上海市總工會大樓 上海市总工会大楼
原交通银行大楼 Bank of Communication Building,鸿达洋行设计,1947年陶馥记营造厂承建。装饰艺术派风格。 立面强调竖线条构图,中轴对称,顶部加高两层作塔状造型。装饰简洁,底层及入口用黑色大理石饰面,其余墙面都以白水泥粉刷。 大大门原为转门,入内是彩纹人造大理石过道,两侧环状扶梯亦为大理石台阶,紫铜栏杆。二楼大厅内有四排圆形大柱,每排9根,柱子下半部贴红色油地毡,四壁也用红地毡贴面,中间走廊铺彩色人造大理石。
Former Bank of Communication. Designed by C. H. Gonda. Built in 1947. Art Deco style.
Vertical-line-focused facade. Bilateral symmetry configuration, with a tower-shaped projection on top. A simple look, with black marble surface for the entrance and ground floor. It was the last one among the buildings on the area of the Bund constructed before China’s liberation.