Qin (Chinese: 秦; Wade–Giles: Ch'in; Old Chinese: *[dz]i[n]) was an ancient Chinese state during the Zhou dynasty. Traditionally dated to 897 B.C.,[1] it took its origin in a reconquest of western lands previously lost to the Rong; its position at the western edge of Chinese civilization permitted expansion and development that was unavailable to its rivals in the North China Plain. Following extensive "Legalist" reform in the 3rd century BC, Qin emerged as one of the dominant powers of the Seven Warring States and unified China in 221 BC under Shi Huangdi. The empire it established was short-lived but greatly influential on later Chinese history.
Though disliked by many Confucians of its time for "dangerously lacking in Confucian scholars," Confucian Xun Kuang wrote of the later Qin that "its topographical features are inherently advantageous," and that its "'manifold natural resources gave it remarkable inherent strength. Its people were unspoiled and exceedingly deferential; its officers unfailingly respectful, earnest, reverential, loyal, and trustworthy; and its high officials public-spirited, intelligent, and assiduous in the execution of the duties of their position. Its courts and bureaus functioned without delays and with such smoothness that it was as if there were no government at all."[2]
L'État de Qin ou Ts'in (EFEO) (秦) (v. 771 av. J.-C. - 207 av. J.-C.) apparaît au début de la dynastie des Zhou Orientaux, dans la vallée de la Wei (actuelle province du Shaanxi). État semi-barbare aux confins occidentaux de la Chine des Zhou, son influence s'accroît au cours de la période des Printemps et des Automnes et surtout des Royaumes combattants, à la fin de laquelle le roi de Qin, ayant annexé ses six principaux rivaux (Qi, Chu, Han, Yan, Zhao, et Wei) fonde la dynastie Qin (221 av. J.-C.-207 av. J.-C.). La famille régnante du Qin portait le nom de Ying (嬴).
Qin o Ch'in (Wade-Giles) (秦), (778 a.C.-207 a.C.) fu uno Stato cinese del Periodo delle primavere e degli autunni e del Periodo dei regni combattenti. Il nome cinese per i suoi regnanti era Ying (嬴).
El estado Qin (en chino: 秦國, Wade-Giles: Ch'in2 kuo2, pinyin: Qín guó) era un estado en el noroeste de China que se extendió durante el periodo de Primaveras y Otoños y los Reinos Combatientes de la historia antigua. Surgió como una de las superpotencias dominantes de los siete estados combatientes por el siglo III a. C. y, finalmente unificó a China bajo su mandato en el año 221 a. C., después de lo cual se le conoció como la Dinastía Qin.
Цинь (кит. 秦) — царство в древнем Китае, которое сначала было удельным княжеством, а потом смогло объединить Китай (см. «Цинь (династия)»). Существовало от 778 до н. э. по 221 до н. э. в эпоху формального правления династии Чжоу в периоды Весны и Осени и Сражающихся царств до образования Империи Цинь. Правящая семья носила фамилию Ин (кит. 嬴).