Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科
European Union
*Founding statesEuropean Union AgenciesActing heads of government in the European UnionEU Commissioner 2014-2019EU Commissioner 2019-2024EU Commissioner 2024-2029EUREKAEuropean intervention initiativeEuropean partiesEuropean Central BankEuropean CouncilEuropean Court of AuditorsEuropean ParliamentEuropean lawCommon security and defense policyCourt of Justice of the European UnionHistory of the European UnionMember States of the European UnionSupreme Court of the Member States of the EUParliaments of the Member States of the EUPresident of the European CommissionPresident of the European ParliamentPresident of the European CouncilCouncil of the European UnionConstitution of the EU Member StatesTreaty on European UnionPresidency of the Council of the European Union
Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
EU-Kommissar 2019-2024
Values and transparency
EU-Kommissar 2019-2024
Vice Presidents
European Union
EU Commissioner 2014-2019
President or Chairman
Kommissarin/Justiz, Verbraucher und Gleichstellungsfragen
意大利宪法/Costituzione della Repubblica italiana
英國憲法 英国宪法/Constitution of the United Kingdom
爱尔兰宪法/Constitution of Ireland
比例原则/Principle of proportionality
亚琛条约/Vertrag über die deutsch-französische Zusammenarbeit und Integration/德法相互合作与一体化条约
阿姆斯特丹条约 1997 - 1999
《阿姆斯特丹条约》(Amsterdam Treaty),全称《修正欧洲联盟条约、建立欧洲共同体的各项条约和若干有关文件的阿姆斯特丹条约》(Treaty of Amsterdam amending the Treaty of the European Union, the Treaties establishing the European Communities and certain related acts),是一项签署于1997年10月2日,并于1999年5月1日生效的条约,这项条约主要对1951年签署的巴黎条约、1957年签署的罗马条约和1992年签署的马斯特里赫特条约进行了修订,并将民主、尊重人权、自由与法治等原则作为条约的基础。