Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科

German — Chinese
Catalog Zhejiang Sheng-ZJ

花雕酒属于黄酒,是中国的传统特产酒。据记载,花雕酒起源于六千年前的山东大汶口文化时期,代表了源远流长的中国酒文化。在各地的花雕酒当中,字号最老的当属浙江绍兴的花雕酒。绍兴酒种颇丰,有元红酒、加饭酒、善酿酒、香雪酒、花雕酒等,而花雕又是当中最富特色的。 花雕酒是属于发酵酒中的黄酒。选用上好糯米、优质麦曲,辅以江浙明净澄澈的湖水,用古法酿制,再贮以时日,产生出独特的风味和丰富的营养。据科学鉴定,花雕酒含有对人体有益的多种氨基酸、糖类和维生素等营养成分,被称为“高级液体蛋糕”。 根据贮存时间不同,花雕酒有三年陈、五年陈、八年陈、十年陈,甚至几十年陈等,以陈为贵。总的来说,花雕酒酒性柔和,酒色橙黄清亮,酒香馥郁芬芳,酒味甘香醇厚。


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黄茅尖位于浙江省南部龙泉市境内,是洞宫山脉的主峰,也是浙江省第一高峰,海拔1930米,位于凤阳山 - 百山祖国家级自然保护区,为闽江和瓯江的分水岭。这一带山岭逶迤,沟壑幽深。

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黃岩 黄岩

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湖州市,古称霅溪、菰城、吴兴,浙江省辖地级市,是长江三角洲中心区城市,地处中国华东地区,浙江省北部,浙苏皖三省交汇处,东邻嘉兴市,南接杭州市,西邻安徽省宣城市,北濒太湖,与江苏省无锡市、苏州市隔湖相望,总面积5820平方千米 。湖州市是一座具有2000多年历史的江南古城。湖州市素有“丝绸之府、鱼米之乡、文化之邦”的美誉,宋代便有“苏湖熟,天下足”之说,是中国蚕丝文化、茶文化、湖笔文化的发祥地之一。湖州市下辖2个市辖区、3个县。 市辖区:吴兴区、南浔区 县:长兴县、德清县、安吉县

Huzhou (湖州市) ist eine bezirksfreie Stadt mit etwa 2,56 Mio. Einwohnern (2002) in der vorwiegend Wu-sprachigen chinesischen Provinz Zhejiang. Huzhou hat eine Fläche von 5.817 km².
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富春山居图-剩山图 Im Jahr 1347-1350 n. Chr.

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國際絲綢聯盟 国际丝绸联盟
Die International Silk Union (ISU) ist eine internationale und spezialisierte gemeinnützige Organisation, an der sich Unternehmen und verwandte Organisationen aus den Seide produzierenden und verbrauchenden Ländern freiwillig beteiligen.

International Silk Union (ISU) is an international and specialized non-profit social organization in which enterprises and related organizations from the silk producing and consuming countries participate voluntarily. The secretariat is located in Hangzhou, China. Since its foundation in October 2015, there have been more than 140 enterprises and organizations from 27 countries and regions joining ISU, including China, Italy, France, Switzerland, Brazil, Poland, Japan, Turkiye, Thailand, India, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Singapore, the United States, Australia, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, Laos, Iran, Pakistan, Romania, Spain, the Philippines, Uganda and Hong Kong(China), among which there are 46 executive member units and 11 vice chairman units. Especially China Textile Engineering Society, Ufficio Italiano Seta, INTERSOIE France, Brazilian Silk Association, Vietnam Sericulture Association, Cambodia Silk Sector Promotion and Development Commission, and Iran Silk Research Center have joined as countries or regions, and their influence radiates to the world's major silk enterprises and research institutions. In 2020, ISU was included in the “Yearbook of International Organizations”, Union of International Associations(UIA), becoming the first silk international organization in the UIA with the secretariat being located in China. In 2021, ISU signed a strategic cooperation agreement to establish a dialogue partnership with International Sericulture Commission (ISC), an intergovernmental international organization.

Adhering to the purpose of “Communication & Cooperation, Development with Concerted Efforts”, ISU actively docks international exchanges and cooperation, holds international conferences, organizes international inspections, and establishes the professional committees in silk field including History Culture, Education Research, Technical Innovation, Fashion Design, etc. In order to smooth information exchanges, ISU establishes the official website of “World Silk Website” and Self-Media Matrix, hosts the proceeding of ISU News, co-hosts the professional journal of Journal of Silk, which integrates the journals, official bilingual websites, WeChat, Toutiao, Sohu, Baijia and Tencent, etc., promoting the international integration and development of silk culture and industry. The chairman of ISU is Zhang Guoqiang, chairman of the board of Cathaya group. The secretary-general of ISU is Li Qizheng, director of Hangzhou Oriental Silk Culture and Brand Research Center, and president of Periodicals Agency of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University. 

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長三角G60科創走廊 长三角G60科创走廊
长三角G60科创走廊包括上海、嘉兴、杭州、金华、苏州、湖州、宣城、芜湖、合肥等9个城市,覆盖面积约7.62万平方公里,沿线城镇化水平高、经济活力足。 科技部官网公布的《长三角G60科创走廊建设方案》明确:到2022年,科创走廊建设初显成效,先进制造业和战略性新兴产业集群建设走在全国前列,上市(挂牌)企业数量年均新增100家以上,高新技术企业年均新增3000家左右,引进高层次人才、应届高校毕业生等各类人才每年不少于20万人;到2025年,基本建成具有国际影响力的科创走廊,形成若干世界级制造业集群,成为我国重要创新策源地。

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长江经济带/Yangtze River Economic Belt,YEB

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