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Römische Ruinen von Gerasa Deutscher Wortschatz
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Gerasa oder Jerasch (arabisch جرش Dscharasch, DMG Ǧaraš, auch Jarash und Jerash) liegt im Norden Jordaniens und etwa 40 Kilometer nördlich von Amman. Die antike Stadt Gerasa war Teil der sogenannten Dekapolis; die gut erhaltenen Ruinen sind heute eine Touristenattraktion.
Gerasa oder Jerasch (arabisch جرش Dscharasch, DMG Ǧaraš, auch Jarash und Jerash) liegt im Norden Jordaniens und etwa 40 Kilometer nördlich von Amman. Die antike Stadt Gerasa war Teil der sogenannten Dekapolis; die gut erhaltenen Ruinen sind heute eine Touristenattraktion. Die moderne Stadt hat etwa 40.000 Einwohner und ist Verwaltungszentrum des Gouvernement Dscharasch

ジャラシュ(ジェラシュ、جرش, Jerash)はヨルダン北部の都市でジャラシュ県の県都。首都アンマンからは北へ48kmの位置にある。ジャラシュ県の風土は多様で、標高が1,100mを超える高く寒冷な山地から、標高300mほどの肥沃な谷間などがあり、農耕が盛んである。ジャラシュの町は標高600mの丘にある。



Jerash (Arabic: جرش‎; Ancient Greek: Γέρασα) is a city in northern Jordan. The city is the administrative center of the Jerash Governorate, and has a population of 50,745 as of 2015. It is located 48 kilometres (30 mi) north of the capital city Amman.

The earliest evidence of settlement in Jerash is in a Neolithic site known as Tal Abu Sowan, where rare human remains dating to around 7500 BC were uncovered.[2] Jerash flourished during the Greco and Roman periods until the mid-eighth century CE, when the 749 Galilee earthquake destroyed large parts of it, while subsequent earthquakes contributed to additional destruction. However, in the year 1120, Zahir ad-Din Toghtekin, atabeg of Damascus ordered a garrison of forty men to build up a fort in an unknown site of the ruins of the ancient city, likely the highest spot of the city walls in the north-eastern hills. It was captured in 1121 by Baldwin II, King of Jerusalem, and utterly destroyed.[3][4] Then, the Crusaders immediately abandoned Jerash and withdrew to Sakib (Seecip); the eastern border of the settlement.[5][6]

Jerash was then deserted until it reappeared by the beginning of the Ottoman rule in the early 16th century. In the census of 1596, it had a population of 12 Muslim households.[7] However, archaeologists found a small Mamluk hamlet in the Northwest Quarter[8] which indicates that Jerash was resettled before the Ottoman era. The excavations conducted since 2011 have shed light on the Middle Islamic period as recent discoveries have uncovered a large concentration of Middle Islamic/Mamluk structures and pottery.[9] The ancient city has been gradually revealed through a series of excavations which commenced in 1925, and continue to this day.[10]

Jerash today is home to one of the best preserved Greco-Roman cities, which earned it the nickname of "Pompeii of the East".[citation needed] Approximately 330,000 visitors arrived in Jerash in 2018, making it one of the most visited sites in Jordan.[11] The city hosts the Jerash Festival, one of the leading cultural events in the Middle East that attracts tens of thousands of visitors every year.[12]

Jerash1 est le chef-lieu de la province de Jerash dans le royaume de Jordanie. La population de l'agglomération dépasse 120 000 habitants.

La ville moderne s'est établie autour du site de l'antique cité de Gérasa, parfois francisée en Gérase.

Jerash (in arabo: جرش‎), l'antica Gerasa, è la capitale dell'omonima regione giordana, nel nord del paese, a circa trenta chilometri dalla capitale Amman. La città è situata sulle rive del fiume Wadi Jerash[2], che fa parte del bacino idrografico del Giordano, e prospera grazie al fertile terreno agricolo circostante. 

Gerasa (en idioma árabe: جرش, en griego antiguo: Γέρασα) es el nombre de una antigua ciudad de la Decápolis. Sus ruinas representan una de las ciudades romanas más importantes y mejor conservadas del Próximo Oriente, y se ubican en la gobernación de Gerasa, al noroeste de Jordania

Джа́раш[2], также Дже́раш (араб. جرش‎; др.-греч. Γέρασα — Гераса) — город на севере Иордании. Расположен примерно в 48 км к северу от Аммана, на высоте 527 м над уровнем моря[3]. Население по данным переписи 2004 года составляет 31 650 человек. 

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