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  ji2 shui3 shen2 she4
  1 3 years ago
Yoshimizu-jinja Schrein


吉水神社(日语:吉水神社よしみずじんじゃ Yoshi Mizu Jin Ja),是位于日本奈良县吉野郡吉野町吉野山神社,旧社格为村社。已列入世界遗产“纪伊山地的圣地及朝圣路”之一部分。[1]“吉”的正确字型为“Tsuchiyoshi.svg”(上土下口)。





Yoshimizu Shrine (吉水神社, Yoshimizu-jinja) is a Shinto shrine located on Mount Yoshino in Yoshino districtNaraJapan. It is dedicated to Emperor Go-Daigo, and the samurai Kusunoki Masashige.

In 2004, it was designated as part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site under the name Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range. In 2014 the temple was embroiled in a scandal when it was discovered that head priest Satō Kazuhiko's private blog contained extreme hate speech towards Chinese and Koreans, in addition to him being the head of a local right-wing extremist group.

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8 years ago 3 years ago