Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科
German — Chinese

人类血型系统/Human blood group systems

ISBT 编号 | 中文名称 | 英文简称 | 编码基因名称 | 编码基因位置 | 抗原决定基团类型/备注 |
001 | ABO血型系统 | ABO | ABO | 9q34.2 | 寡聚糖,不同的等位基因编码不同的糖基转移酶,其基础是Hh血型系统;ABO血型系统是人类最早认识和最为重要的血型系统 |
002 | MNS血型系统 | MNS | GYPA GYPB GYPE | 4q31.21 | GPA/GPB(血型糖蛋白A和B),主要抗原:M、N、S、s |
003 | P血型系统 | P1 | 22q11.2–qter | 糖脂 | |
004 | Rh血型系统 | RH | RHD RHCE | 1p36.11 | 蛋白质:C、c、D、E、e抗原(不存在“d”抗原; “d”代表无D抗原)。是在医学上占有第二位重要意义的血型系统。 |
005 | Lutheran血型系统 | LU | LU | 19q13.32 | 蛋白质(免疫球蛋白超家族的成员),已发现21种抗原 |
006 | Kell血型系统 | KEL | KEL | 7q34 | 糖蛋白,K1可能引起严重新生儿溶血症(抗-Kell型) |
007 | Lewis血型系统 | LE | FUT3 | 19p13.3 | 糖类(岩藻糖片段,主要抗原:Lea与Leb,与ABH抗原分泌有关 |
008 | Duffy血型系统 | FY | DARC | 1q23.2 | 糖蛋白,为趋化因子受体(chemokine receptor),主要抗原Fya 和 Fyb,缺乏Duffy抗原者对间日疟原虫(Plasmodium vivax)和诺氏疟原虫(Plasmodium knowlesi)引起的疟疾免疫 |
009 | Kidd血型系统 | JK | SLC14A1 | 18q12.3 | 蛋白质(尿素通道蛋白),主要抗原:Jka和Jkb. |
010 | Diego血型系统 | DI | SLC4A1 | 17q21.31 | 糖蛋白/ 糖蛋白(Glycoproteins)(红细胞膜带3蛋白),阳性个体只存在于东亚人群和印第安人中 |
011 | Yt血型系统 | YT | ACHE | 7q22.1 | 蛋白质,即乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE) |
012 | XG血型系统 | XG | XG MIC2 | Xp22.33 | 糖蛋白 |
013 | Scianna血型系统 | SC | ERMAP | 1p34.2 | 糖蛋白 |
014 | Dombrock血型系统 | DO | ART4 | 12p12.3 | 糖蛋白(由GPI固定于细胞膜上),或称糖基化磷脂酰肌醇(glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol,GPI)锚定蛋白 |
015 | Colton血型系统 | CO | AQP1 | 7p14.3 | 水通道蛋白1(Aquaporin 1),主要抗原:Co(a)和Co(b) |
016 | Landsteiner-Wiener血型系统 | LW | ICAM4 | 19p13.2 | 蛋白质(免疫球蛋白超家族成员) |
017 | Chido/Rodgers血型系统 | CH/RG | C4A C4B | 6p21.3 | C4A C4B(补体片段) |
018 | Hh/孟买血型系统 | H | FUT1 | 19q13.33 | 糖类,即岩藻糖(fucose)基 |
019 | Kx蛋白 | XK | XK | Xp21.1 | 糖蛋白 |
020 | Gerbich血型系统 | GE | GYPC | 2q14.3 | GPC/GPD(血型糖蛋白C和D) |
021 | Cromer血型系统 | CROM | CD55 | 1q32.2 | 糖蛋白,即DAF或CD55,补体调节蛋白片段,C3和C5,由GPI固定于细胞膜) |
022 | Knops血型系统 | KN | CR1 | 1q32.2 | 糖蛋白,即CR1或CD35,免疫复合物受体 |
023 | Indian血型系统 | IN | CD44 | 11p13 | 糖蛋白 |
024 | Ok血型系统 | OK | BSG | 19p13.3 | 糖蛋白(CD147) |
025 | Raph血型系统 | RAPH | CD151 | 11p15.5 | 跨膜糖蛋白 |
026 | JMH血型系统 | JMH | SEMA7A | 15q24.1 | 蛋白(由GPI固定于细胞膜) |
027 | Ii血型系统 | I | GCNT2 | 6p24.2 | 不分支(I)/分支(i)多糖. |
028 | Globoside血型系统 | GLOB | B3GALT3 | 3q26.1 | 糖脂 |
029 | GIL血型系统 | GIL | AQP3 | 9p13.3 | 水通道蛋白3(Aquaporin 3,AQP3) |
030 | Rh-相关糖蛋白 | RHAG | RHAG | 6p21-qter | |
031 | Forssman antigen system | FORS | |||
032 | Langereis antigen system | LAN | |||
033 | Junior_antigen_system | JR | |||
034 | Vel antigen system | Vel | |||
035 | CD59 antigen system | CD59 | |||
036 | Augustine | AUG |
ISBT No.[2] | System name | System symbol | Epitope or carrier, notes[citation needed] | Chromosome |
001 | ABO | ABO | Carbohydrate (N-Acetylgalactosamine, galactose). A, B and H antigens mainly elicit IgM antibody reactions, although anti-H is very rare, see the Hh antigen system (Bombay phenotype, ISBT #18). | 9q34.2 |
002 | MNS | MNS | GPA / GPB (glycophorins A and B). Main antigens M, N, S, s. | 4q31.21 |
003 | P | P | Glycolipid. Three antigens: P1, P, and Pk | 22q13.2 |
004 | Rh | RH | Protein. C, c, D, E, e antigens (there is no "d" antigen; lowercase "d" indicates the absence of D). | 1p36.11 |
005 | Lutheran | LU | Protein (member of the immunoglobulin superfamily). Set of 21 antigens. | 19q13.32 |
006 | Kell | KEL | Glycoprotein. K1 can cause hemolytic disease of the newborn (anti-Kell), which can be severe. | 7q34 |
007 | Lewis | LE | Carbohydrate (fucose residue). Main antigens Lea and Leb — associated with tissue ABH antigen secretion. | 19p13.3 |
008 | Duffy | FY | Protein (chemokine receptor). Main antigens Fya and Fyb. Individuals lacking Duffy antigens altogether are immune to malaria caused by Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium knowlesi. | 1q23.2 |
009 | Kidd | JK | Protein (urea transporter). Main antigens Jka and Jkb. | 18q12.3 |
010 | Diego | DI | Glycoprotein (band 3, AE 1, or anion exchange). Positive blood is found only among East Asians and Native Americans. | 17q21.31 |
011 | Yt | YT | Protein (AChE, acetylcholinesterase). | 7q22.1 |
012 | XG | XG | Glycoprotein. | Xp22.33 |
013 | Scianna | SC | Glycoprotein. | 1p34.2 |
014 | Dombrock | DO | Glycoprotein (fixed to cell membrane by GPI, or glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol). | 12p12.3 |
015 | Colton | CO | Aquaporin 1. Main antigens Co(a) and Co(b). | 7p14.3 |
016 | Landsteiner-Wiener | LW | Protein (member of the immunoglobulin superfamily). | 19p13.2 |
017 | Chido | CH | C4A C4B (complement fractions). | 6p21.3 |
018 | Hh | H | Carbohydrate (fucose residue). | 19q13.33 |
019 | XK | XK | Glycoprotein. | Xp21.1 |
020 | Gerbich | GE | GPC / GPD (Glycophorins C and D). | 2q14.3 |
021 | Cromer | CROM | Glycoprotein (DAF or CD55, regulates complement fractions C3 and C5, attached to the membrane by GPI). | 1q32.2 |
022 | Knops | KN | Glycoprotein (CR1 or CD35, immune complex receptor). | 1q32.2 |
023 | Indian | IN | Glycoprotein (CD44 adhesion function?). | 11p13 |
024 | Ok | OK | Glycoprotein (CD147). | 19p13.3 |
025 | Raph | RAPH | Transmembrane glycoprotein. | 11p15.5 |
026 | JMH | JMH | Protein (fixed to cell membrane by GPI). Also known as Semaphorin 7A or CD108. | 15q24.1 |
027 | Ii | I | Branched (I) / unbranched (i) polysaccharide. | 6p24.2 |
028 | Globoside | GLOB | Glycolipid. Antigen P. | 3q26.1 |
029 | GIL | GIL | Aquaporin 3.[citation needed] | 9p13.3 |
030 | Rh-associated glycoprotein | RHAg | Rh-associated glycoprotein.[citation needed] | 6p21-qter |
031 | Forssman | FORS | Globoside alpha-1,3-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1 (GBGT1)[citation needed] | 9q34.13 |
032 | Langereis[7] | LAN | ABCB6, human ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter, mitochondrial porphyrin transporter.[7] | 2q36 |
033 | Junior | JR | ABCG2. Multi-drug transporter protein.[citation needed] | 4q22 |
034 | Vel | Vel | Human red cell antigens[citation needed] | 1p36.32 |
035 | CD59 | CD59 | — | 11p13 |
036 | Augustine | AUG | Protein (transporter).[8] | 6p21.1 |
037 | KANNO[9][10] | PRNP | — | 20p13 |
038 | Sid |
4 years ago
3 years ago