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Catalog Republic of Korea

*Feiertage Südkorea
韩国公休日:国庆日 三一节光复节开天节韩文日 名节 农历新年(前日、当日、次日)秋夕(前日、当日、次日) 宗教纪念日 释迦诞辰日圣诞节 其他 日曜日新历新年儿童节显忠日依公职选举法第34条任期满了选举的选举日 替代公休日 新年、秋夕恰逢其他公休日,儿童节恰逢周六或其他公休日,国庆日为周六或其他公休日,则为公休日后首个非节假日
Fußball-Asienmeisterschaft 1960/AFC Asian Cup
WTF Taekwondo-Weltmeisterschaften 2001/World Taekwondo Championships 2001
APEC South Korea 2005
APEC South Korea 2005 was a series of political meetings held around South Korea between the 21 member economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation during 2005. Leaders from all the member countries met from 18 to 19 November 2005 in Busan. Motto Towards One Community: Meet the Challenge and Make the Change