漢德百科全書 | 汉德百科全书

***IMF Developed countries*World's Most Livable Cities*World overviewRivers in AfricaRivers in North AmericaRivers in South AmericaRivers in asiaRivers in EuropeRivers in OceaniaMountains in AfricaMountains in AntarcticaMountains in AsiaMountains in EuropeMountains in North AmericaMountains in OceaniaMountains in South AmericaGlacierIslands in AfricaIslands in AsiaIslands in EuropeIslands in Central AmericaIslands in North AmericaIslands in OceaniaIslands in South AmericaCaribbeanKarstArtificial water channels in the worldCountries of africaNorth American countriesCountries of OceaniaCountries of South AmericaStrait of the worldTunnel of the earthVulcanWaterfallWest Indies
Fünf große Hafencluster Chinas/China´s five major port clusters
环渤海港口群、长三角港口群、东南沿海港口群、珠三角港口群、西南沿海港口群/Bohai Rim Port Group, Yangtze River Delta Port Group, Southeast Coast Port Group, Pearl River Delta Port Group, Southwest Coast Port Group
中国地方(日语:中国地方/ちゅうごくちほう Chūgoku chihō */?),又称为中国地区或山阴山阳地方(山陰山陽地方/さんいんさんようちほう San-in san-yō chihō),是日本本州岛最西部地区的合称,约等同于古代令制国的山阳道与山阴道,包含现今的鸟取县、岛根县、冈山县、广岛县、山口县等5个县。
Die Trennlinie zwischen feuchten und halbfeuchten Regionen in China
Volksrepublik China
Amtssprache Chinesisch (Hochchinesisch) Hauptstadt Beijing Fläche 9.596.961 km² Einwohnerzahl 1.412 Milliarde Währung Renminbi (CNY) Gründung 1. Oktober 1949 Nationalhymne Marsch der Freiwilligen Nationalfeiertag 1. Oktober Zeitzone UTC+8 ISO 3166 CN, CHN, 1563 Internet-TLD .cn, .中国 und .中國3 Telefonvorwahl +86