Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科
German — Chinese
AI-Ran Alliance Deutscher Wortschatz
  10 7 months ago 7 months ago
人工智能聯盟 人工智能联盟
Unser Auftrag Das Netz umgestalten. Transformieren Sie unser Geschäft. Radio Access Networks (RAN) sind die unsichtbaren Fäden, die das Gewebe unserer vernetzten Welt zusammenweben. So wie Neuronen das Gehirn verbinden, verbinden RANs Menschen und Geräte im Netz und bilden ein riesiges Netz der Intelligenz. Das RAN, das fünf Generationen technologischer Fortschritte durchlaufen hat, hat noch immer große unerforschte Grenzen, die darauf warten, enthüllt zu werden.

Our Mission
Transform the network.
Transform our business.
Radio Access Networks (RAN) are the invisible threads that weave together the fabric of our connected world. Just like neurons connect the brain, RANs connect people and devices in the network, forming a vast web of intelligence. The RAN, which has gone through five generations of technological advancements, still has vast unexplored frontiers waiting to be unveiled.

We believe that we are just scratching the surface of its true potential. Through cutting-edge technology, we are embarking on an ambitious mission to transform what the RAN can do for our businesses with the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Evolving networked sustainability
We aim to make our existing system more intelligent, efficient, and reliable, empowering us to expand the meaning of sustainability in multiple dimensions.
At AI-RAN Alliance, we are cultivating a fertile new ground of innovation out of which new businesses, new industries, and new ideas will grow.

Our Vision

Realizing and harnessing the potential of an AI-native RAN

Bringing together the technology industry leaders and academic institutions, the AI-RAN Alliance is dedicated to driving the enhancement of RAN performance and capability with AI. Moreover, we aim to optimize RAN asset utilization, and unlock new revenue streams. By pioneering AI-based innovations in RAN, we aspire to profitably propel the telecom industry towards 6G.


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