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Piz Daint - Cray XC30 Deutscher Wortschatz
  1 2 years ago
Piz Daint - Cray XC30超级计算机 Xeon E5-2670 8C 2.600GHz, Aries interconnect , NVIDIA K20x

Site: Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS)
System URL:
Manufacturer: Cray Inc.
Cores: 361,760
Memory: 340,480 GB
Processor: Xeon E5-2690v3 12C 2.6GHz
Interconnect: Aries interconnect
Linpack Performance (Rmax) 19,590 TFlop/s
Theoretical Peak (Rpeak) 25,326.3 TFlop/s
Nmax 3,569,664
HPCG [TFlop/s] 486.398
Power Consumption
Power: 2,271.99 kW (Optimized: 1631.13 kW)
Power Measurement Level: 3
Measured Cores: 361,760
Operating System: Cray Linux Environment
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10 years ago 2 years ago
Manufacturer:Cray Inc.
Linpack Performance (Rmax)6,271 TFlop/s
Theoretical Peak (Rpeak)7,788.85 TFlop/s
Power:2,325.00 kW
Processor:Xeon E5-2670 8C 2.6GHz
Interconnect:Aries interconnect
Operating System:Cray Linux Environment
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