Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科

Der Yalu (deutsch auch Jalu, in Nordkorea Amnokkang genannt) ist ein Grenzfluss zwischen der Volksrepublik China und Nordkorea.
Er entspringt auf 2500 m Seehöhe am Paektu-san im Changbai-Gebirge und fließt nach 813 km zwischen den Städten Dandong (China) und Sinŭiju (Nordkorea) in das Gelbe Meer. Die wichtigsten Zuflüsse des Yalu sind der Changjin-gang, der Hŏch’ŏn-gang und der Tongro-gang.
In Sup’ung-Rodongjagu (水豊勞動者區) am Yalu, stromaufwärts von Sinŭiju, wurde die Supung-Talsperre mit einem der größten asiatischen Wasserkraftwerke errichtet. Die Staumauer ist 160 m hoch und über 850 m lang. Da das Kraftwerk in einem Grenzfluss gebaut wurde, wird es von beiden Staaten gemeinsam betrieben. Der Unterlauf des Yalu ist schiffbar. Im Bereich der Mündung des Yalu befinden sich u. a. die Inseln Hwanggŭmp’yŏng und Pidan-sŏm.
鴨緑江(おうりょくこう、おうりょっこう、北京語:Yālù Jiāng、満州語:ᠶᠠᠯᡠ
ᡤᡳᠶᠠᠩ、 転写:yalu giyang[2]、朝鮮語:압록강)は、中華人民共和国(中国)東北部と朝鮮民主主義人民共和国(北朝鮮)との国境となっている川である。白頭山(中国名:長白山)に源を発し黄海に注ぐ。水の色が鴨の頭の色に似ていると言われたことからこの名前がある。
The Yalu River, also called by Koreans the Amrok River or Amnok River, is a river on the border between North Korea and China. Together with the Tumen River to its east, and a small portion of Paektu Mountain, the Yalu forms the border between North Korea and China.
Two theories are given regarding the origin of the river's name. One theory is that the name derived from Yalu ula (ᠶᠠᠯᡠ
ᡠᠯᠠ) in the Manchu language. The Manchu word yalu (ᠶᠠᠯᡠ) means "the boundary between two countries". In Mandarin Chinese, yālù phonetically approximates the original Manchu word, but literally means "duck green", which was said to have been once the color of the river. The other theory is that the river was named after the combination of its two upper branches, which were called "鴨" (Yā or Ap) and "綠" (Lù or R(or n)ok)", respectively.
Revised Romanization of Korean spelled it Amnokgang (Korean pronunciation: [amnok.k͈aŋ]; "Amnok River") and Revised Romanization of Hangeul spelled it Aprokgang (Korean pronunciation: [amnok.k͈aŋ]; "Aprok River").
From 2500 m above sea level on Paektu Mountain on the China–North Korea border, the river flows south to Hyesan before sweeping 130 km northwest to Linjiang and then returning to a more southerly route for a further 300 km to empty into the Korea Bay between Dandong (China) and Sinuiju (North Korea). The bordering Chinese provinces are Jilin and Liaoning.
The river is 795 kilometers (494 mi) long and receives water from over 30,000 km² of land. The Yalu's most significant tributaries are the Changjin (장진강; 長津江), the Hochon (허천강; 虛川江), the Togro (독로강; 禿魯江) rivers from Korea and the Ai (or Aihe) (璦河) and the Hun (浑江) from China. The river is not easily navigable for most of its length.[1] Most of the river freezes during winter and can be crossed on foot.[2]
The depth of the Yalu River varies from some of the more shallow parts on the eastern side in Hyesan (1 meter (3 ft 3 in)) to the deeper parts of the river near the Yellow Sea (2.5 meters (8 ft 2 in)).[3] The estuary is the site of the Amrok River estuary Important Bird Area, identified as such by BirdLife International.[4]
About 205 islands are on the Yalu. A 1962 border treaty between North Korea and China split the islands according to which ethnic group was living on each island. North Korea possesses 127 and China 78. Due to the division criteria, some islands such as Hwanggumpyong Island belong to North Korea, but abut the Chinese side of the river.
Le Yalu (chinois simplifié : 鸭绿江 ; chinois traditionnel : 鴨綠江 ; pinyin : ), ou Amnok (en coréen : 압록강), est un fleuve qui marque la frontière entre la Chine et la Corée du Nord.
Il naît sur le Mont Paektu, point culminant de toute la Corée, à 2 500 m d'altitude et se jette dans la mer Jaune, après un parcours de 800 km orienté globalement vers le Sud-Ouest. Son bassin versant a une superficie de 30 000 km2.
Ses principaux affluents sont le Hunjiang (446 km), le Pushi et le Ai He (182 km) côté chinois ainsi que le Changjin, le Hochon et le Tongro côté coréen.
Trois barrages servent à l'approvisionnement en électricité : les barrages de Supung (765 MW), Yunfeng (400 MW) et Taipingwan.
Plusieurs ponts permettent de franchir le fleuve, dont les plus importants sont le Pont cassé du Yalu, détruit par les Américains pendant la Guerre de Corée et le pont de l'amitié sino-coréenne, qui lui est parallèle.
Il fiume Yalu (in cinese: 鴨綠江T, 鸭绿江S, Yālù JiāngP) o, in coreano, fiume Amnok (압록강?, 鴨綠江?, AmnokkangMR) forma parte del confine fra la Cina e la Corea del Nord. I due nomi in cinese e coreano sono le diverse pronunce degli stessi caratteri cinesi rappresentanti la parola Yalu ula in mancese. La sorgente si trova a circa 2500 m sul mare sulla montagna Baitou nei monti Changbai. Dopo circa 800 km il fiume sfocia nella Baia di Corea fra le città di Dandong in Cina e Sinŭiju nella Corea del Nord. Il bacino dello Yalu misura circa 39,800 km²[1].
El río Yalu o Yalú (en chino, 鸭绿江; Amrok-gang en Corea del Norte y Amnok-gang en Corea del Sur,압록강) es un río fronterizo entre China y Corea del Norte. El nombre chino proviene de una palabra manchú que significa «el límite entre dos campos».
Nace a 2500 metros sobre el nivel del mar en Paektu-san en las montañas de Changbai y fluye a lo largo de aproximadamente 800 kilómetros (según las fuentes, entre 813 y 790 km) desembocando entre las ciudades de Dandong (China) y Sinuiju (Corea del Norte), en el mar Amarillo. Los afluentes más importantes del Yalu son los ríos Changjin, Hŏch'ŏn y Tongro.
Ялуцзя́н (кит. 鸭绿江), Амноккан[1] (кор. 압록강?, 鴨綠江?, в старой русской географической литературе Амнокга́нг) — река на востоке Евразии, определяющая юго-западную часть границы между КНР и КНДР — на правом берегу располагается провинции КНР Ляонин и Гирин, на левом — провинции КНДР Пхёнан-Пукто и Чагандо.