Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科
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Stavanger Deutscher Wortschatz
  12.886 K 3 years ago 3 weeks ago
斯塔萬格 斯塔万格
Stavanger ( [staˈvaŋər]) ist die viertgrößte Stadt Norwegens. Sie liegt in Nord-Jæren in der Fylke (Provinz) Rogaland und ist eine eigenständige Kommune.

斯塔万格挪威语Stavanger/stəˈvæŋə/,挪威语发音:[stɑˈʋɑŋər]  ( listen))是挪威的一座自治市,是罗加兰郡行政中心,拥有挪威第三大都会区。[1][2] 人口为挪威第四多。城市位于挪威西南部的斯塔万格半岛,官方宣称的成立时间是1125年,即斯塔万格大教堂成立之年。市中心有大量18及19世纪的木建筑,[3] 这些建筑都被当做城市的文化财产而受到保护,因此也使得市中心显得与众不同。[4] 由于都市化的缘故,与其周边形成了“大斯塔万格”。

该城市人口的迅速增长要追溯到1900年代挪威石油业的迅速发展,而现在油业也是该市的主要工业,因此城市本身也被当做挪威的“油都”。[5] 北欧最大的石油公司挪威国家石油公司的总部即位于该市。[6] 市内也有一些高等教育机构,譬如斯塔万格大学

该市还有设置有本国及国际军事设施,其中包括北约联合作战中心。加上其他的一些大型外国石油公司分公司,导致该城市外国人人口增加。斯塔万格人口中有11%都是移民。[7] 2000年代以来斯塔万格的就业率就高于本国及其他欧洲城市,2011年失业率不到2%。[8] 其生活消费指数也居于世界前列。[9][10][11]


Stavanger (Zum Anhören bitte klicken! [staˈvaŋər]) ist mit 132.913 Einwohnern (Stand: 30. Juni 2017) die viertgrößte Stadt Norwegens. Sie liegt in Nord-Jæren in der Fylke (Provinz) Rogaland und ist eine eigenständige Kommune.

スタヴァンゲルStavanger ノルウェー語発音: [stɑˈʋɑŋər] ( 音声ファイル))はノルウェーの都市。ローガラン県の県都。人口は約11万2千人(2004年)。スタヴァンガーとも表記する[1]。 

Stavanger /stəˈvæŋər/ (Norwegian pronunciation: [stɑˈʋɑŋər] (About this sound listen)) is a city and municipality in Norway. It is the third largest city[2] and metropolitan area[3] in Norway (through conurbation with neighbouring Sandnes) and the administrative centre of Rogaland county. The municipality is the fourth most populous in Norway. Located on the Stavanger Peninsula in Southwest Norway, Stavanger counts its official founding year as 1125, the year the Stavanger Cathedral was completed. Stavanger's core is to a large degree 18th- and 19th-century wooden houses[4] that are protected and considered part of the city's cultural heritage. This has caused the town centre and inner city to retain a small-town character with an unusually high ratio of detached houses,[5] and has contributed significantly to spreading the city's population growth to outlying parts of Greater Stavanger.

The city's rapid population growth in the late 20th century was primarily a result of Norway's booming offshore oil industry. Today the oil industry is a key industry in the Stavanger region and the city is widely referred to as the Oil Capital of Norway.[6][not in citation given] The largest company in the Nordic region,[7] Norwegian energy company Statoil is headquartered in Stavanger. Multiple educational institutions for higher education are located in Stavanger. The largest of these is the University of Stavanger.

Domestic and international military installations are located in Stavanger, among these is the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation's Joint Warfare Center. Other international establishments, and especially local branches of foreign oil and gas companies, contribute further to a significant foreign population in the city. Immigrants make up 11.3% of Stavanger's population.[8] Stavanger has since the early 2000s consistently had an unemployment rate significantly lower than the Norwegian and European average. In 2011, the unemployment rate was less than 2%.[9] The city is also among those that frequent various lists of expensive cities in the world, and Stavanger has even been ranked as the world's most expensive city by certain indexes.[10][11][12]

Stavanger is served by international airport Stavanger Airport, Sola, which offers flights to cities in most major European countries, as well as a limited number of intercontinental charter flights. The airport was named most punctual European regional airport by in 2010.[13]

Every two years, Stavanger organizes the Offshore Northern Seas (ONS), which is the second largest exhibition and conference for the energy sector. Gladmat food festival is also held each year and is considered to be one of Scandinavia's leading food festivals. The city is also known for being one of the nation's premier culinary clusters. Stavanger 2008 European Capital of Culture. Stavanger was awarded the 2008 European Capital of Culture alongside Liverpool.

Stavanger (prononcer [staˈvaŋər] écouter) est une ville portuaire située dans le Rogaland, au sud-ouest de la Norvège. Avec 130 745 habitants au 1er janvier 2012, elle est la quatrième ville du pays et le centre de la troisième agglomération norvégienne avec environ 200 000 habitants. Stavanger est la capitale du comté du Rogaland

Stavanger (IPA: [stɑˈʋɑŋər]) è un comune e una città della Norvegia situata nella contea di Rogaland, della quale è capoluogo amministrativo. L'area metropolitana è la terza più grande area urbana della Norvegia[2], include anche i comuni di Sola, Randaberg e Sandnes raggiungendo così una popolazione complessiva di 241 990 abitanti[1]. Stavanger ha ricevuto lo status di città nel 1125. Stavanger è nota come la capitale del petrolio della Norvegia e d'Europa[3]. È stata capitale europea della cultura nel 2008. 

Stavanger (Acerca de este sonido [stɑˈʋɑŋər] (?·i)) es una ciudad portuaria y municipio del sudoeste de Noruega, perteneciente a la provincia de Rogaland, de la que es capital. Es la cuarta ciudad del país por su población con 132 102 habitantes según el censo de 20151​ detrás de Oslo, Bergen y Trondheim y es el centro de la tercera aglomeración noruega.2​ Es la capital noruega del petróleo. Las actividades tradicionales de Stavanger son el transporte marítimo, la construcción naval y la industria conservera, aunque esta última ha perdido importancia con el paso de los años. 

Става́нгер (норв. Stavanger, МФА (норв.): [stɑˈʋɑŋər] Информация о файле слушать) — город и коммуна в фюльке Ругаланн, Норвегия. Нефтяная столица Норвегии. Расположен на одноименном полуострове на юго-западном побережье Норвегии. Центр третьей по величине агломерации в стране. Климат — мягкий морской, довольно ветреный, средняя температура всех месяцев выше нуля, осадки — 1200 мм в год. 

Город сочетает старые и новые черты, испытывая сильное зарубежное влияние из-за расположения поблизости военной базы НАТО под названием JWC, а также интересов зарубежных нефтяных компаний. В Ставангере имеется несколько живописных озёр — популярные зоны отдыха. Озеро Бреиаватнет находится в самом центре города, а озёра Мосватнет и Стоккаватнет — сразу за чертой города.

Аэропорт Ставангера находится в 14 км от центра города, в муниципалитете Сула. В высшей лиге Норвегии играет футбольный клуб Викинг. В городе построен современный футбольный стадион «Viking Stadion», открытый в 2004 году.

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  Author Equinor ASA 挪威国家石油公司/Statoil ASA
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