Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科

*Development of music*Classical music genre*Art Songs*March*New Year's concert*Staff*Sheet music*Appreciation of famous music*Appreciation of famous classical musicFamous orchestras in the worldChoirConductorsConductors nationalSingingImpressionism in musicInternational music awardJazzClassical periodComposersNational composersMilitary music festivalsModern music impressionismBaroque period musicModernism musicRenaissance musicRococo period musicMedieval musicNeoclassicism MusicMusic festivalMusic Hall, State Theater, Opera HouseMusic colleges/conservatoireMusic competitionsOperaPostmodern musicLate Classical, Romantic (Early, Middle, Late)Contemporary classical music
*chin. 馬友友, Mǎ Yǒuyǒu) (* 7. Oktober 1955 in Paris) ist ein chinesisch-amerikanischer Cellist.
阿瑟‧萨默維而 Arthur Somervell 1863─1937 from ”Love in Spring-time”
哈萨克斯坦中央音乐厅/Astana State Auditorium/Центральный концертный зал «Казахстан»
中国人民解放军军乐团/Central Military Band of the People's Liberation Army of China
中央歌劇院劇場 中央歌剧院剧场/Central Opera House Theater
雲間會堂文化藝術中心 云间会堂文化艺术中心