Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科

German — Chinese
Catalog *China's political system

广东省人民政府/People´s Government of Guangdong Province
贵州省人民政府/People´s Government of Guizhou Province
海南省人民政府/People´s Government of Hainan Province
河北省人民政府/People´s Government of Hebei Province
黑龙江省人民政府/People´s Government of Heilongjiang Province
河南省人民政府/People´s Government of Henan Province
湖北省人民政府/People´s Government of Hubei Province
湖南省人民政府/People´s Government of Hunan Province
江苏省人民政府/People´s Government of Jiangsu Province
江西省人民政府/People´s Government of Jiangxi Province
吉林省人民政府/People´s Government of Jilin Province
辽宁省人民政府/People´s Government of Liaoning Province