Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科

马里兰州(英语:State of Maryland),简称马州,是美国的一州,属于美国中大西洋地区,其西边与南边与西弗吉尼亚州、弗吉尼亚州、华盛顿哥伦比亚特区接壤,北方是宾夕法尼亚州,东邻为特拉华州。马里兰州是第七个通过美国宪法的州,有三个常见的昵称:老战线州(the Old Line State)、自由之州(the Free State)、切萨皮克湾州(the Chesapeake Bay State)。本州邮政缩写为MD。
Maryland (englisch Aussprache [ˈmɛɹɪlənd]) ist ein Bundesstaat der Vereinigten Staaten an der Atlantikküste.
Seine Hauptstadt ist seit 1694 Annapolis (2016 ca. 40.000 Einwohner, U.S. Census Bureau). Mit über 610.000 Einwohnern ist Baltimore die größte Stadt. Maryland ist als Old Line State, Free State und Chesapeake Bay State bekannt. Maryland liegt in der Mitte der Ostküste. Im Südwesten grenzt es an Virginia und Washington, D.C., im Westen an West Virginia, im Norden an Pennsylvania und im Nordosten an Delaware. An der tief ins Land schneidenden Chesapeake Bay liegen wichtige Häfen, wie Baltimore und Annapolis, wo sich die Marineakademie der USA befindet. Die Bucht war lange Zeit einer der ertragreichsten Fischgründe der Welt, doch Überfischung und Wasserverschmutzung ließen die legendären Austernbänke fast vollkommen verschwinden. In dem relativ kleinen Staat liegen die Extreme nahe beieinander: hier die Metropole Baltimore, dort die abgelegenen Hügel der Appalachen und an der Küste beschauliche Fischerdörfer. Überhaupt hat der Staat eine eigentümliche Form: Bei Hancock liegt die schmalste Stelle des Staates. Die Grenzen zu Pennsylvania im Norden und West-Virginia im Süden liegen hier weniger als drei Kilometer auseinander – damit ist dies die engste Stelle eines Bundesstaates der USA. Mit einer Bevölkerungsdichte von 209 Einwohnern pro Quadratkilometer bezogen auf die Landfläche (vergleichbar mit Rheinland-Pfalz) gehört Maryland zu den am dichtesten besiedelten US-Bundesstaaten. Neben der Metropole Baltimore gehört auch etwa die Hälfte des umfangreichen Großraums von Washington, D.C. zu Maryland.
メリーランド州(英: State of Maryland、[ˈmɛrələnd] ( 音声ファイル)[1]、略号: MD[2][3], Md.[2][3])は、アメリカ合衆国東部[3][4][5]の大西洋岸にあり、ワシントンD.C.に隣接して中部大西洋岸地域(Mid-Atlantic States)を構成する州の一つである。アメリカ合衆国50州の中で、陸地面積では第42位、人口では第19位である。人口密度が高い。南と西はバージニア州、ウェストバージニア州[5]、ワシントンD.C.に[3]、北はペンシルベニア州、東はデラウェア州と接している[5]。
州名の由来は、当時、イングランド国内で禁じられていたカトリック信仰の擁護者的存在になったヘンリエッタ・マリア・オブ・フランス王妃(イングランド内戦・ピューリタン革命で処刑されることになるチャールズ1世の妃)の名前であり、イギリス植民地時代に彼女の栄誉を称えて名付けられた[6][7]。当時、勅許で与えられた名前は"Terra Mariae, anglice, Maryland"だった。ただし多くの歴史家は、ジョージ・カルバートが1632年に死ぬ前に、イエスの母マリアに因んで名付けたと考えている[8][9][10]。
Maryland (US: /ˈmɛrələnd/ (listen) MERR-ə-lənd)[a] is a state in the Mid-Atlantic region of the Southeastern United States, bordering Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia to its south and west; Pennsylvania to its north; and Delaware and the Atlantic Ocean to its east. The state's largest city is Baltimore,[10] and its capital is Annapolis. Among its occasional nicknames are Old Line State, the Free State, and the Chesapeake Bay State. It is named after the English queen Henrietta Maria, known in England as Queen Mary, who was the wife of King Charles I.[11][12]
Sixteen of Maryland's twenty-three counties, as well as the city of Baltimore, border the tidal waters of the Chesapeake Bay estuary and its many tributaries,[13][10] which combined total more than 4,000 miles of shoreline. Although one of the smallest states in the U.S., it features a variety of climates and topographical features that have earned it the moniker of America in Miniature.[14] In a similar vein, Maryland's geography, culture, and history combine elements of the Mid-Atlantic, Northeastern, and South Atlantic regions of the country.
Before its coastline was explored by Europeans in the 16th century, Maryland was inhabited by several groups of Native Americans, mostly by the Algonquin, and to a lesser degree by the Iroquois and Sioux.[15] As one of the original Thirteen Colonies of Great Britain, Maryland was founded by George Calvert, a Catholic convert[16][17] who sought to provide a religious haven for Catholics persecuted in England.[18] In 1632, Charles I of England granted Calvert a colonial charter, naming the colony after his wife, Queen Mary (Henrietta Maria of France).[19] Unlike the Pilgrims and Puritans, who rejected Catholicism in their settlements, Calvert envisioned a colony where people of different religious sects would coexist under the principle of toleration.[18] Accordingly, in 1649 the Maryland General Assembly passed an Act Concerning Religion, which enshrined this principle by penalizing anyone who "reproached" a fellow Marylander based on religious affiliation.[20] Nevertheless, religious strife was common in the early years, and Catholics remained a minority, albeit in greater numbers than in any other English colony.
Maryland's early settlements and population centers clustered around rivers and other waterways that empty into the Chesapeake Bay. Its economy was heavily plantation-based, centered mostly on the cultivation of tobacco. The need for cheap labor led to a rapid expansion of indentured servants, penal labor, and African slaves. In 1760, Maryland's current boundaries took form following the settlement of a long-running border dispute with Pennsylvania. Maryland was an active participant in the events leading up to the American Revolution, and by 1776 its delegates signed the Declaration of Independence. Many of its citizens subsequently played key political and military roles in the war. In 1790, the state ceded land for the establishment of the U.S. capital of Washington, D.C.
Although then a slave state, Maryland remained in the Union during the American Civil War, its strategic location giving it a significant role in the conflict. After the war, Maryland took part in the Industrial Revolution, driven by its seaports, railroad networks, and mass immigration from Europe. Since the Second World War, the state's population has grown rapidly, to approximately six million residents, and it is among the most densely populated U.S. states. As of 2015, Maryland had the highest median household income of any state, owing in large part to its close proximity to Washington, D.C. and a highly diversified economy spanning manufacturing, services, higher education, and biotechnology.[21] The state's central role in U.S. history is reflected by its hosting of some of the highest numbers of historic landmarks per capita.
Le Maryland /ma.ʁi.lɑ̃d/2 (prononcé /ˈmɛɹ.ə.lənd/3) est un État du Nord-Est des États-Unis. Sa capitale est Annapolis, et sa plus grande ville est Baltimore. Avec une superficie de 32 160 km2 uniquement et une population de 5 773 552 habitants, il est l'un des plus petits États du pays mais aussi l'un des plus densément peuplés.
La Province du Maryland est fondée en 1632 sous l'action de Cecilius Calvert, baron de Baltimore. Nommé en l'honneur d'Henriette-Marie de France, épouse du roi d'Angleterre Charles Ier Stuart, le territoire accueille les catholiques persécutés en Angleterre. La culture du tabac assure sa prospérité au cours du XVIIe siècle.
Il Maryland (in inglese , /ˈmɛrɨlənd/) è uno Stato federato degli Stati Uniti d'America, che si trova sull'oceano Atlantico. È uno degli Stati della costa orientale, e generalmente è considerato parte della regione atlantica centrale (Middle Atlantic) ma presenta caratteri che lo possono associare sia alla regione sud-orientale (Southeast) che a quella nord-orientale (Northeast). La sua sigla postale è MD, quella dell'Associated Press Md.
Nel suo stemma compare il motto scritto in italiano arcaico: fatti maschii, parole femine.[2]
Il Maryland fu una delle prime tra le tredici colonie che si ribellarono al governo del Regno Unito, dando inizio all'indipendenza delle colonie dell'America del Nord, guadagnandosi così il soprannome di Old Line State, lo Stato della vecchia prima linea.[3]
Maryland es uno de los cincuenta estados que, junto con Washington D. C., forman los Estados Unidos de América. Su capital es Annapolis y su ciudad más poblada, Baltimore.
Está en la región Noreste del país, división Atlántico Medio. Limita al norte con Pensilvania, al este con Delaware y al sur con el río Potomac que lo separa de Virginia, Washington D. C. y Virginia Occidental. Con 32 133 km² es el noveno estado menos extenso —por delante de Hawái, Massachusetts, Vermont, Nuevo Hampshire, Nueva Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware y Rhode Island, el menos extenso—. Con 180 hab/km² es el quinto más densamente poblado — por detrás de Nueva Jersey, Rhode Island, Connecticut y Massachusetts—. Fue admitido en la Unión el 28 de abril de 1788, como el estado número siete.
Recibió su nombre en homenaje a la reina Enriqueta María de Francia, esposa del rey Carlos I de Inglaterra (Maryland en inglés significa "Tierra de María"). Fue una de las Trece Colonias que se rebelaron contra el dominio británico en la región.
El apodo del estado es Old Line State, en homenaje a sus "tropas de línea" (troops of the line), que fueron varias veces elogiadas por George Washington por su excelente actuación en la Guerra de Independencia de los Estados Unidos.
El actual himno de Estados Unidos, The Star-Spangled Banner, fue escrito por Francis Scott Key, un abogado y poeta aficionado que se inspiró al ver a las tropas estadounidenses defendiendo con éxito un ataque de tropas navales del Reino Unido (en la época, la mayor potencia militar del mundo) contra Baltimore, en la Guerra anglo-estadounidense de 1812.
Мэ́риленд[1][2] (англ. Maryland, МФА: [ˈmɛɹɨlənd] или [ˈmɛrələnd]) — небольшой по территории штат[3] на востоке США, один из так называемых Среднеатлантических штатов и один из 13 штатов, совершивших Американскую революцию. Население — 5 828 289 человек (19-е место среди штатов; данные 2001 года). Столица — Аннаполис, крупнейший город — Балтимор.
Официальные прозвища:
- «Штат старой границы» (англ. Old Line State)
- «Штат-кокарда» (англ. Cockade State)
- «Свободный штат» (англ. Free State). Такое название штату дала одна из балтиморских газет в 1920-х годах во время действия 18-й поправки к Конституции США, вводившей «сухой закон» на территории страны. Тогда штат Мэриленд первым заявил о том, что не хочет подчиняться запрету на продажу и производство алкоголя[4].