Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科

German — Chinese
Catalog Dances

ballet AD Armando Maldonado Duluth, Minnesota United States 2001–2006
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飞天女神舞/Apsara Dance

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contemporary dance Founder Morleigh Steinberg and Oguri 2011–present
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Ardah (Arabic: العرضة / ALA-LC: al-‘arḍah) is a type of folkloric group dance in the Arabian Peninsula. The dance is performed with two rows of men opposite of one another, each of whom may or may not be wielding a sword or cane, and is accompanied by drums and spoken poetry.

 Ardah (Arabic: العرضة / ALA-LCal-‘arḍah) is a type of folkloric group dance in the Arabian Peninsula. The dance is performed with two rows of men opposite of one another, each of whom may or may not be wielding a sword or cane, and is accompanied by drums and spoken poetry.[1]

Originally, the "ardah" was performed only by males of tribes of the Arabian Peninsula before going to war, but nowadays it is done at celebrations, weddings, and national and cultural events by males of all tribes, such as the Jenadriyah festival. There currently exists various types of ardah across the Arabian Peninsula.

It was inscribed on UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2015 as Alardah Alnajdiyah.

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Chacarera Bailecito Zamba Gato Cueca Chamamé Malambo


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The Armenian dance (Armenian: Հայկական պար) heritage has been considered the oldest and most varied in its respective region.


The Armenian dance (Armenian: Հայկական պար) heritage has been considered the oldest and most varied in its respective region. From the fifth to the third millennia B.C., in the higher regions of Armenia, the land of Ararat, there are rock paintings of scenes of country dancing. These dances were probably accompanied by certain kinds of songs or musical instruments. In the fifth century Moses of Khoren (Movsés Khorenats'i) himself had heard of how the old descendants of Aram (that is Armenians) make mention of these things (epic tales) in the ballads for the lyre and their songs and dances.

Traditional dancing is still popular among expatriate Armenians, and has also been very successfully exported to international folk dance groups and circle dance groups all over the world. All dancers wear the traditional costume to embody the history of their culture and tell their ancestors stories. The design of these costumes are influenced by many factors, such as religious traditions, family methods, and practicality. The traditional coloring and exquisite beading of the costumes ties the dance and the tradition together. The beautiful movements of the Armenian cultural dance are adored by all audience around the world.

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Aserbaidschanische Volkstänze sind traditionellen Tänze, die überwiegend in der Aserbaidschan und in den aserbaidschanischen Siedlungsgebieten verbreitet sind. Der Musiktakt dieser Tänze sind 6/8 und 3/4. Arbeit („Chobany“ – „Hirte“) Ritual (Ritual, Kalender, Hochzeit) Haushaltsgeräte („Mirzaee“, „Turajy“, „Uzundara“, „Sari Gelin“) Heroisch („Gengy“) Sportlich („Zorkhana“) Chorowodtänze („Yally“, „Halay“, „Kochari“)


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Assyrische Volkstänze sind Sätze von Tänzen, die von Assyrern auf der ganzen Welt aufgeführt werden, hauptsächlich bei Hochzeiten, Gemeinschaftsfeiern und anderen jubelnden Ereignissen.

Assyrische Volkstänze sind Sätze von Tänzen, die von Assyrern auf der ganzen Welt aufgeführt werden, hauptsächlich bei Hochzeiten, Gemeinschaftsfeiern und anderen jubelnden Ereignissen.

Assyrische Volkstänze bestehen hauptsächlich aus Kreistänzen, die in einer Linie aufgeführt werden, die gerade, gekrümmt oder beides sein kann. Die meisten Tänze erlauben eine unbegrenzte Anzahl von Teilnehmern, mit Ausnahme der Säbeltanz, die höchstens drei erfordern. Assyrische Tänze variieren je nach Stimmung und Tempo eines Songs von schwach bis stark.

Assyrische Volkstänze gehören zu fünf metrischen Gruppen: 2
4 (10 Tänze), 4
4 (6 Tänze), 6
8 (13 Tänze), 9
8 (1 Tanz), 10
8 (1 Tanz). Das Tempo reicht normalerweise von langsam (70 Schläge pro Minute) bis sehr schnell (140 Schläge).



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ballet AD John McFall Atlanta, Georgia United States 1929–present
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ballet Co-ADs Gregory Aaron & Nicolas Pacaña Stockbridge, Georgia United States 1989–present
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ballet Founder Susan Chalmers-Gauvin AD Igor Dobrovolskiy Moncton, New Brunswick Canada 2002–present
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