Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科
German — Chinese
Menschliche Blutgruppensysteme Deutscher Wortschatz
  1 3 years ago
人类血型系统/Human blood group systems
中文名称 英文简称 编码基因名称 编码基因位置 抗原决定基团类型/备注
001 ABO血型系统 ABO ABO 9q34.2 寡聚糖,不同的等位基因编码不同的糖基转移酶,其基础是Hh血型系统;ABO血型系统是人类最早认识和最为重要的血型系统
002 MNS血型系统 MNS GYPA
4q31.21 GPA/GPB(血型糖蛋白A和B),主要抗原:M、N、S、s
003 P血型系统 P1   22q11.2–qter 糖脂
004 Rh血型系统 RH RHD
1p36.11 蛋白质:C、c、D、E、e抗原(不存在“d”抗原; “d”代表无D抗原)。是在医学上占有第二位重要意义的血型系统。
005 Lutheran血型系统 LU LU 19q13.32 蛋白质(免疫球蛋白超家族的成员),已发现21种抗原
006 Kell血型系统 KEL KEL 7q34 糖蛋白,K1可能引起严重新生儿溶血症(抗-Kell型)
007 Lewis血型系统 LE FUT3 19p13.3 糖类(岩藻糖片段,主要抗原:Lea与Leb,与ABH抗原分泌有关
008 Duffy血型系统 FY DARC 1q23.2 糖蛋白,为趋化因子受体(chemokine receptor),主要抗原Fya 和 Fyb,缺乏Duffy抗原者对间日疟原虫Plasmodium vivax)和诺氏疟原虫Plasmodium knowlesi)引起的疟疾免疫
009 Kidd血型系统 JK SLC14A1 18q12.3 蛋白质(尿素通道蛋白),主要抗原:Jka和Jkb.
010 Diego血型系统 DI SLC4A1 17q21.31 糖蛋白/ 糖蛋白(Glycoproteins)(红细胞膜带3蛋白),阳性个体只存在于东亚人群和印第安人
011 Yt血型系统 YT ACHE 7q22.1 蛋白质,即乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)
012 XG血型系统 XG XG
Xp22.33 糖蛋白
013 Scianna血型系统 SC ERMAP 1p34.2 糖蛋白
014 Dombrock血型系统 DO ART4 12p12.3 糖蛋白(由GPI固定于细胞膜上),或称糖基化磷脂酰肌醇(glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol,GPI)锚定蛋白
015 Colton血型系统 CO AQP1 7p14.3 水通道蛋白1(Aquaporin 1),主要抗原:Co(a)和Co(b)
016 Landsteiner-Wiener血型系统 LW ICAM4 19p13.2 蛋白质(免疫球蛋白超家族成员)
017 Chido/Rodgers血型系统 CH/RG C4A
6p21.3 C4A C4B(补体片段)
018 Hh/孟买血型系统 H FUT1 19q13.33 糖类,即岩藻糖(fucose)基
019 Kx蛋白 XK XK Xp21.1 糖蛋白
020 Gerbich血型系统 GE GYPC 2q14.3 GPC/GPD(血型糖蛋白C和D)
021 Cromer血型系统 CROM CD55 1q32.2 糖蛋白,即DAF或CD55,补体调节蛋白片段,C3和C5,由GPI固定于细胞膜)
022 Knops血型系统 KN CR1 1q32.2 糖蛋白,即CR1或CD35,免疫复合物受体
023 Indian血型系统 IN CD44 11p13 糖蛋白
024 Ok血型系统 OK BSG 19p13.3 糖蛋白(CD147
025 Raph血型系统 RAPH CD151 11p15.5 跨膜糖蛋白
026 JMH血型系统 JMH SEMA7A 15q24.1 蛋白(由GPI固定于细胞膜)
027 Ii血型系统 I GCNT2 6p24.2 不分支(I)/分支(i)多糖.
028 Globoside血型系统 GLOB B3GALT3 3q26.1 糖脂
029 GIL血型系统 GIL AQP3 9p13.3 水通道蛋白3(Aquaporin 3,AQP3)
030 Rh-相关糖蛋白 RHAG RHAG 6p21-qter  
031 Forssman antigen system FORS      
032 Langereis antigen system LAN      
033 Junior_antigen_system JR      
034 Vel antigen system Vel      
035 CD59 antigen system CD59      
036 Augustine AUG    


ISBT No.[2] System name System symbol Epitope or carrier, notes[citation needed] Chromosome
001 ABO ABO Carbohydrate (N-Acetylgalactosamine, galactose). A, B and H antigens mainly elicit IgM antibody reactions, although anti-H is very rare, see the Hh antigen system (Bombay phenotype, ISBT #18). 9q34.2
002 MNS MNS GPA / GPB (glycophorins A and B). Main antigens M, N, S, s. 4q31.21
003 P P Glycolipid. Three antigens: P1, P, and Pk 22q13.2
004 Rh RH Protein. C, c, D, E, e antigens (there is no "d" antigen; lowercase "d" indicates the absence of D). 1p36.11
005 Lutheran LU Protein (member of the immunoglobulin superfamily). Set of 21 antigens. 19q13.32
006 Kell KEL Glycoprotein. K1 can cause hemolytic disease of the newborn (anti-Kell), which can be severe. 7q34
007 Lewis LE Carbohydrate (fucose residue). Main antigens Lea and Leb — associated with tissue ABH antigen secretion. 19p13.3
008 Duffy FY Protein (chemokine receptor). Main antigens Fya and Fyb. Individuals lacking Duffy antigens altogether are immune to malaria caused by Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium knowlesi. 1q23.2
009 Kidd JK Protein (urea transporter). Main antigens Jka and Jkb. 18q12.3
010 Diego DI Glycoprotein (band 3, AE 1, or anion exchange). Positive blood is found only among East Asians and Native Americans. 17q21.31
011 Yt YT Protein (AChE, acetylcholinesterase). 7q22.1
012 XG XG Glycoprotein. Xp22.33
013 Scianna SC Glycoprotein. 1p34.2
014 Dombrock DO Glycoprotein (fixed to cell membrane by GPI, or glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol). 12p12.3
015 Colton CO Aquaporin 1. Main antigens Co(a) and Co(b). 7p14.3
016 Landsteiner-Wiener LW Protein (member of the immunoglobulin superfamily). 19p13.2
017 Chido CH C4A C4B (complement fractions). 6p21.3
018 Hh H Carbohydrate (fucose residue). 19q13.33
019 XK XK Glycoprotein. Xp21.1
020 Gerbich GE GPC / GPD (Glycophorins C and D). 2q14.3
021 Cromer CROM Glycoprotein (DAF or CD55, regulates complement fractions C3 and C5, attached to the membrane by GPI). 1q32.2
022 Knops KN Glycoprotein (CR1 or CD35, immune complex receptor). 1q32.2
023 Indian IN Glycoprotein (CD44 adhesion function?). 11p13
024 Ok OK Glycoprotein (CD147). 19p13.3
025 Raph RAPH Transmembrane glycoprotein. 11p15.5
026 JMH JMH Protein (fixed to cell membrane by GPI). Also known as Semaphorin 7A or CD108. 15q24.1
027 Ii I Branched (I) / unbranched (i) polysaccharide. 6p24.2
028 Globoside GLOB Glycolipid. Antigen P. 3q26.1
029 GIL GIL Aquaporin 3.[citation needed] 9p13.3
030 Rh-associated glycoprotein RHAg Rh-associated glycoprotein.[citation needed] 6p21-qter
031 Forssman FORS Globoside alpha-1,3-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1 (GBGT1)[citation needed] 9q34.13
032 Langereis[7] LAN ABCB6, human ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter, mitochondrial porphyrin transporter.[7] 2q36
033 Junior JR ABCG2. Multi-drug transporter protein.[citation needed] 4q22
034 Vel Vel Human red cell antigens[citation needed] 1p36.32
035 CD59 CD59 11p13
036 Augustine AUG Protein (transporter).[8] 6p21.1
037 KANNO[9][10] PRNP 20p13
038 Sid   


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4 years ago 3 years ago