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Wat Phra Dhammakaya/วัดพระธรรมกาย
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Schnellfahrstrecke Kunming–Singapur/昆明-新加坡铁路/Pan–Asia railway Network
昆明-新加坡高速铁路是连接昆明(中国)和新加坡,途经万象(老挝)、曼谷(泰国)和吉隆坡(马来西亚)的标准轨高速铁路项目,也是新丝绸之路的一部分。昆明和万象之间的标准轨距线路从这一目的地开始实施,最高允许时速为 160 公里,并于 2021 年 12 月 3 日投入运营。
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Phra Pathommachedi/พระปฐมเจดีย์
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高棉语(高棉语:ភាសាខ្មែរ,高棉语发音:[pʰiəsaː kʰmae],正式的称呼为 ខេមរភាសា kheemaʾraʾ phiăsaa 高棉语发音:[kʰeː.maʔ.raʔ pʰiə.ˈsaː])是高棉族的语言,亦是以高棉人为主体民族的柬埔寨的官方语言和通用语言,故亦称柬埔寨语、柬语。高棉语属于南亚语系孟-高棉语族。在柬埔寨,约有1300万人以高棉语为母语,约100万人以高棉语为第二语言;在泰国、老挝和越南也有约200万的使用者,以当地高棉人为主。

高棉语高棉语:ភាសាខ្មែរ,高棉语发音:[pʰiəsaː kʰmae],正式的称呼为 ខេមរភាសា kheemaʾraʾ phiăsaa 高棉语发音:[kʰeː.maʔ.raʔ pʰiə.ˈsaː])是高棉族的语言,亦是以高棉人为主体民族的柬埔寨官方语言和通用语言,故亦称柬埔寨语柬语。高棉语属于南亚语系孟-高棉语族。在柬埔寨,约有1300万人以高棉语为母语,约100万人以高棉语为第二语言;在泰国老挝越南也有约200万的使用者,以当地高棉人为主[1][2]

Khmer (ភាសាខ្មែរ Phéasa Khmér, Aussprache: [pʰiːəsaː kʰmaːeAudiodatei abspielen; auch: Kambodschanisch) ist die Amtssprache Kambodschas. Sie ist Muttersprache der Khmer, der größten Bevölkerungsgruppe des Landes, und wird zur austroasiatischen Sprachfamilie gezählt. Sie ist geprägt von der Kultur der südostasiatischen Halbinsel, d. h. von den benachbarten Sprachen Thai und Laotisch, von den Sprachen des Buddhismus – Sanskrit und Pali. Im Gegensatz zu den benachbarten Sprachen ThaiLaotisch und dem entfernt verwandten Vietnamesisch ist Khmer keine Tonsprache. Die verwendete Khmer-Schrift ist eine von den indischen Schriften abgeleitete Schrift, deren früheste Schriftdokumente aus dem 6. bis 7. Jahrhundert n. Chr. stammen.

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Internationaler Führerschein/International Driving Permit
国际驾驶执照(International Driving Permit)依照1949年日内瓦国际道路交通公约及1968年维也纳国际道路交通公约,由公约签署国政府签发,方便本国驾驶员在其他签约国驾驶私人车辆。国际驾驶执照为附加在一国驾驶执照之上的一本附加多国语言的说明,标注了驾驶人的基本信息以及允许驾驶的对应车辆种类等,解决驾驶员与其他国家的交通管理部门之间的沟通障碍。国际驾照不能独立存在,当驾驶员同时持有一国驾照与该国政府签发的国际驾照时,此国际驾照才视作有效。



国际驾驶执照(International Driving Permit)依照1949年日内瓦国际道路交通公约1968年维也纳国际道路交通公约,由公约签署国政府签发,方便本国驾驶员在其他签约国驾驶私人车辆。国际驾驶执照为附加在一国驾驶执照之上的一本附加多国语言的说明,标注了驾驶人的基本信息以及允许驾驶的对应车辆种类等,解决驾驶员与其他国家的交通管理部门之间的沟通障碍。国际驾照不能独立存在,当驾驶员同时持有一国驾照与该国政府签发的国际驾照时,此国际驾照才视作有效。[1]


Ein Internationaler Führerschein ist ein Dokument, das von den Straßenverkehrsbehörden oder Automobilclubs[1] eines Landes aufgrund zwischenstaatlicher Verträge ausgestellt wird. Er soll vor allem der Polizei eines anderen Landes die Feststellung ermöglichen, ob ein ausländischer Kraftfahrer die Fahrerlaubnis hat, die für sein aktuelles Fahrzeug erforderlich ist.

An International Driver's Permit (IDP) allows you to drive a vehicle in another country, as long as you also have a valid driver's license issued by your state. It is also recognized as a proper form of identification in over 175 countries and by many major car rental companies internationally.

Getting an International Driver's Permit (sometimes incorrectly called an international driver's license) can take anywhere from a day to a few weeks, depending on whether you're going through walk-in processing or applying via mail, so make sure to plan ahead if you're planning to drive on your international trip. There are only two locations in the United States that issue these documents: The American Automobile Association (AAA) and the American Automobile Touring Alliance (AATA).

In the United States, International Driver Permits (IDPs) are only issued by the American Automobile Association and the American Automobile Touring Alliance, and the State Department recommends against purchasing an IDP from other outlets as they are all entirely illegal to buy, carry, or sell.

IDPs can be issued to anyone over 18 who has had a valid driver's license for six months or longer. They typically remain valid for one year or the expiration of your existing state driving license. It's essential to investigate an IDP before your trip and make sure you know the requirements.

Both AAA and AATA are excellent sources for these documents, so once you've selected a provider, go to either the AAA's or NAATA's website, print out the International Driving Permit Application, complete all applicable fields, and submit it.

Once you have the application completed, you can send it in via the mail or visit a local office of an organization like AAA; you'll also need two original passport-sized photos and a signed copy of your valid U.S. driver's license as well as an enclosed check for the fee.

Tips to Getting and Using Your Permit

AAA offices can process IDPs during your visit, but processing generally takes 10 to 15 business days if you send the application in. However, expedited services may be available to get your license within one or two business days for an additional fee.

When applying, you'll need a computer and printer, a completed application, a copy of your valid U.S. driver's license, two passport photos, and a check, money order, or credit card to complete the process. Remember to bring these with you if you're applying in person.

Always make sure to carry your valid United States driver's license when driving internationally, as your IDP is invalid without this accompanying proof of eligibility to drive. IDPs only translate domestically-accepted licenses and do not allow those without government-issued driver's licenses to drive abroad.

You'll also want to make sure to enclose the proper fees (the fee for the IDP, as well as any shipping and handling fees), photos, and photocopies of your license when submitting your application to AAA or AATA as omitting any of these required documents will result in your application being rejected.

You should also check the driving requirements and laws for the countries you will be driving in on your vacation, so you'll know what will be required in the event you get stopped by local authorities.  (Quelle:https://www.tripsavvy.com/)

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Wat Phra That Hariphunchai/วัดพระธาตุหริภุญชัย
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Die Khorat-Hochebene ist ein Hochland im Nordosten von Thailand, dem Isan, benannt nach der größten Stadt der Gegend: Nakhon Ratchasima, kurz Khorat. Die Ebene hat eine Fläche von mehr als 155.000 km² mit der Topographie einer Untertasse, die gegen Südosten geneigt und in zwei größere Abflussbecken gegliedert ist, das Sakon-Nakhon-Becken und das südliche Becken. Die Hauptflüsse sind Mae Nam Mun und Mae Nam Chi, die beide dem Mekong zufließen.

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Red Bull
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Wat Phra Si Rattana Mahathat/วัดพระศรีรัตนมหาธาตุ
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Amphoe Hua Hin/หัวหิน
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Siam Cement Group
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Wat Traimit/วัดไตรมิตร
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