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APEC United States 2011
APEC United States 2011 was a series of political meetings around the United States between the 21 member economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation during 2011. It culminated in the 19th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting held at the Hawaii Convention Center in Honolulu, Hawaii from November 12–13, 2011.
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G20-Gipfel 2011/G-20-Gipfeltreffen zu den Finanzmärkten und zur Weltwirtschaft/ G-20 Leaders Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy
APEC Russia 2012
The APEC Russia 2012 (Russian: Саммит АТЭС Владивосток-2012, tr. Sammit ATES Vladivostok-2012) was the 24th annual gathering of APEC leaders. Leaders from the member economies met on Russky Island, off the coast of Vladivostok, Russia on September 9–10, 2012.
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G20-Gipfel 2012/G-20-Gipfeltreffen zu den Finanzmärkten und zur Weltwirtschaft/ G-20 Leaders Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy
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Yoshihiko Noda
野田佳彦(日语:野田 佳彦/のだ よしひこ Noda Yoshihiko ,1957年5月20日—),日本政治家。出身于千叶县船桥市。众议院议员(当选7期)。民进党内的实力人物,党内民进党派阀花齐会(野田组)的会长、第2任干事长。前首相(第95代)、民主党常任干事会代表(党首)(第9代),前财务大臣(第14代)、政府税制调查会会长、民主党国会对策委员会委员长(第7、10代)。