skirt, known as the tails, with the front of the skirt cut away.

A tailcoat is a knee-length coat characterised by a rear section of the skirt, known as the tails, with the front of the skirt cut away.

The tailcoat shares its historical origins in clothes cut for convenient horse riding in the Early Modern era. Ever since the 18th century, however, tailcoats evolved into general forms of day and evening formal wear, in parallel to how the lounge suit succeeded the frock coat (19th century) and the justacorps (18th century).

Thus, in 21st-century Western dress codes for men, mainly two types of tailcoats have survived:

Dress coat, an evening wear with a squarely cut away front, worn for formal white tie
Morning coat (or cutaway in American English), a day wear with a gradually tapered front cut away, worn for formal morning dress
In colloquial language without further specification, "tailcoat" typically designates the former, that is the evening dress coat for white tie.

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紅磨坊的舞者 红磨坊的舞者
1955,Die Ballerina Christianne Gaulthier, Tänzerin im Moulin Rouge, posiert in aller Herrgottsfrühe vor der Metrostation Hotel de Ville.

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1952 American Tobacco Company

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茶歇時間 茶歇时间
England, 1880s

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花園裡喝茶的女士們 花园里喝茶的女士们
1930,Tee trinkende Damen im Garten des Ritz Paris, einem der berühmtesten Hotels der Stadt - und der ganzen Welt.

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茶葉倉庫 茶叶仓库
Tea Warehouse, 1874. /N'Refilling The Chests' At A Tea Warehouse In England. Wood Engraving, English, 1875.

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茶話會 茶话会

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茶販 茶贩
Russia: Tea Vendor, 1874. /Na Tea Vendor In The Streets Of Moscow. Wood Engraving, English, 1874.

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四克拉銀幣 四克拉银币
马其顿王国,公元前158-150年,罗马省发行 Königreich Makedonien, 158-150 v.Chr., Römische Provinzausgabe

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