Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科
German — Chinese
Westgotenreich Deutscher Wortschatz
  127 3 years ago 2 years ago
西哥特王国(Visigothie Kingdom;418~714) 古国名。5~8世纪初西哥特人在西罗马帝国境内高卢西南部和西班牙建立的日耳曼国家。376年西哥特人遭到匈奴人袭击 ,被赶过多瑙河,进入罗马帝国。





Das Westgotenreich war das von 418 bis 711 (bzw. 725) bestehende Reich der Westgoten, das seinen Schwerpunkt zunächst im Südwesten Galliens, später auf der Iberischen Halbinsel hatte.

Für den Zeitraum von 418 bis 507 spricht man vom Tolosanischen Reich oder Reich von Toulouse, mit der Hauptstadt Tolosa (das heutige Toulouse). Nach dem Verlust des größten Teils der Gebiete in Südgallien einschließlich der Hauptstadt Tolosa infolge einer Niederlage gegen die Franken (507) verlagerte sich der Schwerpunkt des Westgotenreichs auf die Iberische Halbinsel. Damit begann die zweite Phase, die nach der neuen Hauptstadt Toledo Toledanisches Reich genannt wird.

Nach einer verheerenden Niederlage gegen ein muslimisches Invasionsheer unter dem Feldherrn Tariq ibn Ziyad im Jahre 711 war der Untergang des Westgotenreichs besiegelt. Einzelne Regionen leisteten länger Widerstand (in der nordöstlichen Tarraconensis bis 719, im südgallischen Reichsteil Septimanien bis 725).

Das Westgotenreich nahm seinen Ausgang von einem föderierten Kriegerverband und bildet in vielerlei Hinsicht eine Brücke zwischen Antike und Mittelalter, da hier einerseits länger als in vielen anderen Regionen des römischen Westens spätantike Strukturen fortbestanden, andererseits Lebens- und Rechtsformen des Mittelalters in einigen Bereichen prototypisch und in Ansätzen entwickelt worden sind.

西ゴート王国(にしゴートおうこく、ラテン語: Regnum Visigothorum415年 - 711年)は、現在のフランス南部からイベリア半島にあたる地域を支配したゲルマン系王国。はじめはキリスト教アリウス派、のちにカトリックを国教とし、ゲルマン文化・ローマ文化・キリスト教文化を融合させ栄えた。ビシゴート王国とも[1]

The Visigothic Kingdom or Kingdom of the Visigoths (Latin: Regnum Gothorum) was a kingdom that occupied what is now southwestern France and the Iberian Peninsula from the 5th to the 8th centuries. One of the Germanic successor states to the Western Roman Empire, it was originally created by the settlement of the Visigoths under King Wallia in the province of Gallia Aquitania in southwest Gaul by the Roman government and then extended by conquest over all of Hispania. The Kingdom maintained independence from the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire, the attempts of which to re-establish Roman authority in Hispania were only partially successful and short-lived. The Visigoths were romanized central Europeans who had moved west from the Danube Valley.[5] The Visigoths became Foederati of Rome, and wanted to restore the Roman order against the hordes of Vandals, Alans and Suebi. The Western Roman Empire fell in 476 AD; therefore, the Visigoths believed they had the right to take the territories that Rome had promised in Hispania in exchange for restoring the Roman order.[6]

Under King Euric—who eliminated the status of Foederati—a triumphal advance of the Visigoths began. Alarmed at Visigoth expansion from Aquitania after victory over the British army[7] at Déols in 469, Western Emperor Anthemius sent a fresh army across the Alps against Euric, who was besieging Arles. The Roman army was crushed in battle nearby and Euric then captured Arles and secured much of southern Gaul.

Sometimes referred to as the regnum Tolosanum or Kingdom of Toulouse after its capital Toulouse in modern historiography, the kingdom lost much of its territory in Gaul to the Franks in the early 6th century, save the narrow coastal strip of Septimania. The kingdom of the 6th and 7th centuries is sometimes called the regnum Toletanum after the new capital of Toledo. A civil war starting in 549 resulted in an invitation from the Visigoth Athanagild, who had usurped the kingship, to the Byzantine emperor Justinian I to send soldiers to his assistance. Athanagild won his war, but the Byzantines took over southern Hispania and could not be dislodged. Starting in the 570s Athanagild's brother Liuvigild compensated for this loss by conquering the Kingdom of the Suebi and annexing it, and by repeated campaigns against the Basques.

The ethnic distinction between the indigenous Hispano-Roman population and the Visigoths had largely disappeared by this time (the Gothic language lost its last and probably already declining function as a church language when the Visigoths converted to Catholicism in 589).[8] This newfound unity found expression in increasingly severe persecution of outsiders, especially the Jews. The Visigothic Code (completed in 654) abolished the old tradition of having different laws for Romans and for Visigoths.

The 7th century saw many civil wars between factions of the aristocracy. Despite good records left by contemporary bishops, such as Isidore and Leander of Seville, it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish Goths from Latins, as the two became inextricably intertwined. Despite these civil wars, by 625 AD the Visigoths had succeeded in expelling the Byzantines from Hispania and had established a foothold at the port of Ceuta in Africa. Most of the Visigothic Kingdom was conquered by Umayyad troops from North Africa in 711 AD, with only the northern reaches of Hispania remaining in Christian hands. These gave birth to the medieval Kingdom of Asturias when a local landlord called Pelayo, most likely of Gothic origin, was elected Princeps by the Astures.

The Visigoths and their early kings were Arians and came into conflict with the Catholic Church, but after they converted to Nicene Christianity, the Church exerted an enormous influence on secular affairs through the Councils of Toledo. The Visigoths also developed the highly influential law code known in Western Europe as the Visigothic Code (Liber Iudiciorum), which would become the basis for Spanish law throughout the Middle Ages.

Le royaume wisigoth est un royaume barbare ayant existé de 418 à 711, à la suite des grandes invasions et jusqu'au haut Moyen Âge.

Il a d'abord Toulouse comme capitale (il englobe la partie de la France actuelle située entre la Loire et les Pyrénées). Après la victoire des Francs menés par Clovis Ier sur les Wisigoths d'Alaric II à la bataille de Vouillé en 507, ces derniers conservent uniquement la Septimanie (correspondant au Languedoc) et une partie de la Provence avec l'aide des Ostrogoths installés en Italie. Après la perte de Toulouse en 508, les Wisigoths installent leur capitale à Tolède ; en 575 ils conquièrent le royaume des Suèves situé dans le nord du Portugal et la Galice.

En 711 le Royaume est conquis par les musulmans.

Il regno visigoto fu un regno dell'Europa occidentale tra il V e l'VIII secolo, uno degli stati successori dell'Impero romano, originariamente creato dall'insediamento dei Visigoti in Aquitania (Gallia meridionale). I Visigoti si stabilirono qui su decisione del governo romano, per poi espandersi conquistando la penisola iberica. Il regno rimase indipendente dall'Impero bizantino, il cui tentativo di ristabilire l'autorità romana in Iberia (Spagna) fallì. All'inizio del VI secolo, i Franchi conquistarono tutta la porzione gallica del regno tranne la Settimania. L'intero regno collassò durante l'invasione musulmana proveniente dal Marocco, e alla fine il Regno delle Asturie assunse l'eredità del regno visigoto.

Il regno era condotto da un monarca eletto, obbligatoriamente di stirpe gota, tramite i consigli datogli dal Senato formato da vescovi e magnati laici. Nonostante numerosi re abbiano tentato di stabilire delle linee ereditarie, nessuno ci riuscì. I primi re furono ariani e si scontrarono con la Chiesa Romana, ma dopo la conversione dei Visigoti avvenuta al Concilio di Toledo la Chiesa esercitò un'enorme influenza sulle questioni secolari. I Visigoti svilupparono la più ampia legislazione secolare dell'Europa occidentale, la Liber Iudiciorum, che fornì le basi del diritto spagnolo medievale.

El Reino visigodo fue una entidad política establecida por el pueblo visigodo tras su asentamiento en una parte de la actual Francia y la península ibérica, en la época de las invasiones germánicas, que perduró durante buena parte de la Alta Edad Media, ocupando territorios en las Galias, Gallaecia e Hispania, en sus diversas etapas.

El Reino visigodo de Tolosa o galovisigodo, con capital en la ciudad gala de Tolosa, comenzó en el año 418, tras el pacto o foedus entre los visigodos y Roma, y duró hasta el 507, año en el que el rey Alarico II es derrotado por los francos en la batalla de Vouillé y se inicia el intermedio ostrogodo, en el que se produce una regencia ostrogoda y la actuación de los visigodos se ve supeditada a las circunstancias históricas de este pueblo, que da paso al Reino visigodo de Toledo o hispanovisigodo, con capital en la hispana Toledo, que se extendió desde el 507 hasta el 711, año en el que comienza la invasión musulmana de la península ibérica.

Короле́вство вестго́тов — раннефеодальное государственное образование, исторически первое из так называемых варварских королевств, сложившихся на территории Западной Римской империи в условиях её распада в V веке. Возникло в 418 году на территории римской провинции Аквитания по договору короля вестготов Валии с римским императором Гонорием. Первым королём вестготского государства иногда называют Теодориха I[1]. Просуществовало до 718 года, когда было почти полностью завоёвано арабами

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9 years ago 3 years ago
9 years ago 3 years ago