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APEC United States 2011
APEC United States 2011 was a series of political meetings around the United States between the 21 member economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation during 2011. It culminated in the 19th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting held at the Hawaii Convention Center in Honolulu, Hawaii from November 12–13, 2011.
Donald Tsang/曾荫权爵士,大紫荆勋贤,KBE(英语:Sir Donald Tsang Yam-kuen)
Sir Donald Tsang Yam Kuen KBE, GBM, JP (chinesisch 曾蔭權 Zēng Yīnquán; * 7. Oktober 1944 in Hongkong) war in der Nachfolge Tung Chee-hwas vom 21. Juni 2005 bis 30. Juni 2012 der Verwaltungschef der chinesischen Sonderverwaltungszone Hongkong.