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  Ān péi yáng háng
  1 1 year ago
Amberg & Co. Building
地址 圆明园路97号   早期办公楼建筑,通和洋行设计,1908年建造。立面局部采用变形的古典装饰符号。四层砖木结构,中央大门连同上三层墙体略向外凸,每层有一半圆挑窗,颇具装饰性。大门左右均为四层楼梯,每层各列三窗,窗户形式均有变化。立面明显分为三段,以清水红砖为主,装饰细巧多样。主楼两侧呈半圆形,顶部有圆形露台。半圆体后的楼体贴主楼,部分为三层。    整幢大楼正门居中,两边建筑严格对称,稳重沉着。大楼内部高敞,主楼梯栏杆、扶手、楼梯底板等均为木质,花饰精美,各层层高平均都在4米以上。

   Amberg & Co. Building. Built in 1908, designed by Atkinson & Dallas, Civil Engineers and Architects. Masonry structure. Classical decorative symbols employed for the facade. Hipped roof covered with flat tiles. Red brick walls for the base floor and stucco for the others. The arch type transoms supported by Ionic-order columns adopted for the windows on the 2nd floor, showing a strong tone of west Europe.

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