Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科
With a fluid representation of the nations that are part of the G20 — through the diversity of member countries’ flag colors —, the Brazilian presidency’s logo highlights the dynamism and multilateralism with which Brasil approaches global issues.
In an organic and striking way, the logo presents global cooperation, the relationship of mutual respect, and the collaboration between the leaders of member countries. The resulting symbol is the stylized map of Brasil, the nation that now takes on the group's rotational presidency.
More than a motto, the slogan “Building a just world and a sustainable planet” expresses Brasil's commitment and desire to promote fair agreements that promote global economic and social development. It also highlights the Brazilian motto for this mandate: the reduction of hunger, poverty and inequality worldwide, as well as socio-environmental development that includes a fair and inclusive ecological transition.
The idea is to represent the commitment to a more equitable governance model — in which trade agreements can promote both economic prosperity and fuller social inclusion.
2024年G20里约热内卢峰会(葡萄牙语:Cúpula do G20 Rio de Janeiro 2024)是即将举行的二十国集团第十九次峰会,峰会定于2024年11月18日至19日巴西里约热内卢现代艺术博物馆举行。其主题是“建造公正的世界和永续发展的行星”(英语:"Building a Just World and a Sustainable Planet"、葡萄牙语:'Construindo um Mundo Justo e um Planeta Sustentável')。
联合国贸易和发展会议(英語:United Nations Conference on Trade and Development,英文缩写UNCTAD),中文简称“贸发会议”,是一个成立于1964年12月的联合国常设机构,它的主要职能是处理有关贸易与经济发展问题,宗旨是最大限度地促进发展中国家的贸易、投资机会,并帮助它们应对全球化带来的挑战和在公平的基础上融入世界经济。贸发会议通常四年召开一次会议,总部设在瑞士日内瓦,目前有成员国194个。
Die Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen für Handel und Entwicklung, kurz Welthandels- und Entwicklungskonferenz (englisch United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD; französisch Conférence des Nations unies sur le commerce et le développement, CNUCED), ist ein ständiges Organ der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen mit Sitz in Genf.