Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科

German — Chinese
Catalog Tennessee-TN

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勝家縫紉機 胜家缝纫机

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In vielen der 50 Bundesstaaten der USA gibt es Wintersportgebiete, von Maine bis nach Kalifornien. Vor allem drei große Gebirgszüge machen das Skifahren in den Vereinigten Staaten möglich: Zum einen sind dies die Rocky Mountains, die die sogenannten Mountain States durchqueren (Colorado, Nevada, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho und Utah). Die Cascades Range zieht sich von Kanada über Oregon bis hinunter nach Kalifornien. Im Osten der USA befinden sich zudem die Appalachen.
Name Orte im Gebiet Staat Seehöhe
in m
Liftanlagen1 Pisten
in km
von bis
Alta Snowbird Snowbird Utah 2365 3350 1/18/0 150
Arapaho Basin   Colorado 3292 3978 0/4/0 34
Aspen Highlands Aspen Colorado 2460 3536 0/5/0 58
Aspen Mountain Aspen Colorado 2422 3417 1/7/0 50
Aspen Butermilk Aspen Colorado 2398 3013 0/5/1 34
Aspen Snowmass Aspen Colorado 2473 3813 2/13/5 137
Beaver Creek Resort Vail/Beaver Creek Colorado 2268 3478 0/15/8 152
Big Sky Resort Big Sky Village Montana 2072 3403 2/18/2 186
Breckenridge Breckenridge Colorado 2926 3962 1/25/25 146
Deer Valley Deer Valley Utah 2003 2918 1/20/0 105
Grand Targhee   Wyoming 2438 3048 0/4/0 40
Heavenly   Nevada 1914 3039 2/17/6 89
Jackson Hole Mountain Teton Village Wyoming 1924 3185 3/9/0 150
Keystone Keystone Colorado 2829 3782 2/16/16 116
Klamath Falls   Oregon n/a n/a n/a n/a
Mammoth Mountain   Kalifornien 2456 3362 3/23/4 112
Park City Mountain Park City Utah 2103 3039 0/15/0 87
Squaw Valley Squaw Valley Kalifornien 1886 2664 3/26/3 88
Steamboat Steamboat Springs Colorado 2097 3207 1/18/0 110
Telluride Skiresort Telluride Colorado 2661 3735 3/11/0 98
The Canyons   Utah 2061 3038 2/12/2 106
Vail Vail Colorado 2450 3527 1/23/9 215
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美国南部/Southern United States
Die Südstaaten sind eine Großregion im Südosten der USA. Nach der geografisch orientierten Definition des United States Census Bureau bestehen die Südstaaten aus insgesamt 16 Staaten mit knapp 100 Millionen Einwohnern auf 2.384.143 km². Es handelt sich um jene 15 eher östlichen Bundesstaaten, die südlich der Mason-Dixon-Linie, der Grenze zwischen Pennsylvania und Maryland, liegen und in denen bis 1865 die Sklavenhaltung erlaubt war, sowie Oklahoma, das erst 1907 gegründet wurde.
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IBM POWER SYSTEM AC922, IBM POWER9 22C 3.07GHZ, NVIDIA VOLTA GV100, DUAL-RAIL MELLANOX EDR INFINIBAND Manufacturer: IBM Cores: 2,414,592 Processor: IBM POWER9 22C 3.07GHz Interconnect: Dual-rail Mellanox EDR Infiniband Installation Year: 2018 Performance Linpack Performance (Rmax) 148.60 PFlop/s Theoretical Peak (Rpeak) 200.79 PFlop/s Nmax 16,473,600 HPCG [TFlop/s] 2,925.75 Power Consumption Power: 10,096.00 kW (Submitted) Power Measurement Level: 3 Operating System: RHEL 7.4

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超级碗/Super Bowl是国家美式足球联盟(也称为国家橄榄球联盟,NFL)的年度冠军赛

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田纳西州(英語:State of Tennessee),位于美国南方,首府為納許維爾,是美國音樂聖地,也是美国乡村音乐的中心。其他著名城市还有孟菲斯。田纳西州早在12,000年前已经有印第安人定居,至1539年被西班牙探险家发现。原来的印第安人其后因为疾病而迁离田纳西州,而欧洲人口也由东面向西扩散。

1796年田纳西州成为被美国联邦政府承认为第16个州份。田纳西名称由来没有明确定义,最早纪录为1567西班牙船长Juan Pardo发现印第安村落Tanasqui。

田纳西州又称义勇军之州(The Volunteer State)。该别名始于1812年战争(War of 1812),即第二次独立战争,战争期间有上千名来自田纳西州的义勇军应征加入美军,特别是在新奥尔良战役美墨战争(Mexican War)时期,政府向田纳西州征召2800名义勇军参战,结果当地民众一呼百应,总计3万人应征入伍。


东部是山地和高原,中、西部为平原,西境有密西西比河冲积平原。最高峰为克林曼穹丘(Clingmans Dome)海拔2025米(6643英尺),大烟山国家公园就坐落于此。

Tennessee (engl. Aussprache Zum Anhören bitte klicken!Abspielen [ˌtɛnəˈsiː]; Cherokee: ᏔᎾᏏ Ta-Na-Si) ist ein Bundesstaat der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und zählt zu den Südstaaten. Der Name Tennessee kommt von Tanasi, dem Namen einer Indianersiedlung am Little Tennessee River. Einer der Beinamen Tennessees lautet Volunteer State – „Staat der Freiwilligen“. Er stammt aus der Zeit des Britisch-Amerikanischen Krieges, in dem zahlreiche Bürger Tennessees als Freiwillige für ihr Land kämpften.

Tennessee ist berühmt für den Blues, die Entstehung des Rock ’n’ Roll (Memphis) und die Country-Musik (Nashville) sowie für seinen Whiskey (Jack Daniel’s und George Dickel).

テネシー州: State of Tennessee [tɛnᵻˈsiː] ( 音声ファイル)、略号: TN[1][2], Tenn.[1][2][3]チェロキー語: ᏔᎾᏏ‎, ラテン文字転写: tanasi[注 1])は、アメリカ合衆国南部のである[2][3]。合衆国50州の中で、陸地面積では第36位、人口では第17位である。南北戦争では南部連合側に属し、シャイローナッシュビルマーフリーズボロなどが戦場となった。



Tennessee (/ˌtɛnəˈs/ (About this soundlisten),[7][8] locally /ˈtɛnəsi/[9]), officially the State of Tennessee, is a state in the southeastern United States. Tennessee is the 36th largest by area and the 16th most populous of the 50 states. It is bordered by eight states, with Kentucky to the north, Virginia to the northeast, North Carolina to the east, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi to the south, Arkansas to the west, and Missouri to the northwest. The Appalachian Mountains dominate the eastern part of the state, and the Mississippi River forms its western border. Nashville is the state's capital and largest city, with a 2019 population of 670,820 and a 2019 metro population of 1,934,317. Tennessee's second largest city is Memphis, which had a population of 651,073 and metro population of 1,346,045 in 2019.[10]

The state of Tennessee is rooted in the Watauga Association, a 1772 frontier pact generally regarded as the first constitutional government west of the Appalachians.[11] What is now Tennessee was initially part of North Carolina, and later part of the Southwest Territory. Tennessee was admitted to the Union as the 16th state on June 1, 1796. Tennessee was the last state to leave the Union and join the Confederacy at the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861. Occupied by Union forces from 1862, it was the first state to be readmitted to the Union at the end of the war.[12]

Tennessee furnished more soldiers for the Confederate Army than any other state besides Virginia, and more soldiers for the Union Army than the rest of the Confederacy combined.[12] Beginning during Reconstruction, it had competitive party politics, but a Democratic takeover in the late 1880s resulted in passage of disenfranchisement laws that excluded most blacks and many poor whites from voting. This reduced competition in politics in the state until after passage of civil rights legislation in the mid-20th century,[13] although unlike in the Deep South, Tennessee Republicans always expected at least a third of the vote in statewide elections via East Tennessee and Highland Rim Unionists.[14] In the 20th century, Tennessee transitioned from an agrarian economy to a more diversified economy, aided by massive federal investment in the Tennessee Valley Authority and, in the early 1940s, the city of Oak Ridge. This city was established just outside of Knoxville to house the Manhattan Project's uranium enrichment facilities, helping to build the world's first atomic bombs, two of which were dropped on Imperial Japan near the end of World War II. After the war, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory became and remains a key center for scientific research. In 2016, the element tennessine was named for the state, largely in recognition of the roles played by Oak Ridge, Vanderbilt University, and the University of Tennessee in the element’s discovery.[15]

Tennessee's major industries include agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism. Poultry, soybeans, and cattle are the state's primary agricultural products,[16] and major manufacturing exports include chemicals, transportation equipment, and electrical equipment.[17] The Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the nation's most visited national park, is located in the eastern part of the state, and a section of the Appalachian Trail roughly follows the Tennessee–North Carolina border.[18] Other major tourist attractions include the Tennessee Aquarium and Chattanooga Choo-Choo Hotel in Chattanooga; Dollywood in Pigeon Forge; Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies and Ober Gatlinburg in Gatlinburg; the Parthenon, the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, and Ryman Auditorium in Nashville; the Jack Daniel's Distillery in Lynchburg; Elvis Presley's Graceland residence and tomb, the Memphis Zoo, the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis; and Bristol Motor Speedway in Bristol.

Le Tennessee (/ˌtɛ.nə.ˈsi/n 1,2Écouter, localement /ˈtɛ.nə.si/n 2,2 ; en cherokee : ᏔᎾᏏ) est un État du Sud des États-Unis. Il est entouré au nord par le Kentucky et la Virginie, à l'est par la Caroline du Nord, au sud par la Géorgie, l'Alabama et le Mississippi et à l'ouest par l'Arkansas et le Missouri. Sa capitale et sa plus grande ville est Nashville

Il Tennessee è uno stato degli Stati Uniti d'America. La sua capitale è Nashville, che è anche la città più popolosa. Il Tennessee è conosciuto come Volunteer State, soprannome adottato durante la Guerra del 1812 in cui soldati volontari provenienti da questo Stato ebbero un ruolo importante specialmente durante la Battaglia di New Orleans

Tennessee es uno de los cincuenta estados que, junto con Washington D. C., forman los Estados Unidos de América. Su capital es Nashville y su ciudad más poblada, Memphis. Está ubicado en la región Sur del país, división Centro Sureste. Limita al norte con Kentucky, al noreste con Virginia, al este con Carolina del Norte, al sureste con Georgia, al sur con Alabama, al suroeste con Misisipi y al oeste con el río Misisipi que lo separa de Arkansas y Misuri. Fue admitido en la Unión el 1 de junio de 1796, como el estado número 16.

El estado tiene su origen en la Asociación Watauga, un pacto fronterizo de 1772 generalmente considerado como el primer gobierno constitucional al oeste de los Apalaches.2​ Lo que ahora es Tennessee fue inicialmente parte de Carolina del Norte, y más tarde del Territorio del Suroeste. Fue admitido en la Unión como el 16º estado el 1 de junio de 1796. Tennessee fue el último estado en abandonar la Unión y unirse a la Confederación en el estallido de la Guerra de Secesión en 1861, y el primero en ser readmitido a finales de la guerra.3

Tennessee ha jugado un rol fundamental en el desarrollo del rock and roll y la música blues.

Теннесси́[1][2] [ Т э н н э с и́ ][3] (англ. Tennessee [tɛnɨˈsiː]) (местное произношение: /ˈtɛnəsi/;[4]) — штат[5] на востоке США, один из так называемых штатов Юго-Восточного Центра. Население 6 403 353 человек (17 место на 2011 г.). Столица — Нашвилл, крупнейший город — Мемфис. Вошёл в состав государства шестнадцатым по счёту. 

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1049 km
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田納西泰坦 田纳西泰坦

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美國國家室內網球錦標賽 美国国家室内网球锦标赛
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