希臘復興式風格 希腊复兴式风格
In den 1820er Jahren erlebten die Amerikaner ein neues Interesse an der klassischen griechischen und römischen Kultur. Dieser kulturelle Wandel passte natürlich zu den Architekten, die den Greek-Revival-Hausstil zum Leben erweckten.
Around the 1820s, Americans experienced a renewed interest in classic Greek and Roman culture. This cultural shift was a natural fit for architects, who brought the Greek Revival house style to life.
Greek Revival architecture became popular in homes as well as businesses, banks, and churches. Prominent features include:
- Easy to identify shapes, including a rectangular building and triangular roofs
- Gable-front designs
- Large porches and protected entryways
- Greek-inspired columns both square and round
Greek Revival homes often have decorative trim and moulding around the front door and windows. These ornate features and columns are easy ways to identify Greek Revival architecture.