Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科
German — Chinese
Moncton Deutscher Wortschatz
  1 3 years ago

蒙克顿Moncton发音: /ˈmʌŋktən/)是加拿大新不伦瑞克省威斯特摩兰县的一个城市,位于该省东南部,座落珀蒂克的克河Petitcodiac River)畔。蒙克顿处于加拿大海洋省份的中心地带,因此发展成该地区的陆路运输枢纽,并得“枢纽之城”(Hub City)的外号。据2011人口普查所示,蒙克顿市内有69,074名居民,而都会区人口则达138,644人,是全国人口增长速度最高的普查都会区之一。


Moncton ist eine Stadt in der kanadischen Provinz New Brunswick an der Ostküste des Landes. Mit 71.889 Einwohnern (Stand 2016) ist sie vor Saint John (67.575 Einwohner) die größte Stadt der Provinz. Ihre Fläche beträgt 142 km². Den Spitznamen „Hub City“ bekam die Stadt, da sie zentral in den Maritimes gelegen ist und einen bedeutenden Verkehrsknotenpunkt für Bahn- und Straßenverbindungen darstellt.

Gemeinsam mit den Nachbarstädten Dieppe, Riverview sowie den Gemeinden Westmorland und Albert Counties bildet Moncton eine Metropolregion mit rund 108.620 Einwohnern (2016). Etwa 65 % der Einwohner sprechen Englisch, 35 % Französisch. Die Bevölkerung ist fast ausschließlich weiß. Vom 4. bis zum 12. April 2009 fanden in dem 7000 Sitzplätze fassenden Moncton Coliseum die Curling-Weltmeisterschaften der Männer statt.





Moncton (/ˈmʌŋktən/; French pronunciation: ​[mɔŋktœn]) is the largest city in the Canadian province of New Brunswick. Situated in the Petitcodiac River Valley, Moncton lies at the geographic centre of the Maritime Provinces. The city has earned the nickname "Hub City" due to its central inland location in the region and its history as a railway and land transportation hub for the Maritimes.

The city proper has a population of 71,889 (2016) and has a land area of 142 km2 (55 sq mi). The Moncton CMA has a population of 144,810 (2016), making it the largest city[8] and CMA in New Brunswick, and the second-largest city and CMA in the Maritime Provinces. The CMA includes the neighbouring city of Dieppe and the town of Riverview, as well as adjacent suburban areas in Westmorland and Albert counties.[9]

Although the Moncton area was first settled in 1733, Moncton is considered to have been officially founded in 1766 with the arrival of Pennsylvania Dutch immigrants from Philadelphia. Initially an agricultural settlement, Moncton was not incorporated until 1855. The city was named for Lt. Col. Robert Monckton, the British officer who had captured nearby Fort Beauséjour a century earlier. A significant wooden shipbuilding industry had developed in the community by the mid-1840s, allowing for the civic incorporation in 1855, but the shipbuilding economy collapsed in the 1860s, causing the town to lose its civic charter in 1862. Moncton regained its charter in 1875 after the community's economy rebounded, mainly due to a growing railway industry. In 1871, the Intercolonial Railway of Canada had chosen Moncton to be its headquarters, and Moncton remained a railway town for well over a century until the closure of the Canadian National Railway (CNR) locomotive shops in the late 1980s.

Although the economy of Moncton was traumatized twice—by the collapse of the shipbuilding industry in the 1860s and by the closure of the CNR locomotive shops in the 1980s—the city was able to rebound strongly on both occasions. The city adopted the motto Resurgo after its rebirth as a railway town. The city's economy is stable and diversified, primarily based on its traditional transportation, distribution, retailing, and commercial heritage, and supplemented by strength in the educational, health care, financial, information technology, and insurance sectors. The strength of Moncton's economy has received national recognition and the local unemployment rate is consistently less than the national average.

Moncton (prononcé en français : /mɔŋktœn/, en anglais : /ˈmʌŋktən/) est une ville canadienne située dans le comté de Westmorland, dans le Sud-Est du Nouveau-Brunswick

Moncton è una città del Canada, nella provincia del Nuovo Brunswick, con 69.074 abitanti (2011). La sua area metropolitana ne conta 138.644 (2011) ed è una delle prime trenta del Canada, comprendendo anche Dieppe e Riverview. Moncton è un centro urbano bilingue: l'inglese e il francese sono entrambe riconosciute come lingue ufficiali. Un terzo circa della popolazione utilizza il francese nei suoi rapporti familiari, il resto l'inglese e, in minor misura, altri idiomi parlati dagli immigrati asiatici ed europei.

Moncton es una ciudad canadiense ubicada en el condado de Westmorland, al sureste de la provincia de Nuevo Brunswick.

De acuerdo a los datos del penúltimo censo, el área metropolitana de Moncton es la región urbana con mayor crecimiento al este de Toronto y una de las 10 ciudades canadienses con mayor crecimiento, con un aumento de la población de 6,5 % entre 2001 y el 2006. Su región metropolitana, denominada Gran Moncton, incluye a las ciudades de Dieppe y de Riverview y porciones de los condados de Westmorland y de Albert.1

La ciudad de Moncton es la primera ciudad en población de la provincia, con 71.889 habitantes en el 2016,2​ algo más que la ciudad de Saint John con 67.575. La región metropolitana de Moncton es también la aglomeración más poblada de Nuevo Brunswick con 144.810 habitantes, que sobrepasa a la población de la región metropolitana de Saint John (126.202).

Монктон (англ. и фр. Moncton) — город в графстве Вестморленд, расположен на реке Птикодьяк в том месте, где река образует меандр Куд, на юго-востоке провинции Нью-Брансуик, Канада. Это первый по величине город провинции 


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6 years ago 3 years ago
6 years ago 3 years ago